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The Wisdom Of Real Food

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy relationship with food evolved the day I decided to start my own garden. I didn’t have much space where I lived, so I rented a plot in a community garden nearby, for a very small fee.

Although it soon became a part-time job, it also turned into my sanctuary. Any stress from the day cleared when I went there. I was always eager to go there and visit my growing family of fruits, herbs, flowers and vegetables. It made me feel like a child again!

Connecting with the Earth on such a deep level also gave me a new perspective on my spiritual identity. From being inspired by fellow gardeners to teaching my son important life skills, I was motivated to get serious about treating my body like a temple and also raising awareness in others. Something I once took for granted and paid little attention to, became a great passion and concern for me. Continue reading

Good Vibrations

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe Beach Boys hit song Good Vibrations is more than just a catchy title. Our bodies and minds are constantly engaged in “pickin’ up good vibrations.” We are all composed of energy manifesting as matter, as are our environments. At a very basic level it is the interaction of atoms and molecules, and our behaviors have a lot to do with those interactions.

The unfortunate truth is, we’re also surrounded by negative influences. Stress, poor diet and nutrition, and lack of exposure to a natural environment are common in the busy, urban world many of us now live in. Literally, they are everywhere we turn, and it can be overwhelming.

Often we treat these symptoms with even more harmful solutions, such as artificial medicines, negative thinking, alcohol or narcotics, or non-wholesome foods. It’s a vicious cycle. However, there is a way to escape and break free. Continue reading

Your Pain Is Telling You Something

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSpirit recently communicated the power of pain and the importance of forgiveness to me in a way I had never quite conceptualized before. Pain is a natural process of the human experience. It is a messaging system that tells us something is not quite right with our situation.

This is true for our physical body, as well as our emotional body. The difference between the two is that physical pain is often more easily recognized, and the appropriate steps to relieve and even to heal the pain can be taken when it is recognized. Emotional pain, however, is more often left unrecognized, or the messages that are being sent are pushed aside.

Both men and women are taught to suppress their pain. Traditional adages like, “boys don’t cry,” or “keep a stiff upper lip,” are reflections of emotional ignorance. We now also live in a society where we are being medicated for emotional issues at rapidly increasing rates, which only adds to the ignorance of our emotional state. Continue reading

Yin And Yang Balance The Key To Well-Being

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere is an ancient belief system that everything can be seen in one’s face. Your emotional state, your physical state, warnings, strengths and weaknesses. I have been studying this philosophy for many years and have found it to be very helpful when observing my own physical well-being, but also that of my clients and students.

For instance, your circulation can be observed in the forehead and the nervous system in the pupils, while the kidneys can be seen under your eyes. The heart is at the tip of the nose, the sexual organs above the upper lip and the stomach is on the  upper lip.

The first 28 days after conception is the time when the top portion of the embryo’s face develops. If drugs or medications are taken by the mother during this time, it can cause a problem throughout the person’s life span. This is also the time that birth marks are formed. Often birth marks can be related to trauma and injury from past lives, but they can also be newly formed from the intake of foods and toxins from the mother. Continue reading

If Money Were No Object

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have owned several businesses in my day, but they were not necessarily successful. Why do you think that is? Well, let’s look at some of the enterprises I started, and my reasons for doing so.

For example, I opened up a Goth and Punk fashion store with my daughter which, as you can imagine, catered mostly to young adults. That lasted about a year and a half before we went out of business. Next, I tried a psychic tea house with my two daughters. We offered lunch and snacks with beverages, and I read Tarot cards. That one we managed to hold onto for almost a year, before we ran out of funds. Continue reading

Don’t Blame The Children

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe are repeatedly hearing lately that the children of today no longer play outside; they are no longer physically active, like their parents and grandparents used to be. Supposedly all they do is watch television and sit around all day with computers, tablets and smart phones.

Perhaps some of this is true. But if so, why is that? Of course, it is absolutely natural for a child to have an abundance of energy. It is in the nature of youngsters to run around and be full of life, exuberant and active. But truth be told, when children act that way in today’s world, we often imply that they are maladjusted or have an ailment or disorder. Highly active kids have become the scourge of many parents and teachers in modern society – the dreaded “hyperactive syndrome” or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Are the children truly to be blamed? Continue reading

The Vital Energy Of The Sun

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the northern hemisphere September 23rd marked the Autumn Equinox and the start of fall. In these days we traditionally celebrate harvests and the bounty of summer, and enjoy the last warm days before winter. But what to do about the increasing lack of sunlight?

In our psychic lives, we need the energy of the sun as much as we need water, air, or ground under our feet. Sunlight represents the fourth essential spiritual element of fire. If we don’t have enough of it, we can easily become depressed and lose touch with our psychic self.

So how can we incorporate the sun in our daily lives, even if we can’t afford a winter home in Hawaii? The most obvious answer is to make time to get natural sunlight. Sorry, but that artificial sunlamp in your office doesn’t count! Of course, if we’re able to, it is nice to take that winter vacation to a sunnier climate, but if not, a walk outside each day can prove extremely beneficial. Continue reading

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