Drama, Chaos, Anger, Oh My!
I have known too many friends, relatives, family members and clients who have suffered needlessly because of disease (dis-ease) and many different health ailments, all because they couldn’t get away from negative people and situations. I have read for numerous clients that have called asking about relationships only to have the reading turn into a health reading for themselves, and my clients being completely freaked out that I could tell they were having the issues they were having without them even mentioning it to me.
I can tell right away by the sound of their voice the energy around them, as I can close my eyes and see their aura even from a distance on the phone. I can tell if there is someone around them emanating angry, negative tension which seems to cause a lot of health issues – from thyroid disorders to acid imbalances in the body. I want you to know that you don’t have to stay in unhealthy relationships, or be around psychic vampires and toxic people that are not good for your health. Continue reading
Connect With Your Passion
We have all read those inspiring quotes about finding your passion, and living your best life doing what you love. It is however sometimes not that easy for all of us to really know what we are meant to do. This is where psychic readings can be useful. An intuitive can often tell right away what a person would be good at or what would make them happy.
Life can become cluttered with negative emotions, such as worry, tension, fear, depression and anxiety. Sometimes it can be chemical, something hormonal, and sometimes it can be because we are going against the grain and stuck in lives we dislike and jobs we don’t enjoy. It creates dis-ease and makes us feel like our life is a cup half – void of joy.
One way to find your passion is to write down the things you enjoy. What makes you happy? What makes you feel like your vibration is heightened? What resonates with you in this world? Really think about what you would love to do to help people, because that could reveal your life meaning, joy, and purpose. Continue reading
Do Not Fill Your World With Loneliness
Are you lonely? We all experience times when we actually choose to have some ‘alone time’, but loneliness is not the same as choosing to be alone. Loneliness is being alone, but feeling saddened by it.
My husband is currently in hospital here in Spain and I am in awe of the number of family and friends constantly visiting patients in hospital here. This is encouraged by the doctors as the best aid in speeding up healing. They must know that loneliness is a response to the need to belong. Interpersonal relationships give us emotional health and the basic need to belong is as fundamental as the need to breathe, sleep or eat. Continue reading
You Are What You Speak
Even the quietest among us speak many words every day. Each one of those words has meaning. How often do you stop to consider that meaning?
If your friends, neighbors, or co-workers were asked to describe you briefly, what would they say? That you were “nice,” “kind,” “generous?” Maybe “rude,” “messy,” or “thoughtless?” What comes to mind when we hear those words? Each one of them is a snapshot of who we are as people. But we don’t get there without lots of words of our own.
Most of what we say, as well as think, the “little voices” in our mind, is done without much thinking. It’s easy to get into a rut and stay there. That’s how habits are formed. It’s also how we succeed or fail. If we start telling ourselves that we are worthless, unlovable, or stupid, we’ll start believing it. Others will too! Continue reading
Living Under The Mushroom?
Are you living under the mushroom? This is not necessarily a bad thing, depending what your expectations are. In order to live in the Light we must make an effort of some kind to come out from under the mushroom. Nothing much grows in the shadows.
Living in the Light? What does that mean? Does it mean we will no longer gossip about the neighbors, focus less on the negative aspects of life, stop finding fault with others, and never expect bad things to happen to us? Probably not.
What “living in the Light” does mean is that we strive to accept and understand the motives of others, and that we allow some leeway when dealing with faulty human beings, especially considering the fact that we are personally also one of those “faulty souls”. We also choose to expect good things. Continue reading
Don’t Add Drama To The Chaos In Your Life!
I had a very stressful situation recently, too personal to be written about here, but I can assure you my Italian temper blew up completely due to my frustration. I had to humble myself to people I did not feel comfortable with, and had to set my ego aside entirely.
I felt I had to hit or break something. I took a good box of empty jars and shattered every one of them against a rock outside. The explosive sound of the breaking glass was a source of relief. It is not something I am really proud of doing, but I am only human, and sometimes our more base instincts rise to the surface in this way. I am normally a highly sensitive, compassionate, and spiritual person, but I was not setting much of an example in this case. I had clearly lost it this time. Continue reading