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Spiritual Practices To Promote Alignment

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are many types of spiritual practices that will bring alignment to your life. Spiritual practices are the methods by which we understand the inner world, and learn just how much impact our inner world has on the outer world.

Jesus said, “With faith the size of a mustard seed you could move a mountain.” Faith is a constant, and always brings forth the manifestation of our inner beliefs. Spiritual practice allows the practitioner to gain spiritual awareness, and by doing so shifts negative or useless beliefs into useful beliefs that can have a profound impact on the journey of life. Continue reading

Hugged By An Angel

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMostly we can’t see angels with the human eye, but that doesn’t mean they are not around us. They are constantly here, protecting us. God sends us these loving messengers to guide, console and protect us.

Back in the 70s, when I was a little boy, I had a dream of my sister drawing pictures of angels. I saw it all in vivid detail – from the color of their hair and eyes to their height and gender. Even the details of the large wings were clear as day.

I had forgotten about this dream over the years, until I had it again recently. When I next spoke to my sister, I asked her if she could remember me telling her about the dream all those years ago. Amazingly, she not only remembered, but she also confessed to having had the same dream recently! Continue reading

Afterlife Signs From The Dearly Departed

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen someone close to us passes on they often give us signs to let us know that they are still around. Our loved ones are very eager to let us know that everything is fine with them when they cross over.

Those who have passed on still know what goes on in our daily lives and they still love us. They want us to know that. Not all of us can always sense them around us, that doesn’t mean they will not give us a sign.

These signs from the other side come in different ways, shapes and forms:

Animals & Insects

Loved ones often come to us in the form of an animal or other creature, from a butterflies and puppies to birds and wild animals. These animals might show up from nowhere, cross our path, call to us from outside, fly into a room, or even land on us! The Monarch butterfly is a well-known symbol of loved ones visiting us from the spiritual realm. Continue reading

You Are Meant To Be Here

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comLately, I have been hearing cries for help from some clients who say things like: “I really don’t want to be here anymore, and I won’t even be missed if I’m gone”. In my experience this sense of hopelessness amongst people has intensified this past year.

Some 18 years ago I was very ill, and from this traumatic time in my life I came to realize that we do plan our lives before we incarnate. I vividly recall one out-of-body experience during an unconscious period of my hospital stay. There I sat with a counsel of wise beings who told me I still had work to do, and it somehow all made sense to complete the lessons this time, even though, quite frankly I really did not want to be here either! So, based on some profound spiritual experiences, and well as past life regression, I do believe we have a ‘pre-birth plan’.  I feel my pre-birth plan was discussed long ago with that same Counsel of Elders who was there during my profound out-of-body experience in intensive care. Continue reading

Spirit Guides Communicate In Many Different Ways

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comDo you feel that your guides are helping you to connect with your soul or higher self on a daily basis? If not, it is most likely because you are not asking. Our spirit guides do not come to our aid without being requested. We must pray and ask for messages or signs.

Spirit guides communicate with us in many different ways. They speak to us through our intuitions, our senses, our dreams, as well as during readings and channelings, and through signs. All things in the Universe are capable of serving as a communication from Spirit Guides. To gain access we must simply believe and become more aware. Continue reading

It’s All In The Numbers

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI am not a numerologist, however, like Astrology, Feng Shui, Palm Reading and other metaphysical modalities, I have studied Numerology. I have always been fascinated with the role numbers have played in my life.

My numbers, based on my birth date, are 6, 11 and 24. My post office box number in the small town I grew up in was 303 (3+3+0=6). The only other time I lived in a small town and also could only get a post office box, the number of that box also added up to 11. The number of the apartment I grew up in was 11. My phone number and that of my best friend’s was almost identical. She is still my best friend today.

My three best friends from high school were all born on the 19th of a month. So was my first boyfriend. I was the odd ball and the maternal figure of the group and was born on the 24th. My best friend’s two oldest children gave birth to their children on the same days that one of their best friend’s from high school passed. Continue reading

If You Believe, You Will See The Signs

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen the hair on your arms stand up, or on the back of your neck, it is not a sign of negative energy being present. It is just your spirit guide hard at work!

Angels and spirit guides are guiding us through life on a daily basis. Too many people never notice the signs, or hear the messages from their spiritual helpers. Do you?

I always encourage my psychic reading clients to become more aware of the signs. Once they open up to guidance by becoming more conscious, they tend to report back interesting experiences.

One client, for example, always called me with the same question. Over and over she asked me whether she was going to have a baby? I was able to confirm for her that one day she and her husband would have children. I also encouraged her to become more aware of her dreams and the signs she might receive. Continue reading

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