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spirit guides

Grief And Spiritual Healing

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEvery one of us deals with loss at some point in our lives. A family member, a friend, even our beloved pets. We may be angry or depressed long after the loss occurs, and ask ourselves why it happened. As we work through the stages of grief, keeping a sense of spirituality is essential.

It’s natural to ask our higher power for answers. We have to keep the lines of communication open. In doing so, we work through our grief and learn more about ourselves. This is called “soulwork,” or “soul-searching.” It should not be confused with connecting to our loved ones on the other side, though this may be part of the journey. Expressing grief is the most important thing we can do. Continue reading

Walking With Angels

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are an infinite number of angels and guardian spirits in the spirit realms, and all of us have at least one such being whose purpose it is to guide, nurture, and protect us in our daily lives. They are there at our call. So how do we go about contacting them?

Our angels cannot help us unless we ask them. We have to make time to speak to them, and it is best to choose a regular time and method to do this. Some of us may feel more comfortable speaking aloud; others may prefer to journal, or silently meditate. Whatever we choose, our angels will hear us.

As we make this a practice in our lives, we get to know them better, including their name, their appearance, their aura. The better we know a person, the easier it is to speak to them; the same is true of our guardian angels. Don’t be frustrated if you are just beginning this practice. Angels have very highly attuned energies, and it may take a while to adjust your wavelength to theirs. Continue reading

A Message Of Hope From Hel’s Pond

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA yellow butterfly guided me to Blanke Helle, or “Hel’s Pond” during a recent visit to Berlin, Germany. It darted ahead of me all the way from the bus stop in AlboinStraße, until I reached the entrance to the park where lies forgotten, and hidden from public notice, the ancient pagan site sacred to Hela, or Hel, the Norse-Germanic goddess of death and the underworld.

I have been guided by butterflies on a regular basis over the past two years, since the first one appeared to me at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece. I was much encouraged by the sudden presence of this golden, magical creature, because it predicted that my visit to this sacred pagan site would be less somber than I had imagined. Yellow butterflies represent rebirth, new life, transformation and resurrection in several cultures. The Irish believe yellow butterflies to be an indicator of the peaceful transition of departed souls. And in Christian tradition yellow butterflies are symbolic of the Christ’s resurrection from death. They are also regarded as a sign of the presence of angels. Would Hel’s dark waters ultimately leave me with a message of hope? Continue reading

Voyage Into The Spirit Realms

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEvery spiritual tradition and belief system has its concept of the world beyond ours: Nirvana, Asgard, Elysium. These are often associated with death and the afterlife, but that is only half the story. The truth is, we can explore these realms even while we are still alive.

Even without the millennia of spiritual tradition to back it up, modern science confirms the existence of many planes of existence. When we experience moments of déjà vu, the sensation of having felt or experienced something before, it’s because we have! The infinite number of these realms means there are infinite number of other “uses” out there. So, how are we to make sense of this idea, and how can we put our psychic abilities to use? Continue reading

The Misunderstood Ouija Board

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe most misunderstood item in the diviner’s toolbox is probably the Ouija board. Since its invention the debate continues to this day whether this famous item is merely a game, a glimpse into our subconscious, a gateway into the spirit realms, or even an “instrument of evil.”

Like any channeling object or psychic tool, the Ouija board must be used with great care and respect. Its origins go back to the late 19th century and the practice of spiritualism, or séances to connect with loved ones who had passed on. Its design is simple: a flat board with letters and numbers, plus basic words like “yes” and “no,” but its usage is much more complex. Continue reading

Always Listen To Your Inner Voice

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI run a business, have two teenage daughters, and I try to stay in touch with family and friends, so the television is an afterthought. It is something to “chill down” with at the end of the day. I watch mostly re-runs. Yeah, the late night stuff, right before bed time. I love those long-time classics.

Home & Garden Television (HGTV) and The Golden Girls are my key shows, sometimes the late news. The character, Sofia, reminds me of my Aunt Mena. She is always so full of mischief and humor, trying so hard to find dates for Dorothy, who in the end marries Blanche’s uncle. Their set up started as a funny blind date. The message here is that Sofia tried so hard, yet Dorothy’s destiny was right there in front of them. All they needed to do was listen to the voice within. Continue reading

Hugged By An Angel

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMostly we can’t see angels with the human eye, but that doesn’t mean they are not around us. They are constantly here, protecting us. God sends us these loving messengers to guide, console and protect us.

Back in the 70s, when I was a little boy, I had a dream of my sister drawing pictures of angels. I saw it all in vivid detail – from the color of their hair and eyes to their height and gender. Even the details of the large wings were clear as day.

I had forgotten about this dream over the years, until I had it again recently. When I next spoke to my sister, I asked her if she could remember me telling her about the dream all those years ago. Amazingly, she not only remembered, but she also confessed to having had the same dream recently! Continue reading

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