The Ouija Board Is Not A Harmless Toy
The Ouija board is an occult item that you don’t want to mess with, or even try. It looks like something harmless and it’s supposed to be a fun, friendly board game, but using it may open you up to something that could bring harm to you.
My brother once thought it was harmless to try and use the Ouija board to make contact with a good friend we had lost in a car crash. We grew up together, and when we heard that our friend had passed in an accident my brother was very distraught. He was looking for answers as to what had happened and for some mysterious reason so he decided to turn to the Ouija board for assistance. I told him I felt it was not a good idea, since I had read stories at the library about people who used the Ouija board and the disturbing things that happened to them. Continue reading
Helping A Young Psychic Develop
A young person with a psychic gift must be recognized early on, and nurtured in their development. If not, they may experience a lot of confusion and even trauma. Their gift must be seen and experienced as a blessing, not a curse.
My niece Rachel was one of the more fortunate. She clearly had a gift from a very tender age. When she was a little girl I would give my brother and sister in-law some time off by babysitting Rachel and her older sister. Every time I would go over to their house to watch the kids, Rachel didn’t want me to read her normal children books. She would grab the family photo album and look specifically at old pictures of deceased family members. She would look at these photos with much interest and talk to the people in them as if they were sitting right in front of her. Continue reading
My Amazing First Experience With Psychometry
Several years ago, during a psychic awareness workshop at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Research in the UK, I had a profound experience with ribbon psychometry.
Exercises with psychometry are often done in groups of two, in which the participants exchange small personal items. Psychometry is the art of reading the energy imprints on objects. The objects can vary: photographs, jewelry or even a key-ring. These and other tokens must have meaning to, and has been handled primarily by their owner. The main objective is that the item carries the vibration of its owner.
Our class of ten was made up of men and women from all over the world, as well as a few from Britain. We were all new to the concept of reading with ribbons. Continue reading
The Haunted Typewriter
When I was growing up my mother had a typewriter that had been in the family for a long time. I never knew much about its history.
One day I was invited to a family reunion at my aunt and uncle’s house. After my mother had passed away I never had much contact with them. We sat around and talked about my mother being a psychic and how she experienced many paranormal stuff as a child. My aunt took out a family photo album she had shown me before and in one of the pictures there was a picture of an old, black typewriter. She told me that it was a 1920’s Royal typewriter and that my grandfather received it as payment for working on someone house. The homeowners didn’t have the money to pay him for his services. Continue reading
Old Green Eyes – The Ghost of Chickamauga
The American Civil War was fought 150 years ago, yet people remain fascinated with its history. As it turns out, the battlefield said to be the most haunted is located right here in the South, not too far from where I live.
Chickamauga, on the border of Tennessee and Georgia, takes its name from a Native American word meaning “bloody river.” It was the second bloodiest battle of the war after Gettysburg, so the name turned out to be quite fitting.
Many ghosts, including those of a Confederate soldier and a bride-to-be pining for her lost fiancée, have been spotted at Chickamauga. But the most famous legend, “Old Green Eyes,” may not even be a traditional ghost at all. Legends surrounding the spirit go back to the Cherokee and Creek tribes who originally lived in the area. They tell of a large-bodied creature, or sometimes a floating head, with sharp fangs and glowing green eyes. Continue reading