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Spring Forward Energy Shift

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany of us know the feeling of disorientation we get when Daylight Savings Time (DST) kicks back in… including perhaps the craving for an extra cup of coffee! But did you know that our physical and spiritual energies are undergoing a dramatic shift at this time also?

The vernal equinox at the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere exposes us to more sunlight, after the short days of winter. The body and mind now send signals for new growth. More cellular activity takes place in spring than any other season. Literally, we are become new versions of ourselves at this time, as our cells are replaced.

It’s the perfect time to begin new routines or rid ourselves of practices which are no longer beneficial. Cleaning out closets and attics in our homes can be likened to conducting a spiritual ‘spring cleaning.’

On the equinox, the hours of light and darkness are evenly balanced. This only happens twice a year. It’s a reminder from the Universe that both sides need to be in harmony, and neither can exist without the other. Our personal energies are more balanced than ever at this time, which makes it a perfect time for meditation, deep psychic exploration, and shamanic journeys. Continue reading

Clearing Your Chakras

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith spring just around the corner, many of us have the urge to clean house. But did you know it’s just as important to do a spiritual cleansing? The perfect place to start is our seven chakras: the centers of energy in the human body. It’s just as important to conduct a regular spiritual health check as a physical health check, and for the same reasons.

Much like our cars or living spaces, our chakras don’t function correctly if they are neglected and left to ‘gather dust.’ When this happens our entire well-being is affected, from our physical and emotional health to our relationships with others.

Likewise, we won’t be at our best if we only focus on some, and not all of our chakras. Your car wouldn’t run if you gave it oil changes, but forgot to put air in the tires! The three upper chakras (Crown, Third Eye, Throat), the lower three (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus) and the Heart Chakra, which ties them together, are all equally important. Continue reading

Monitoring The Blame Game

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are in a time where the human activity of assigning blame is more public and becoming a common habit for the individual, as well as the collective. Have you noticed? Hands up if you participate in the Blame Game!

This is no judgment. What, no hand up? Is that because you don’t or is it a half-hearted admittance to participating, depending on the situation?

Whichever category above you chose to place yourself in, remember the propensity for assigning blame is natural. We may blame our boss for the unnecessary challenges at work. And we may blame the government for our household budget not making ends meet, due to too much tax. There are instances where there is a valid and specific rationale for blame. We are allowed to define why something did not go to plan, or as expected. Continue reading

Spiritual Cleansing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith a new year comes the opportunity again to better ourselves, but how many of us consider the spiritual along with the physical or mental? Like our homes or our cars, our spiritual selves accumulate ‘junk’ over time and need cleaning too.

The first clue that a spiritual cleansing or psychic clearing is overdue is that general feeling of heaviness, emotional clutter, or being overwhelmed. Just as we tend to get depressed when our living space is a wreck, if our spiritual essence is no longer working properly, neither will we as a whole unit.

A perfect way to get started, which is inexpensive and environmentally friendly, is to smudge your physical space with a healing herb such as sage, or something stronger like frankincense. As you burn these herbs, focus on ridding negative energies and memories and repeat a mantra such as, “I release that which I no longer need, and focus now on the present.” Continue reading

Poco A Poco

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI thought today of how certain expressions tend to stick in our minds; thoughts which we adopt for a while, or even a lifetime. It can be the words of a famous writer we have read somewhere, an expression in a song, or even just the ideas of somebody we just had a brief conversation with.

Internationally renowned author and speaker, Wayne Dyer, once said, “You will never get everything done.” It’s a good feeling at the end of the day, to know that we’ve gotten through much on our ‘to-do list.’ But for me, I also gain some comfort from such as words of wisdom as Wayne Dyer’s, as well as the poem, Desiderata, which advises us to, “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste.” Continue reading

Programming Your Crystal

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a recent psychic reading, the client had just visited a psychic fayre, with no intention whatsoever to purchase any more crystals for her collection. She did browse one counter with its beautiful arrangement of crystals. As much as she kept walking away from that particular display, she felt one particular smoky quartz calling her back! So yes, she bought it. Her question to me was how she could best go about programming her new purchase.

Although crystals given as gifts are said to be more powerful, it is my belief that there are also times that a crystal will call out to us, because it has a certain role to play in our lives at a given time. A quartz crystal given as a gift will often be given with loving intention, which is empowering in itself. I have spoken to students who are convinced that they feel at their academic best when wearing a quartz-crystal given to them by a loved one, not to mention the sense of safety and self-confidence a cherished crystal tends to instill in us. Continue reading

Living With Lady Luck!

click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAre you closely acquainted with Lady Luck, or is she a stranger to your life? To be lucky or not depends on your personal view on luck. If you see luck as being pure chance and something you have absolutely no control over, then this will become your reality experience. Should you, on the other hand, see luck as that moment when opportunity and careful preparation finally come together, then this should have a massive impact on how much good luck you receive in your life!

Search your memory for the last time you bought a lottery ticket and what went through your mind when you did? Did you just put it away, not think about it and tell yourself that you never win anyway? Were your thoughts on something else, or did you conjure up some images as to how great it would be when you take your prize home? Hardly surprising what the outcome was, is it? Continue reading

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