Run Your Body As You Would Your Car
Supposing you just bought yourself a brand new vehicle – top of the line with all the bells and whistles you could possibly afford. Chances are you would attempt to keep it in a secure environment out of reach from harmful elements.
You would probably also look forward to washing it with care every weekend; showing it off to your friends as often as possible; and plan all the roads trips you could manage to fit into your schedule.
When you fill your new car up with gas, you would try to get the best fuel available and might even consider special additives, just to ensure that this vehicle is maintained with the most loving care. You would check to make sure you inflated the tires to the manufacturer’s specifications, schedule the oil changes at the appropriate times, and ask the attendant to see if the oil and fuel filters need to be changed.
The greatest miracle on Earth is the human body. It is stronger and wiser than you may realize, and improving its ability to self heal is within your control ~ Dr Fabrizio Mancini
Nothing would be too good for this car. No expense or sacrifice would be too great to keep it in tip-top condition.
But is this how we treat the amazing human body that we were blessed with? Do we always insist that we only eat the best food we can afford? Do we ingest the best supplements that money can buy? Do we exercise this wonderful machine on a regular basis and treat it with the utmost respect and kindness, whilst fully appreciating all that it can do for us?
Probably not.
How is it that we have somehow placed more value on an article we have to work long and hard for to purchase? We might frequently working excessive hours in order to obtain a material possession, yet we do not place the same value on the magnificent work of art that is called the human body?
The next time you are thinking about replacing your car or other material object with an updated, newer version, keep in mind that you are entirely capable of upgrading your body. We are able to maintain the human body with great precision. As long as we are looking after it in the way we are meant to, we can keep our body in the best condition, up until the very day we leave this world.
Try to keep away from junk food, use good quality supplements as needed, exercise on a regular basis and love the beautiful creation that is your physical manifestation. It is so much more valuable than any machine man can create.
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