negative energy
The Highly Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide
Imagine for a moment that you have a radio, and instead of tuning in to a single stations, all of the stations are playing at once. That’s what life sometimes feels like to a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) – a designation coined by psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron, which indicates someone whose senses are more attuned than normal to the stimuli around them. The word “empath” is sometimes used to describe highly sensitive people, and other groups, such as those on the autism spectrum.
Aside from sealing themselves in soundproof rooms, or wrapping up in padded clothing, what can they do in a world which sometimes delivers sensory overload? It’s best for the HSP to avoid certain things and situations. Continue reading
Lessons In Love – Part 2
My guides have shared with me on many occasions how love is what changes it all. It is what can turn dis-ease into ease, and disease into healing.
We can choose to fill our minds and hearts with love and direct it outward to those who cause us discomfort, grief, strife and drain us. If we make the free will choice to do this, something begins to happen in our lives. Healing happens. Healing with our emotions. Our anxiety melts away. If someone drops their poison upon us with their negative comments, we can chose to return that with love and kindness.
It is absolutely not an easy thing to do at first, but once you’ve experienced the healing effect of filling your life, mind and heart with unconditional love, you won’t want to do it any other way in the future. Continue reading
Connecting Spiritual Love With Sexual Energy
I have been teaching White Tantric Yoga for 15 years. The premise of White Tantric Yoga, is to unite two people together. It is also designed to connect each person the to the Divine, as well as to connect each individual’s sexuality to their spirituality.
Our sexuality is linked to the second chakra. The color is orange. It is located just below the navel point. It is also connected to our creativity. If you are a dancer, an artist, a musician, or a poet, this is where that vibrant creative energy comes from. If there is any sexual trauma in this area, it can block creative energy, block the ability to connect your sexuality and your spirituality, created physical issues with the sex organs and can create depression and anxiety. Continue reading
It’s Not Too Late To Take Spiritual Inventory
As we finally settle into this year, many of our well-intended new year’s resolutions have already been abandoned. Yet, it is not too late. This is early part of the year is the perfect time for us to still look back, as well as make plans for the future. But where do we begin, especially as it applies to our spiritual and psychic life?
Looking spiritually inward is not quite as simple as cleaning out our closets or drawers. We may have lingering negative influences we’re not even aware of. It’s human nature to want to keep old habits instead of creating newer, healthier ones. So, as we move into the year, it’s more important than ever to make ourselves spiritually healthy. Continue reading
A Year Of Endings And Goodbyes
This year, so far, has been a difficult time for many, not only for my clients, but for myself, as well. The static on the planet continues to increase. Actually, I first noticed the dramatic increase during the first week of June 2015, but today I want to focus on the year 2016.
In recent weeks, I felt the past resurfacing and washing over me like a surfer wave. For one thing, we are in a nine year in numerology, which denotes a year of goodbyes, endings, deaths and ultimately rebirth.
If you experience the past washing over you, as well, whether in the form of reliving past experiences, saying goodbye to some part of yourself that you no longer need, or letting an actual person from your past go, the point is to think about what these intense episodes are teaching you. What is the purpose – the lesson? Continue reading
Create Your Own Energy Cleansing Spray
Remember the last time you changed out a dirty air filter from your air-conditioning unit, vacuum cleaner, or your car? Remember how clogged with dust it was? In our living spaces, negative energies accumulate over time just like those ‘dust bunnies.’ Even though we can’t see these energies, there is a way to clear them on a regular basis. Think of it as the spiritual version of house cleaning.
The first and most obvious step to take is to physically clean your space. Clutter and unwanted items work as repositories for negative energy, so it’s important to get rid of it. After you’re done, imagine the space being deep-cleaned with an indigo or violet-colored flame. Use this as a silent meditation, and picture the flames consuming all that invisible ‘dust.’ Continue reading
The Responsibility Of Psychic Service
Recent psychic readings, and the sort of questions clients have been asking, have made me all the more aware of the responsibility of the work we do. A few words alone, a recommended path to follow, or a suggested course of action we advise, can have a huge impact on people’s lives.
When I find myself feeling hopeless at the plight of the world, and its people and animals, I always remind myself: if I can just make a difference to the life of one person or animal today, then it’s all worth it.
In 2004, I was working at a psychic fayre one Saturday. Before visitors arrived, one of the other psychics asked me to read for her, and insisted that she read for me in return. Her reading was so negative and threw me so off balance that I packed up for the day and went home. Continue reading