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Grandpa’s Visitation Heightened My Spirituality

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI remember it very distinctively. Almost 16 years ago, after his passing, I prayed to God that I may be able to make contact with my Grandpa. I needed to say goodbye and tell him I love him one last time. He had promised me before his passing that he would return to visit me. He kept his promise.

I decided to learn the Rosary while at a Catholic bookstore, shortly before his funeral. I was buying cross pendants for my grandma and other members of the family who wanted to wear a similar necklace my grandpa would be buried with it. I felt it would help those of us mourning to feel connected and closer to him. I think I bought ten of them. My brothers each took one, as well as my mother, and of course my grandma and a few of my cousins.

A nun at the store told me that day that if I learned the Rosary, I would be blessed. She gave me a bookmark which explained all the different blessings one is to receive if you learn and recite the Rosary every day. I decided I wanted to know how to pray the Rosary. Continue reading

This Puzzling Phenomenon Of Apports

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany of us have experienced how items have mysteriously moved in our environment, only to reappear in the most unexpected of places. Often these are trinkets, like jewelry which have special links to a loved one. Crystals and other precious stones are sometimes also moved around by spirit.

Whatever the items, they are often the ‘calling cards’ of a deceased loved one or a specific spirit guide. This puzzling phenomenon of an object disappearing, and then materializing out of thin air, is known as an apport. Spiritualism was at the height of its popularity in the late 1800s. Thousands of séances were being held all over the Western world. Much was also documented about apports, or gifts from the spirits: shells, small trinkets, fossils, coins, feathers, flowers, and even items previously mislaid by the attending sitters suddenly appearing in front of them. Continue reading

Psychics And Mediums: What’s the Difference?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany people automatically assume that psychics and mediums are one and the same. The truth is, all mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.

By definition, a psychic is any person with some form of extrasensory perception (ESP). ESP takes different forms and some psychics are gifted in more than one area. A medium, by contrast, is a very specific kind of psychic, someone who can communicate directly with the spirit realms.

For many reasons, psychics are sometimes viewed more skeptically than mediums by the average person. There is no “proven” way to tell if someone is psychic; everyone has some degree of psychic ability, but some are naturally more gifted than others. Mediums, on the other hand, can often convey specific, accurate or familiar information from a deceased friend or family member to a bereaved survivor. Continue reading

Loved Ones Or Spirit Guides?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen I started to do psychic readings, I never intended to do mediumship work. I never imagined clients asking me about loved ones and friends who had passed away. They would ask me also how one recognizes the difference between a spirit guide and a loved one in spirit.

In my experience loved ones who have passed make their presence in our lives known through signs or familiar aspects about themselves. Personally I have had many experiences with smells that identified a family member, such as the smell of their perfume or cigar smoke, as well as objects that belonged to that person that are moved or disappear. The smell of a cigar always tells me my father is around, not my grandfather, because his favorite cigars had a distinct aroma. Continue reading

A Message From A Dog To His Human

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe following is a transcript of a reading I had the honor to recently channel for a client whose dog had passed:

“He wants you to know he is with you still. Imagine his arms made of Light lifting you up, and letting you know he is floating in a wonderful place and totally pain free.

He wants you to know that he is part of the energy of the Light beings. In the same way that your finger is an aspect of your body, but he is not your entire body, he is an aspect of the angels, although not entirely an angel on his own.

He was not always a dog, and is not a dog now. He came back as a dog this time around because there are certain lessons we have to learn on our Journeys, and it just so happened that the lessons he had to learn this time could best be learned not only in dog form, but with none other than you. Continue reading

Afterlife Signs From The Dearly Departed

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen someone close to us passes on they often give us signs to let us know that they are still around. Our loved ones are very eager to let us know that everything is fine with them when they cross over.

Those who have passed on still know what goes on in our daily lives and they still love us. They want us to know that. Not all of us can always sense them around us, that doesn’t mean they will not give us a sign.

These signs from the other side come in different ways, shapes and forms:

Animals & Insects

Loved ones often come to us in the form of an animal or other creature, from a butterflies and puppies to birds and wild animals. These animals might show up from nowhere, cross our path, call to us from outside, fly into a room, or even land on us! The Monarch butterfly is a well-known symbol of loved ones visiting us from the spiritual realm. Continue reading

Growing Up Psychic – Part 1

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI was born into a psychic family who lived in a haunted home. I  was unaware of this at first and knew nothing about mediumship, clairvoyance or the supernatural. But the quest for answers began at a young age. It was inevitable, since there was a lot of paranormal activity in our house and I had a natural curiosity about all things paranormal.

I didn’t know at the time about being gifted or communicating with ghost or spirits, but I did notice whenever I went over to a friend’s house that I could feel a difference in the energy at his house. It was nothing like what I experienced at my parents’ house. And when I went to both grandparents’ homes I could feel that something was trying to communicate with me there. It was the same in church and at my school. Continue reading

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