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Living Under The Mushroom?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAre you living under the mushroom? This is not necessarily a bad thing, depending what your expectations are. In order to live in the Light we must make an effort of some kind to come out from under the mushroom. Nothing much grows in the shadows.

Living in the Light? What does that mean? Does it mean we will no longer gossip about the neighbors, focus less on the negative aspects of life, stop finding fault with others, and never expect bad things to happen to us? Probably not.

What “living in the Light” does mean is that we strive to accept and understand the motives of others, and that we allow some leeway when dealing with faulty human beings, especially considering the fact that we are personally also one of those “faulty souls”. We also choose to expect good things. Continue reading

The Haunted Pickup Truck

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAfter a difficult divorce in 1999, I lost my pick-up truck in the settlement. I needed new, affordable transportation. Fortunately my stepbrother knew this guy that had an old Dodge for sale at a really good price. But when I saw it, I had a bad feeling about this car.

I was however very desperate to get a car, so after taking it for a test drive, I convinced myself it was only my imagination that something was wrong. So pretty soon I was driving my new car on Route 270 heading home. Then the paranormal activity started. Driving along slowly, the material from the ceiling of the car came detached. My son Raymond was in the back seat, and he looked at me with big eyes and said, “Dad, why is that man pulling the stuff off the ceiling?” Continue reading

Effective Visualization Strategies

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comVisualization can be a wonderful tool for increasing the effectiveness we have in our daily lives. It allows us to align our intentions and emotions with what we desire, and keeps us focused on our goals. However, there is definitely some pitfalls to this particular practice.

Working in the metaphysical traditions, I have noticed that sometimes individuals mistake visualization for fantasy.  Fantasy is not innately bad; for instance fantasy in the context of fiction it allows healthy down-time from our everyday lives.  However, when we live in fantasy, and do not choose to align ourselves with reality, this fantasy life can often have unwanted consequences. Continue reading

The Negatively Charged Creates Dis-ease For All

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn today’s hectic, fast-paced world it is easy for one to get caught up in worry, anxiety, fear, tension or desperation. The stressed among us seem to be running around and really getting nothing accomplished. They are slaves to the same routine every day – a meaningless hustle and bustle.

In my experience, people who live more peaceful, centered lives don’t seem to have as many doctor visits, illnesses and complaints as their busy friends and family members. Too much stress causes disease and destroys one’s well-being. It causes you to become charged with negative, toxic energy.

The bottom-line is that Dis-ease equals disease. Our body talks to us through illness. When our mind, body and Spirit are out of alignment, our physical system breaks down and we suffer. Continue reading

Messages From Spirit About Romance

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany psychic readings I do focus on romance and relationships.  Over the years I have noticed certain recurring messages that Spirit often provides about intimate relationships and our love lives. These common messages tend to come out in relationship readings, because Spirit is dedicated to the growth and evolution of every individual and every relationship.

This list of messages is by no means a concise collection of spiritual recommendations concerning intimate relationships, but I truly believe that every person who seeks fulfillment in their love life can benefit from these strategies. I have benefited from these messages myself in my personal life. Continue reading

Meet The Archangels

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comDivine messengers and emissaries, the Archangels are the foremost of the host of angels, and they help and guide us in our daily lives. Although they are established in many religious traditions, anyone may call upon them for assistance.

Most of the Archangels have names ending in “-el,” which means “of, or in God.” Though the spiritual traditions debate how many Archangels there are, the following are some of the most well-known to humanity.

Michael (Who is like God?) is the leader of the Archangels, often depicted as a warrior angel with a blazing sword. He can help in conquering our fears and anxieties, motivating us to do greater things, and seeking the truth. He’s also a powerful ally in breaking our addictions. Continue reading

My Daughter’s New Life Beyond This One

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently our 48 year old daughter passed away*. Those of you who have experienced the death of a child will understand the depth of the grief and sorrow that parents are left with. All we can hope for now is that the sense of loss will eventually not be so deep and profound.

The physical cause of her death was the effects of her cancer treatments, however, the soul cause of her passing was because she could no longer sustain any kind of happiness in this existence.

Kathy was beautiful, highly intelligent and possessed a remarkable sharp wit. Yet, from a very young age she also appeared aloof and reserved. Curiously, she was often judged,  and sometimes quite harshly, because of this particular quirk. Why anyone would choose to be offended by this trait is still a mystery to me. Those like her, with an extremely sensitive soul, will inherently create an environment for themselves simply to protect that fragile being from harm.  This attitude should be embraced and rewarded, instead of judged and ridiculed. Continue reading

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