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A Little Bird’s Message Of Gratitude

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comToday, I drove into our small Spanish town to run a few errands and, for some reason, which I now feel could have been ‘guided’, I parked much further away from the center of town than was actually necessary.

Shortly after parking, then crossing the street, I found a young bird on the ground, which I thought, at first, had flown into a wall and injured itself. Rather than risk driving it home and traumatizing it further, I scooped it up. It appeared to be quite at ease perched on my hand on our fast walk to the vet, Salvador, whose office was just ten minutes away.

I felt strongly that this little bird had a spiritual message for me. As soon as I walked into Salvador’s practice, he smiled and said, “Very common this time of year. He is just getting his young flying practice and needs us to help give him a lift into flight from a height.” He offered to take him home, during his approaching siesta (afternoon recess) and to set him free from a hilltop. Continue reading

The Spiritual Significance Of 11:11

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn my previous blog about Guiding Numbers, I explained that many spiritually aware people are frequently seeing certain number sequences; how these numbers could be affecting our lives; and what some of the sequences may mean. These number are typically seen on digital clocks, license plates, receipts, home addresses, text messages, and so forth. They are signs given to us by our spiritual guides, or the Universe. In the previous article I listed the most basic sequences of 000 through 999, but I didn’t elaborate much on 11:11. This number sequence is one of the most important to be aware of, in my opinion. So, if you are seeing 11:11 all the time, the following information definitely applies to you. Continue reading

Communicating With Heaven

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany of us choose to see Heaven, the Afterlife, or Paradise, as a sort of “other world,” a place we will never be allowed to see or experience until we die. The truth is, we interact with the spiritual realm every day!

Our current plane of physical existence is but one of many other dimensions. We have the ability to send messages to the spirit world, and vice versa. Even our jaded culture recognizes this. Have you ever heard the song Pennies from Heaven? Or maybe you are familiar with the old saying that seeing a red cardinal bird means that a dead loved one is thinking of us? These are just two small examples of many interfaces with the afterlife. Heaven is constantly trying to talk to us, but we’re usually too busy or oblivious to even notice. So how do we learn to listen? Continue reading

The Mysterious Man Who Followed Me

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI kept seeing him. He would show up everywhere. I would be walking in the park and he would walk past me. Or I would be shopping at the supermarket, and he would appear between the isles… looking at me. He would appear to me walking on the sidewalk as I drove by. I even saw him the other day leaving the farmers market.

Do you ever experience seeing the same person over and over? You feel that they might be following you. It can get as creepy as feeling you have an actual stalker.

I finally realized who this person is just the other day, while talking with someone whom I haven’t seen in a long while. My friend shared with me that her boyfriend had died in a boating accident several months ago, while he was out fishing. Apparently she has also been seeing him. I never met him, but she had told him of me when he was still alive. He had known that I am a medium. Continue reading

Groping In The Dark

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe have one ultimate goal when we come into this existence and that is spiritual growth. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? So, how come most of us seem to be just groping in the dark much of the time? Is it because we are continually being told that we must have a life purpose or soul desire?  One hears ridiculous statements like “that never was supposed to happen” or even worse “he died before his time.” Who decided these things for us?

A friend of mine just shared a situation with me trying to find the meaning behind it all. She and her husband owned a farm selling, raising and growing all manner of organic foods, fully believing this was a calling they were meant to pursue. All was going well, the animals were active and healthy, the crops were coming up abundantly and success certainly appeared to be theirs. This went on for about two years and then everything slowly began to disintegrate. The animals began to have major health issues, the crops were not producing as they should and they were in total jeopardy of losing all that they had aspired to achieve. Continue reading

Love Is The Glue That Binds Us

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been asked many times by my clients, and those that know of my gifts, if the people they love are still able to connect with them after they transfer over to the spirit realm. My answer is always “of course!”

When you love someone there is a cord that connects you and that person for all of eternity. That love never goes away. It is always there and it is what makes it possible for us to connect in the dream state with those on the others side. We can connect with our loved ones in the weighted down material realm also, but in the astral realm or dream state it is so much easier. All we have to do is set an intention.

For example, before we go to sleep we may say, “I really want to connect with Grandpa tonight and have a conversation by way of telepathy.” Those of us that have had visitations are already well aware that when we communicate with our loved ones this way it is always through energetic thought transference, and not with actual speech. The communications is clear, fast and seems almost more real then communication in the physical, material realm. Continue reading

Grandma’s Phone Call From The Afterlife

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of my best friends had a really beautiful metaphysical experience. We were talking recently about what I do for a living and how she always used to joke around when I would give her a Tarot reading, or talk to her about the afterlife and all things paranormal.

We would go to a huge cemetery  close to where I used to live and take pictures and capture orbs with wonderful mazes in the them. They were really great, because at times we would even capture faces in these orbs. Then my friend finally told me why she called and wanted to meet me for coffee.

I had told her a long time ago how spirits can communicate with us through electronics and technology. She said that when her grandma died she kept her phone number on her contact list. There was a reason for this. She had mentioned to her Grandma when she was alive that if she could make contact with her from the other side, to do it by way of the phone. Grandma promised her that she would if she could, and she did! Continue reading

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