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How To Set Intentions For Crystal Energy Work

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In my previous blogs I have discussed how to clear the energy from minerals and crystals, and also how to activate the matrix energy that exists within minerals and crystals. Now it’s time to discuss practical use.

Crystal energy is subtle energy, and aligns itself with your intentions.  The best way to use crystals in your everyday life is to set an intention for the specific crystal you are using.

Setting intention when you are working with crystals is the most important step in using your crystals. Crystals can certainly aid us in discovery and assist us in bringing about change, but the reality is that if we remain unwilling to change in certain areas of our lives the crystals themselves will have little effect.

Here are three great ways to set your intention: Continue reading

Purples Are Natural Leaders

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPurple is a powerful spiritual color that originates from the authoritative plane. What this means for those individuals who have this as their favorite color is that they tend to operate completely from the authoritative self.

This is not to be mistaken as seeming “bossy;” it stems from an inherent understanding of how things should operate in a successful manner, and usually for the common good. Purple soul colored people are frequently quite intelligent, highly articulate and when in their natural balance they are always in control. Continue reading

Always Listen To Your Inner Voice

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI run a business, have two teenage daughters, and I try to stay in touch with family and friends, so the television is an afterthought. It is something to “chill down” with at the end of the day. I watch mostly re-runs. Yeah, the late night stuff, right before bed time. I love those long-time classics.

Home & Garden Television (HGTV) and The Golden Girls are my key shows, sometimes the late news. The character, Sofia, reminds me of my Aunt Mena. She is always so full of mischief and humor, trying so hard to find dates for Dorothy, who in the end marries Blanche’s uncle. Their set up started as a funny blind date. The message here is that Sofia tried so hard, yet Dorothy’s destiny was right there in front of them. All they needed to do was listen to the voice within. Continue reading

Effective Visualization Strategies

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comVisualization can be a wonderful tool for increasing the effectiveness we have in our daily lives. It allows us to align our intentions and emotions with what we desire, and keeps us focused on our goals. However, there is definitely some pitfalls to this particular practice.

Working in the metaphysical traditions, I have noticed that sometimes individuals mistake visualization for fantasy.  Fantasy is not innately bad; for instance fantasy in the context of fiction it allows healthy down-time from our everyday lives.  However, when we live in fantasy, and do not choose to align ourselves with reality, this fantasy life can often have unwanted consequences. Continue reading

My Favorite Prosperity Crystals

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIs your life prosperous? And no, it does not refer solely to how much money your have. Prosperity is certainly related to money, however I do not believe that money alone represents prosperity.

I have been doing intuitive readings for many years, and some of my regular clients are some of the wealthiest people in the country. Yet, many of them suffer broken relationships, heartache, and face other life struggles. Even though their money is in order, they are lacking in many other areas of their lives. So, it is my conviction that the true definition for prosperity is not just money, but rather a feeling of fulfillment in all areas of life. Continue reading

Spring Awaits Within The Sacred Circle

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI was concentrating on work last night, while outside my window, without me realizing, a quiet blanket of white fell over the earth. The beauty of the quietness, the purity of the color gave a sense of all is well.

Of course, this snow puts the universe into a time of pause, a waiting time, where even the stars, the Moon, and the Earth seems suspended, still, ending movement, ending growth. Yet, underneath, the seeds and the bulbs are preparing, taking in nourishment, so that in the advent of the Spring season, sometimes even before the snow is gone, the beautiful new growths start to pop up here, there, bringing new life.

Many people wish for Spring all the time. Our lives are so busy. We wish to keep rushing, fast-paced, moving toward our goals and our dreams. We want to keep life moving as quickly as we can. Continue reading

How Fulfilled Are You?

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Have you found your niche? Have you discovered what you were meant to do in this lifetime? Doing what you love, while helping others and serving the greater good, is tremendously fulfilling. If you have not found your life purpose yet… the sooner the better.

Personally, I love it when I begin a conversation with a client and I can intuitively reel in information that I can pass on, by way of the Tarot as well as my spirit guides, ancestors and my intuition. To then have a really happy customer by the end of that conversation… well, there is something to be said for that feeling! I feel so good knowing I have helped someone to see their life in a completely different perspective. It is very rewarding. Continue reading

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