Do It Anyway
Recently, I posted on social media about my daughter’s graduation, when she was awarded a degree in Psychology with high honors from a well-known university. I was really proud of her, and wanted to share it with the world.
Many friends and family commented on the post, with congratulatory excitement and kind remarks. But later that day, I noticed there was also a hurtful comment on that same post from my mother.
In the post I had misspelled the words summa cum laude and my mother’s comment read, “Ask your daughter how to spell summa cum laude.” That was it. It seemed short and cold. My heart sank. Not only from the public embarrassment of her comment, but more so from the insinuation that I lack intelligence. Continue reading
Letting Go After Divorce
Accepting divorce as a reality is an important step in the healing process. One must mourn the loss of what could have been, but you don’t want to get stuck in the past, because it won’t change anything.
Acceptance is the most difficult step that one must take in releasing the past and begin a new chapter of life. Acceptance involves things like blame, resentment, and regret. We have the option to let go of negative emotions, which will give us the freedom to move forward.
So, now you are divorced, do you choose to stay bitter and hurt? No, you work through it and regain your strength, so that you can find yourself again. I know this is easier said than done, but nothing in this life is accomplished without some effort. You have one life to live, and you get to decide how you want to live it. Continue reading
Hanging On To The Wrong Person
As I continue to take calls and questions from people in pain, the one common denominator in many of these questions is the effect another person is having on the caller’s life.
So many people are in relationships with the wrong person. They hang onto someone, just waiting for things to change or be different. However that is usually not what happens. People do not change for another person, and if they do, it never lasts or works out in the long run. People can only change themselves for themselves, in order to make it last.
Hanging onto the wrong person in your life – whether it be a friend, family, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, and even a boss, can hold you back from having your best and highest good in life. It can keep the amazing blessings that are waiting for you from coming in. Continue reading
Forgiveness – Letting Go To Be Free
Think for a moment of all the heavy emotional burdens we tend to carry: resentment, anger, jealousy, vengeance, hatred. When we carry all that baggage, in some cases for years at a time, our mind, body and soul suffer the consequences. It can do a lot of harm over time, since these emotions are associated with very powerful negative energy! The good news is, there is a simple and effective way to leave all of it behind: the miracle of forgiveness.
True forgiveness is not just about our relationship to others. It begins with forgiving ourselves. If you were to take an honest inventory of your outlook on life as it stands right now, what would that be? Are you often judgmental, bitter or harsh on yourself and others? It’s time to offer some forgiveness. Continue reading
Releasing Your Heart From A Failed Relationship
How does one let go and move on from a painful, failed relationship? This is a regular question any psychic will receive from their clients.
It may be helpful to make a list of all of the negative attributes of the person your trying to get over, but when we look deeper, as psychic advisors, we often see a web of energy entanglement present between the caller and the person they are trying so hard to sever ties with. There is often so much more going on than simply the physical and emotional. Hence, the challenge to break free.
“I want to release him,” says the client, almost pleadingly. Sometimes the caller can feel as if they are just about getting over the subject of their affection, and then… wham! A message, a media post, or sudden surge of longing surfaces to claw them back into wanting the relationship at any cost. This often reminds me of popular oldies like Engelbert Humperdinck’s Please Release Me and Gladys Knight’s Midnight Train To Georgia (I‘d rather live in his world… than live without him in mine). Continue reading
Coping With Grief – A Message From My Guides
A few hours ago, my nieces’ father passed away. He was only 59 years of age and had been battling colon cancer which metastasized to his spine. His fight started several years ago and had run the gamut from surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation to clinical trials at one of the world’s most well-respected cancer hospitals. Toward the end of his time on this plane, he was sent home to live as comfortably as possible for his remaining days.
The following words of comfort are general guidance from Spirit, the gist of which I have passed along to my nieces:
“It is natural to grieve for loved ones when they pass into the Spirit world, even if you know that they will be without pain or discomfort from this time forward. In the case of a parent who has died, there can be an empty feeling of having been left alone to fend for oneself in the world, regardless of the fact that the adult child might have been a caregiver for the parent during a long decline or illness. Continue reading