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Discover Your Higher Self

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe Higher Self has taken on many names: Nirvana, Ascended State, Total Consciousness, and many more. But what does it really mean to be connected with our higher self?

As most of us only use a tiny fraction of our brain’s potential, so do we also connect with a small piece of our inner spiritual selves. Modern science has shown us that there are infinite numbers of dimensions and countless invisible realms. And that is our higher self! It is the part of us that engages in the spiritual, unseen worlds.

When we are able to properly tap into this greatest part of ourselves, amazing things can happen. On a daily basis, we may, unaware, receive flashes of inspiration, creative bursts, lucid dreams, and knowing that something will happen. What we call “coincidence” or déjà vu is our higher self at work. We are not physical beings having spiritual experiences, but the opposite. All of us are capable of harnessing this powerful and dynamic energy. Continue reading

We All Have Precognitive Dreams

Get a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany people would tell you they’ve had a precognitive dream at some point in their lives. In short, this means a dream that has shown a part of the future. Literature, myth and history are full of such dreams, from antiquity to the sinking of the Titanic. But how much truth is there to the idea of dreaming the future?

Researchers propose that over half of the population regularly has precognitive dreams. The problem is, we also forget the vast majority of dreams within a minute or two of waking. It is an ability that has to be practiced and refined just like any other.

Anyone who is serious about dreams will keep a journal. It’s best to keep the journal right next to the bed in order to record the dreams as soon as possible. After time, a journal will help you start to see patterns, images and recurring symbols within your dreams. Think of how a large jigsaw puzzle at first seems random. Then, as more pieces are put into place, a larger picture starts to emerge. Continue reading

Discovering Prophetic Dreams At A Young Age

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have had many interesting dream experiences over the years and have witnessed how they often do reflect what is yet to come. I discovered this powerful prophetic nature of our dreams at a very young age.

One of the most memorable dreams from my childhood years involved a tornado. In this recurring dream I could hear the tornado sirens going off and I kept seeing an odd image of a piece of straw that went into a telephone. I kept seeing the time being 4:23 pm and I when I woke up, I knew that something was bad was going to happen. Every time I had the dream the tornadoes would get louder and louder.

Later, in April 1974, I was over my at my grandparents house when the tornado sirens went off. I was 12 years old and I started to freak out, because of those dreams I had been having. The sky was very dark and my grandparents had me go down into the basement for shelter. I remember my grandparents lighting a old oil lantern so we could have light. Continue reading

Recurring Dream A Sign Of Things To Come

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOver the years I have had many dreams I never knew at the time was a sign of things to come. There is one particular dream I had repeatedly, and I did not realize how its message would ultimately affect members of my family.

My first real job was with my brother. He owned a painting company and he offered me a job before my summer vacation in high school.

At this time I had a dream about my brother and sister-in-law. In my dream they were in an earthquake. Living in Ohio this was unlikely, as we normally do not experience earthquakes here. In this dream I can remember the ground splitting apart and my brother was reaching out to my sister in-law’s hands, to pull her to safety. But he couldn’t bring her to safety and at that moment I always woke up. Continue reading

Dream Weaving With Your Loved Ones

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing psychic readings for a long time. I can immediately tell if someone is thinking about or “dialing up” my client at night, and spending time with them in the dream state.

Sometimes, when we don’t have the time to call or spend time with our loved ones, we do spend time with them on the astral plane.When our body sleeps, our soul travels and does in fact communicate and seek growth by interacting with loved ones in the dream state.

Sleep is not only a time for resting the body and rejuvenating the mind, but also for connecting with loved ones and getting spiritual messages from our guides. It is also an opportunity to see what awaits us in the future. Continue reading

The Secret Wisdom Of A Dream Journal – Part 2

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have always had very interesting dreams – re-occurring dreams, scary dreams, wonderful dreams, dreams of all kinds. When I was a child I always looked forward to going to sleep, because it was like seeing a fantasy movie while I slept.

I’ve always been curious about dreams and used to wonder if there was something more to them than just random mental wanderings that meant nothing. Today, I am very much aware that they are very meaningful. This is why I believe everyone should keep a dream journal!

It is so very important to record your dreams. You may be thinking that you don’t dream, or that you don’t remember them. Many of my family members have claimed the same thing, so for Christmas I gave them all moonstones and told them to place them under their pillows. Continue reading

The Secret Wisdom Of A Dream Journal – Part 1

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThis very well may be the most important blog I have ever written. I can say it with certainty; it is the closest to my heart. Please get yourself a notebook or make your own dream journal, and keep it by your bedside.

When my grandfather was in this physical realm he spoke several times with me about the afterlife and how he intended to make contact with me after his passing, if there was any way for him to do it. He kept his promise.

He is one of the few people that I could talk with about anything related to psychic abilities, mediumship and paranormal phenomena. I think he was so open-minded because he was a true believer. He firmly believed that the soul exists, and that life lives on after death, just in a different form. He shared with me many times in great depth how he has seen his body from above as he floated during out-of-body experiences, and many other astral traveling experiences. Continue reading

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