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Nan Lightfoot’s Words Of Wisdom

Click the pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comI was about 20 years old when I experienced an in-depth, private sitting with a wonderful spiritual medium, known to me as ‘Nan Lightfoot.’ My father had heard of her through the local spiritualist church, and it turned out that this lady lived just two blocks from our house.

A friendship soon blossomed between us. I would help her with shopping and running errands whenever I possibly could, until I finally left England for many years. During our many conversations, she would pipe up with wise advice channeled from her spirit guide. She would drop her head and rattle off in Welsh, and then suddenly stop. She would then come out of a trance-like state and, without hesitation, relay to me the English version of what her guide had just told her. Continue reading

Raccoon Medicine For Thanksgiving

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen you see a raccoon, be it live or in a picture, what comes to mind? Is he cute and innocent looking, or does he remind you of a little outlaw? Or do you fear the creature you see?

Raccoons are indeed considered to be night varmints and scavengers. They can destroy property and be a real nuisance. However, spiritually the raccoon has a much more constructive significance and they are the perfect animal totem for Thanksgiving.

Traditionally, the raccoon, when it comes into your life, is referred to as “the one who carries the medicine of the protector of the underdog” and “the one who provides for the young, infirm and the elderly.” Because of its mask-like features, it is often unfairly referred to as The Masked Bandit, but when a raccoon comes into your space, you are being asked to contact your inner warrior, to become a protector and generous provider for those in need. Continue reading

Jealousy Steals Your Serenity

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDoing a psychic reading can sometimes trigger unpleasant memories or negative emotions for the psychic professional. But, as unpleasant as our own experiences may have been, they do help us to identify with those individuals who approach us for counsel.

One situation which has cropped up lately relates to jealous friends or family members. More often than not, my client doesn’t have the foggiest idea as to why the jealousy is there at all, especially when they feel they’ve put every effort into sustaining the relationship in question. All friendships and relationships take work, but when we feel that, in return we are getting back bad vibes, or any kind of negativity, it doesn’t feel fair. Continue reading

How Tough People Handle Stress

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comStress confronts us around every corner. Sometimes it’s all we can do to just to get through each day. How we deal with stress says a lot about us, and there are many proactive, healthy ways to do this.

The Serenity Prayer states, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” That is a wise prayer! Stress is unavoidable, so don’t pretend it doesn’t exist. Acknowledging that it is there and having tools to fight stress is half the battle. Using multiple tools such as meditations, problem solving strategies, and time management can be much more helpful than only having one ‘go-to’ strategy. Continue reading

Always Be True To Who You Really Are

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe should all take the time to visit a nursing home or a senior’s retirement village, and speak to the residents. It can be a life-changing experience. Recently, I have had the opportunity to speak to several seniors and one of the questions I asked them was, “If you had your life to live again, what would you do differently?”

Some said they would change nothing, as they had family, friends and lots of love in their lives. They also knew the true joy of being in the moment, and how laughter was the healer of most wounds in relationships, and otherwise. However, the vast majority responded that they would have been more true to themselves. These seniors told me they would have followed the original path placed in their soul, instead of living for what someone else wanted, or what someone else thought they should be. Continue reading

It’s Not Too Late To Take Spiritual Inventory

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs we finally settle into this year, many of our well-intended new year’s resolutions have already been abandoned. Yet, it is not too late. This is early part of the year is the perfect time for us to still look back, as well as make plans for the future. But where do we begin, especially as it applies to our spiritual and psychic life?

Looking spiritually inward is not quite as simple as cleaning out our closets or drawers. We may have lingering negative influences we’re not even aware of. It’s human nature to want to keep old habits instead of creating newer, healthier ones. So, as we move into the year, it’s more important than ever to make ourselves spiritually healthy. Continue reading

My Mini Miracle

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLast week, a long awaited small miracle happened at my home. For some I guess this happening wouldn’t have been a big deal, but I was over the moon. I have worked non-stop on manifesting this, despite the odds and negative expectations of so called well-meaning people.

Approximately 18 months ago, a stray dog we’ve since named Brutus, began joining us on walks and came to the fence for treats. It was only because of his love for our other dogs that he finally entered onto the property at all. He was terrified of us humans. A subsequent psychic reading I had done on him, by a reputable animal communicator colleague, described how he’d been abused in a small shed as a young pup. Continue reading

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