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spiritual expansion

You Are A Divine Being

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYou are not who you think you are. You are not that face you see in the mirror every morning. You are not someone’s child, or someone’s parent, or partner or friend. You are not the physical body you admire or criticize when you take a shower, or when you get dressed.

Neither are you the profile description on your social networking page, or your high school diploma, your driver’s license, or your title at work. You are not defined by your career, or the things you own, or the family and friends you love. You are not a name or an address, or a six-figure salary.

You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was. Continue reading

Everything Changes, Or Does It?

Get A FREE Psychic Reading Right Now at PsychicAccess.comNature always inspires me to think deep thoughts. I often find myself really pondering things that maybe I wouldn’t have, had I not taken a moment to stop and look out my window.

I was thinking about the changing of the seasons today. Change is all around us constantly.

Consider what we hear daily. We say things like “nothing stays the same” and “it’s a change for the better”, or “change is inevitable”. There is also the popular phrase “don’t be afraid of change”. With so many things changing around us, isn’t it a wonder that we have a never-changing God? He also gave us his unchanging Word in the Scriptures, for us to learn more about Him. Continue reading

Dark Tears Are Pearls Of Wisdom

Visit PsychicAccess.comIf you are currently facing a difficult period in your life, please, do know that it will not last forever! Better days will be knocking on your door in due course.

Time does not only heal all wounds, it also reveals to us the method in all the madness we had to go through.

We are often blinded by our own trauma or suffering.  Earlier today one of my clients on Psychic Access begged me to explain to her why she has been having such “bad luck” lately. What had she done to deserve this hell she is going through?

In my experience, the pain or anguish we experience in our lives always turns out to be a blessing in disguise, one way or another. But in the midst of our misery it is obviously difficult to see this clearly and objectively. What my ‘bad luck’ client did not know, before she called, was that she has healing in her hands, and that all her torment was empowering her to heal others in the future. She knows that now, although I suspect she does not believe me yet! In time her true destiny will be revealed to her. Continue reading

Angels and Spirit Guides

Visit PsychicAccess.comI am often asked whether I have spirit guides and angels who support me in my work. I am also asked whether I believe in ghosts and demons. My answers to these questions are both yes, and no.

The existence of non-physical beings has always fascinated mankind. We continue to be intrigued by the presence of spiritual entities from other realms, planes or dimensions.

It is an aspect of our spiritual experience that is often the focal point for much discussion, speculation, debate, and sometimes also controversy and conflict. There are many similarities in the range of experiences and encounters reported. However, there is also much disparity and many contradictions in that which people see and believe.

The most commonly sited encounters include the spirits of family members, who have crossed over, as well as guardian angels, celestial guides, elementals and also extraterrestrial beings. Continue reading

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