Controlling Your Psychic Powers
When fictional characters, like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, train to use their abilities, one of the first things their mentors, such as Yoda, tell them is that they must learn control. This is just as important to us as we use our own metaphysical abilities in the real world.
The first and foremost reason for this is that we have to use any psychic ability given to us for our own good, and that of others. If we use these abilities without mindful intent behind them, or with hostile intent, they can be very counter-productive.
So, how is control learned? An easy way to start is by ridding ourselves of negative influences and objects. As the ancient system of Feng Shui dictates, our environments reflect our internal states. First we must ground ourselves, by connecting our energies with those of the physical and spiritual realms. Continue reading
Life Is Sweeter With Kindred Souls
Some people simply add value to our lives. Kindred souls are true friends who make us feel that sharing space with them, or being around them, is right where we are meant to be. I call that comfortable, blissful feeling “being in Zen.”
Then of course we have all experienced sharing space with toxic people who make us feel like we need to leave immediately, because if we don’t take action we will soon start to feel depleted or drained. I like to describe that feeling as “going against the grain.” It very much feels like I’m doing something that doesn’t feel right, or that I am not where I’m supposed to be. Continue reading
An Eye For An Eye Makes The Whole World Blind
I have certainly been trespassed against; maligned, misunderstood, abused and betrayed, as I suspect you may have too. Many of us have been hurt and wounded.
Some of my hurts occurred at a young and tender age, when there seemed to be no healing granted; when the best I could do then was retreat and lick my wounds alone.
Since that time so long ago, I have also seen much vindication. This ability to witness what I have called “the coming around of the going around,” hasn’t been only in seeing karmic issues resolved for little slights, but for big wounds as well. But what of forgiveness? Continue reading
How To Become A Lightworker
The term “lightworker” has many meanings in the magical realm. It does not, as a layman might think, refer to someone “who works lightly” or even directly with light! A lightworker is an enlightened soul; one whose mission while on Earth is that of raising consciousness, bringing awareness and truth.
Those on this path are often described as “old souls,” and for good reason, since so many of them have experienced many stops on their karmic journeys. But what are they doing among us, and how can we learn to practice the art of lightworking? Continue reading
The Rosary Is A Powerful Tool
I look at so many people struggling, and so ready to get angry at the littlest things, so disconnected from the divine spark inside of them. I know a great tool to deal with this: I often pray the Rosary and thank God for all of the blessings in my life.
It really works for me. The promise of the Rosary is true, in that it will bring blessings into your life. It has brought so much goodness into mine.
I gave a friend, who is suffering from a horrible depression and feeling of incompleteness, a Rosary to pray. I found that she was happier after learning and praying the Rosary.
I wish I would have known about the Rosary many, many moons ago, but it’s never too late to learn the Rosary and see what blessings it can bring into your life. It really works. Continue reading