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Do You Also Remember Atlantis?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAre you an Atlantean? Since I was quite young, I have been able to remember some of my past lives. I was raised by atheist parents, so I didn’t call them past lives, since I had never heard that phrase before. I called them ‘the other times.’

In one such other time, I was an Atlantean. I have met many Atlanteans on my path in this life. Are you one of them? I remember being always dressed in white, like everyone else there (just like I do now as Kundalini Yoga instructor). White is cleansing and represents purity. More importantly, white deflects negative energy. Black absorbs it.

I have noticed, as technology began to evolve more in recent years, especially since 2000, that I became more nervous, because I remember how technology destroyed Atlantis. Technology is meant to be a good thing, but how it used is a potential danger.

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The Moon Cycles And How They Affect You

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery month, the Moon waxes and wanes creating different changes and cycles in the world, as well as in our personal lives.

Many people are familiar with the monthly full moon as a time of elevated emotions, but there are other phases to be mindful of, since they also affect our energy levels and feelings.

During a full moon, for example, you may realize that you have an abundance, or lack of energy.

The new moon occurs when it is invisible to the human eye. It is a wonderful time for new beginnings in relationships, business, making positive changes and setting goals. The new moon would be when you add something new, or remove the existing problem to strengthen yourself.

The waxing moon is the cycle when it begins to grow in size. Learning, creative projects, healing and transformation are all powerful themes during this time. Continue reading

Time To Shake Out Your Rugs!

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery year when spring arrived, my mother used to say, “It’s time to shake out the rugs and get all the dust out that settled over the winter.” I never really understood what she was referring to. At the time I took it to be literal. It simply meant the rugs are dirty, so let’s shake them out and hang them on a clothesline in the fresh air. We would beat them with a rug beater, to make sure all the dust would come out. The rugs would then go back in the house, smelling fresh and looking like new.

Now that I have matured, I realize what she was referring to on a wisdom level. These days when the spring season arrives, I look at my life and say, “What do I need to get the dust out of?”  And I don’t rush through this process, I truly look at the depth of what is slowing me down, from the goals I have set, or from manifesting my best reality. This year it is no different.

These past few days I have been focusing on my business life. I work out of a home office, which has been decorated with things that relate to my spirituality, including vision boards, special metaphysical items, books, cards, crystals and some office supplies, which has become an extremely cluttered mess.

My personal energy has also been cluttered lately, and I realized this while I was walking around the piles of papers on the floor. I also noticed the multitude of cards and books which no longer resonate with me, but were still sitting dormant on over-packed shelves. All this clutter was pulling the good energy out of me every time I come in here to work. Continue reading

Shamanic Healing For Chronic Illness

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen treating chronic illnesses, such as depression or pain, we too often look only at the symptoms, and not the root cause. The fact is, most if not all of these conditions have at their foundation some form of loss: the loss of sensation, loss of control, or the fear of loss. For this reason shamanic medicine can be quite effective as a form of treatment.

Shamanism, the connection between the physical world and the spirit realms, is all about connections. As we look closer at chronic illness, we find that much of it is caused by a lack of connection: to our authentic selves, to our spirit guides, to nature, and to our intuition. This is whey shamanic healing can be of great value.

For thousands of years, before the emergence of modern medical practices, shamans were the healers and diviners of the community. Fortunately, their practice is as strong today as it was then.

A trained shaman is able to determine which type of healing we may need: soul loss or retrieval (often through past-life work), spiritual retrieval (a power animal, angel, or other spirit guide), or reconnection to the earth and spiritual realms. There are shamans with different specialties, just as we have physicians with different areas of practice. Continue reading

Spring Forward Energy Shift

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany of us know the feeling of disorientation we get when Daylight Savings Time (DST) kicks back in… including perhaps the craving for an extra cup of coffee! But did you know that our physical and spiritual energies are undergoing a dramatic shift at this time also?

The vernal equinox at the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere exposes us to more sunlight, after the short days of winter. The body and mind now send signals for new growth. More cellular activity takes place in spring than any other season. Literally, we are become new versions of ourselves at this time, as our cells are replaced.

It’s the perfect time to begin new routines or rid ourselves of practices which are no longer beneficial. Cleaning out closets and attics in our homes can be likened to conducting a spiritual ‘spring cleaning.’

On the equinox, the hours of light and darkness are evenly balanced. This only happens twice a year. It’s a reminder from the Universe that both sides need to be in harmony, and neither can exist without the other. Our personal energies are more balanced than ever at this time, which makes it a perfect time for meditation, deep psychic exploration, and shamanic journeys. Continue reading

Our Lives Between Lives

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe have all had countless past lives, whether we know it or not. Our souls are continually reborn into a new body. And chances are we’ll remember bits and pieces of each past life, as we learn life lessons in each existence.

But what happens to us between each death and rebirth? Are we stuck in some sort of cosmic waiting room, just sitting there and wondering who we’ll become next? No one knows with absolute certainty, but many of those who have experienced near-death events report that reincarnation is very real.

The soul, our purest essence, is continually evolving, learning and taking valuable lessons from each existence, no matter how long we remain here on Earth. But the soul itself never dies. It exists outside of time and space and receives a new body after we pass from a previous life. Many spiritual traditions in the world agree upon this basic idea. Continue reading

Spiritual Cleansing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith a new year comes the opportunity again to better ourselves, but how many of us consider the spiritual along with the physical or mental? Like our homes or our cars, our spiritual selves accumulate ‘junk’ over time and need cleaning too.

The first clue that a spiritual cleansing or psychic clearing is overdue is that general feeling of heaviness, emotional clutter, or being overwhelmed. Just as we tend to get depressed when our living space is a wreck, if our spiritual essence is no longer working properly, neither will we as a whole unit.

A perfect way to get started, which is inexpensive and environmentally friendly, is to smudge your physical space with a healing herb such as sage, or something stronger like frankincense. As you burn these herbs, focus on ridding negative energies and memories and repeat a mantra such as, “I release that which I no longer need, and focus now on the present.” Continue reading

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