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Need Help? Just Ask Your Spirit Guides!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTalking to your Spirit Guide is an exciting and powerful privilege you have available to you each day and night. Anytime. Yet, we neglect doing so for many reasons.

Some don’t believe they have spirit guides, while others feel they would be burdening them. Some just are too busy and don’t want to carve out the time, or feel they have to do something special in order to connect, like having to light candles, or use a psychic divination tool of some kind.

None of this is true.

All you have to do to connect with your guides is to find a quiet place, quiet your mind and then telepathically communicate. You can speak to your guides just in your mind, or out loud using your voice. It is as casual as talking to a friend. Continue reading

The Strange Ways Of Spirit Guides

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSpirit guides sometimes work in strange and mysterious ways. The signs and synchronicity they orchestrate don’t always happen in a simple, straightforward way. Sometimes their methods are unorthodox and unpredictable.

I told one of my clients, for example, that certain things would happen to her in a dream. I saw that she was going to dream about her husband. Not only did she have the dream, but her mother also had the same dream… on the same night! Another thing I told her was that she would hear a bell ring in her dream. This never happened, and we were both surprised. Why did most of the prediction happen, but the bell never rang? Continue reading

Get To Know Your Gatekeeper

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was a little boy, my mother used to tell me that I needed to get to know my gatekeeper. I was already praying to God, but she wanted me to be more aware.

She would sit me down and explain that God was overseeing everything in the Universe and that everyone was given assignments to fulfill, from the Guardian Angels all the way down to humans. And God has assigned to each of us a gatekeeper.

At the time I didn’t understand all that much, or even cared to be honest. But throughout my life’s journey I have learned not only more about myself and my mission in this lifetime, but I have also come to understand how important it is to be connected to a higher consciousness. Continue reading

Take Note, You Receive Signs Every Day!

Get a FREE psyhic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe get signs all the times from our spirit guides and angels, but we more often than not do not recognize them. We do not realize that some of the miracles that happen in our lives today, were revealed to us a long time ago. A good way to see these patterns of manifestation in our lives is to keep journal.

I often suggest to my clients that they write stuff down, even if it was from a dream they felt had no significance at the time. If the dream seems very strong it is best to write it down, because there is always reason why you had that dream. The same applies to personal intuitions and information you receive during readings that does not make sense at the time. Continue reading

Connecting To Your Higher Self

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFrequently in my readings these days, I feel my clients are fragmented; rather like jigsaw characters. I describe this as being ‘disconnected from the source of their being’. This is a common occurrence lately, as we find ourselves tugged in different directions, striving to multitask, whilst juggling our time and resources. Where did the balance of work, rest, play and sleep go?

We find it hard to accept delays and yet, there are times when we need to be still. Frustration or impatience doesn’t help our desired changes to unfold. That situation we are hoping for, or that person we really want to meet, may not be ready for us just yet. Continue reading

Reading Between The Lines

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comGrowing up in a family of psychics, I can remember my mother telling me that in life we have to always “read between the lines.” What she meant was that life has much to offer us, from relationship to career to recreation. To make the best life choices we need to look out for opportunities presented to us in the form of signs and synchronicity.

Every day we receive signs and inner guidance: in our dreams, next to the road, in numbers, from the words spoken by strangers, even in songs on the radio. Magic is everywhere, we just need to be aware and keep looking out for it. Continue reading

Seeing The True Spiritual Essence In Others

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn 2005, for what seemed like seven very long months from the time of his diagnosis, I nursed my father through pancreatic cancer. Even the hospice staff complained that he was a difficult man, so the challenges weren’t only my imagination.

We’d all hoped for a miracle, and although I don’t usually read for myself, I did do a reading when he was diagnosed and was shown that he had six to twelve months to live. My own reading confused me initially, but I have since learned the symbology of Tarot in relation to one’s mortality, when it literally shows that someone is being called home – home to spirit. Continue reading

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