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Ways To Improve Your Memory

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been teaching memory classes for 15 years based on my practice of Yoga. There are many yogic techniques that can help improve and protect our memory.

The most powerful tool for memory is the spine. There is a spinal fluid that runs up the spine and feeds the brain. It brings oxygen, blood and nutrients to the brain. When the spine becomes restricted and tight, and is not properly stretched, worked and used, it restricts the flow of these nutrients to the brain. This causes memory loss.

I believe this is why many people who have had back injuries report to me that they also have noticed problems with their focus, concentration and memory. This is also why people who practice Yoga claim to have improved their focus, concentration and memory. The movement and strengthening of the spine is emphasized in Yoga. I also believe the movement in Yoga stimulates the Kundalini energy that moves up the spine, and that also improves memory. Continue reading

Your Life Can Be So Much More Beautiful…

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf I told you that your life could be beautiful and filled with joy every single moment of the day, every day of the year, would you believe me? Probably not. You’d be correct. Nothing is 100% perfect all the time. But what if I told you that there are a few things you could try that has worked for me to help manifest a much more peaceful, harmonious and drama-free life? Would you be willing to give them a try? If so, then I encourage you to keep reading.

The strategies below have stripped most of the stress from my life, and made me much more relaxed and able to enjoy special times, and create special memories, with those that mean the most to me. Remember those moments are fleeting. Don’t allow them to slip away from you, because you were too focused on things that, if you look at it carefully, not that important at all! Continue reading

Always Listen To Your Inner Voice

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI run a business, have two teenage daughters, and I try to stay in touch with family and friends, so the television is an afterthought. It is something to “chill down” with at the end of the day. I watch mostly re-runs. Yeah, the late night stuff, right before bed time. I love those long-time classics.

Home & Garden Television (HGTV) and The Golden Girls are my key shows, sometimes the late news. The character, Sofia, reminds me of my Aunt Mena. She is always so full of mischief and humor, trying so hard to find dates for Dorothy, who in the end marries Blanche’s uncle. Their set up started as a funny blind date. The message here is that Sofia tried so hard, yet Dorothy’s destiny was right there in front of them. All they needed to do was listen to the voice within. Continue reading

Effective Visualization Strategies

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comVisualization can be a wonderful tool for increasing the effectiveness we have in our daily lives. It allows us to align our intentions and emotions with what we desire, and keeps us focused on our goals. However, there is definitely some pitfalls to this particular practice.

Working in the metaphysical traditions, I have noticed that sometimes individuals mistake visualization for fantasy.  Fantasy is not innately bad; for instance fantasy in the context of fiction it allows healthy down-time from our everyday lives.  However, when we live in fantasy, and do not choose to align ourselves with reality, this fantasy life can often have unwanted consequences. Continue reading

Prairie Dog Wisdom

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn Native American tradition the “prairie dog” brings with it a special message of retreat when it crosses our path. In times of stress and over-exertion it reminds us to take some time out, withdraw from our busy modern lives and recharge our batteries.

This is what the prairie dog does when it gets into trouble. It withdraws into the safe depths of the earth, with several escape routes waiting in case of emergency. The prairie dog teaches us to pick our battles carefully. Prairie dog medicine is also symbolic of the opposite. In times when we have become too withdrawn and disconnected from family, friends and the world around us, this magical animal encourages us to reach out to others and join in social activities. Continue reading

Heliotherapy – Let The Sunshine In!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs winter is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere, for many of us it’s also the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as “winter blues” or “winter depression.” Since most of us can’t afford a month-long trip to a tropical island to offset our melancholy, what can we do holistically and naturally to restore ourselves to balance?

Many of us spend our waking hours almost entirely indoors. We wake up when the sun is just rising, work for many hours, and then go home when it is already setting again. This is artificial and unhealthy.

Our ancestors, who were free from our modern lifestyle diseases, never would have experienced it. We need sunlight to grow, to heal, and to thrive, which is why SAD, in these months of diminished sunlight, can be so debilitating.

Make it a priority to get outside and take in the natural light. Without the Vitamin D and other nutrients we need, it’s easy for us to slip into a downward spiral. In addition, natural sunlight has benefits such as lowered blood pressure, a stronger immune system, and improved mood. Continue reading

How To Deal With Drama Queens (And Kings)

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe live in a world rife with drama. Most, if not all of us, have someone we care about in our lives who may be melodramatic, co-dependent, addictive, overly demanding, or constantly in trouble or in victim mode. We may not always know how to deal with these negative feelings and behaviors, or we may even try to ignore them. The truth is, drama doesn’t have to weigh us down, and it doesn’t always have to be difficult!

The first rule to keep in mind is that love works better than anything else. Offer your loved one plenty of compassion, because, chances are, the drama queen in your life is wounded. Negative actions typically stem from hurt. Be available, yet don’t become their doormat. This can be hard sometimes. Continue reading

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