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Why People Cheat On Their Mates – Part 2

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn my first blog in this series, I touched on some reasons why people cheat on their partners or spouses. But there is never an excuse for cheating. I was given permission by two of my clients to share with you their experiences with cheating. It is my hope and theirs that in sharing these stories readers in a similar situation may find some insight, answers or advice for their own circumstances. Today’s story is about Diane.

Married for 22 years to Michael, her high school sweetheart, Diane found out that Michael’s business trips had not been all about business. At one of these “conventions” he was attending, he met up with another women who he took to his hotel room. When Diane called that evening to say hello, she could tell intuitively that something wasn’t right. She even heard Emily for a brief moment in the background. Michael lied and told her it was room service, but she knew different. Continue reading

The Ancient Art Of Smudging

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are many effective ways to purify ourselves of old baggage or toxins in our lives. A great place to start is a very ancient art popular among indigenous peoples known as “smudging.” This refers to the burning of sacred or blessed herbs, or grasses to cleanse yourself and your space.

If you are just beginning try burning sage, one of the most popular and fragrant herbs. As you become more adept, you may want to customize your herbal blend. Bundles may be purchased at an esoteric store, or a Native American or natural market, and burned in a vessel of your choice.

Before you start, make sure there are no fire hazards and open a window or two for ventilation. When you light your sage stick, make sure you are only using the leaves and not the other parts. Continue reading

Emotion, The Key To Creating Your Desires

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI recently ran into my good friend Susie, whom I had not seen in a while. After exchanging the usual pleasantries, Susie told me how she was not so happy with her present circumstances, especially since she had paid a substantial fee to attend a course on how to manifest success in particular areas of her life.

The course promoted the use of a vision board. The idea was to focus on what her actual desire was and then create a visual of this intention. For example, if she wanted a new home she was to cut out a picture from a magazine that closely resembled the home she would like to own, and then she had to place that on her vision board. The same would be true if she wanted a new car. If it was a new relationship she was seeking, she could cut out a picture of a happy-looking couple and add it to her dream board. Continue reading

Spiritual Technology No Longer Science Fiction

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA few years ago I received messages from Spirit about advancement in technology that was coming that would allow people to achieve higher states of consciousness. At the time there was nothing like this on the market. These technologies are now becoming available to the general population.

For example, there are now new devices coming on the market that can register consciousness. Yes, today we are talking meditation in the technological age. We now have technology to assist us in this traditional spiritual practice.

When I first read about these new devices I was amazed at the potential it offered to help individuals learn how to be conscious contributors to our world. This is an amazing advancement in what is available for the spiritual seeker. Continue reading

How To Deal With Drama Queens (And Kings)

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe live in a world rife with drama. Most, if not all of us, have someone we care about in our lives who may be melodramatic, co-dependent, addictive, overly demanding, or constantly in trouble or in victim mode. We may not always know how to deal with these negative feelings and behaviors, or we may even try to ignore them. The truth is, drama doesn’t have to weigh us down, and it doesn’t always have to be difficult!

The first rule to keep in mind is that love works better than anything else. Offer your loved one plenty of compassion, because, chances are, the drama queen in your life is wounded. Negative actions typically stem from hurt. Be available, yet don’t become their doormat. This can be hard sometimes. Continue reading

Is Your Mind In A State Of Zen?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMuch like a computer, if you don’t keep your mind clear and sometimes take necessary steps to keep it running smoothly, it can give you some grief in the long run. You will find in the end that you are not happy, lack awareness and even suffer depression.

When our minds don’t function properly, our life doesn’t seem to be as fulfilled as it could be. Achieving this state of clarity, serenity and mental smooth sailing is what I call “living in a state of Zen.”

Have you been going about your life in a constant mad rush with your mind all over the place? This is not living in Zen. If you don’t need it, discard it from your mind. This way you will have the extra space to bring in things that actually serve your highest good and help you to be a happier healthier individual. Continue reading

Can You Handle The Truth?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere is famous scene in the movie A Few Good Men, where Jack Nicholson’s character angrily declares: “You can’t handle the truth!” Most of us can’t seem to, can we? We tell ourselves lies day in and day out, and after a while we come to believe them. Worse, we make excuses for ourselves or others that stop us from living full, healthy lives.

But it doesn’t have to be this way!

There’s a reason most recovery programs include a step where you need to take a full and honest inventory of yourself. Even if we are not in recovery, how long since most of us have really taken a long, hard look at ourselves, warts and all? We want to believe that we’re smarter, prettier, and more successful than we really are. That’s human nature. All of these lies and half-truths in our past are like a huge boulder weighing us down. But there’s a way to let go of it if we are willing to step outside that comfort zone! Continue reading

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