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Treasure The Living Years

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany of us attach personal meaning to songs. Perhaps it is a song played at your wedding, or a family member’s favorite tune, or something meaningful from your childhood years.

Psychics often have songs come to mind during readings, or we find they are playing on the car radio after we were just thinking of that special family member or friend. We then take that as a sign that they are watching over us and that they had just stepped in from the Spirit side of life to make their presence know. These songs can be the triggers for memories that we once treasured, or continue to treasure, or to remind you how precious and loved you are.

Live every day as if it were going to be your last; for one day you’re sure to be right ~ Harry Morant

For me Ave Maria and Unchained Melody (from the Ghost movie during the pottery making scene) are songs that I have attached over the years to my mother’s presence. Ave Maria because that was one of her favorite songs. When she was younger she apparently sang it on stage a few times in Vienna. I never did get to hear her sing it, but family said it was incredible. Later in life, when I found this out, she said her voice had broken and would not sing it for me. I often tried to imagine how great it must have been to hear her sing, as I looked at her picture.

The Unchained Melody is a second song that is important, as I became emotional during that scene in the movie and being a medium I had the sense of my mother stepping in. Mum had only recently passed to Spirit and I had not completely processed her departure from the physical, so she came in to give me her instructions. For mother I also use the moment of hearing the songs in my daily life to be a trigger, to take a moment in time to think of her – the good, the less good, the indifferent. To bring back her vibration into my heart and mind and recognize her for all she gave to us and family. And to remind her I love her and I am remembering her.

Now, regarding a song for connection with father that initially was a challenge, as he passed to Spirit in January 1985 and with our relationship having been somewhat strained during my upbringing as an Army “brat”, particularly the high school years and early adulthood, I had no song. I knew he loved me but I did not recall him saying it much until November 1984, when I briefly flew home to England to say goodbye to him during his dramatic physical change, as a result of terminal illness. At this time he told me, “I Love You Son” as I left the house to fly back to the USA.

Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways ~ Stephen Vincent Benét

The beauty about the mechanics of Natural Law and the Spirit side of life is that there is no separation through time and space; no separation between here and the Spirit side of life. That is why we can easily offer distance readings or absentee healing, or sense them at home – no separation. Simply just a different expression of life. Life is continuous.

As time went by I realized that there were aspects of my relationship with father that needed significant healing. Being a medium I had learned that since there is no separation regarding our Spirit (or soul) expression, then father and I could do healing work together even though he was not here in the physical realm. I embarked upon that (long) journey and one day, while doing introspection and being connected from the heart to father, I heard the song The Living Years by Mike and the Mechanics. That just resonated with me as exactly representing our relationship – of not always expressing a healthy loving relationship when living together. It became our song.

Say it loud, say it clear

You can listen as well as you hear

It’s too late when we die

To admit, we don’t see eye to eye.

Wasn’t there that morning, when my father passed away

I didn’t get to tell him, all the things I had to say

I think I caught his spirit, later that same year

I’m sure I heard his echo, in my baby’s new born tears

I just wish I could have told him in the living years.

In life there are separations – job, relationships, family or pet deaths, to name a few. Spirit and our Loved Ones in Spirit wish us a loving life of expression full of treasured moments, joy, health and abundance.

As you grow older, you’ll find the only things you regret are the things you didn’t do ~ Zachary Scott

If there are areas in your life to be healed, if there is estrangement in family, grief for the deceased, honor it, acknowledge it, embrace it and transform it knowing that the Spirit side of Life is a resource for your expression of life. Call upon them, they are just a thought, a heartbeat, a wish or prayer away, as they live in your heart and surround you in each moment. We also say how we are all connected. Know it.

Oh, in closing, after much work between the realms and using resources in this reality around father, I was driving to Connecticut, the radio station was getting out of range. I was wondering who might be with me for my keynote presentation on Spirit to a spiritual community. When I hit seek on the radio the next station stopped at had Living Years playing. I took that as Dad making his presence known. He now visits with me frequently.

I encourage you to remember that the living years are the years in which we co-create our moments to treasure. Do not hide or bury the treasure chest for others to search for and to dig up. Open the lid and revel in the beauty of what beholds you. Some items in the treasure chest sparkle, some need polishing, but they are all valuable. You are the contents of the treasure chest. You are what the world is waiting for, your unique contribution to yourself, Spirit and community. Let them see your authentic self.

About The Author: Graham

Graham has developed a powerful connection with Spirit that he shares with the world, passing along valuable and detailed information that includes specific dates and time frames. His service to Spirit has allowed him to transform countless lives and it continually validates continuity of life. Spirit has even saved his own life! Colleagues have learned to trust his advice, even if they can't explain how he does what he does. With many loyal clients around the world to attest to his talent, Graham continues to reach many more through his eight CD audiobook on Mediumship and other Metaphysical subjects. Graham was born in England but now resides in New England. He's a certified Medium, Channel and Spiritual Healer, to name but a few of his offerings. He is also a teacher and has served on Spiritualist committees in the US and in Europe. He's provided thousands of readings and also loves to give back to the community, offering his services at fundraising events, local hospices, churches and camps—wherever he is needed. If you'd like precise and accurate information on your life path, you can find Graham at

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