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Text Messages From God – Part 1

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI love to meditate, I do it often. It’s one of my favorite pass times. I also like to set an intention before meditating.  This afternoon my intention was to get a ‘text message’ from God, or rather an answer from God to a certain question.

My intention was to find out why Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is on the increase in our society. It’s uncanny. These day I’m even hearing how teachers are being diagnosed with ADD, as well adults from all walks of life. I wanted to know why there seems to be such a prevalence of this disorder going on, including an array of prescription drugs to medicate it with. It just makes me sad, because I personally feel it’s a symptom of our toxic, information-overloaded society. Continue reading

Empath Unplugged At Bath Spa

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe host at Burghope Manor country inn in Bradford-on-Avon, England, is a very wise man. He has seen many travelers come and go over the years, and obviously knows what is best for each of them.

When I told him I had downloaded an audio tour on my iPod, from the local tourism website, and was going to do a “Jane Austen walk” through the historic town of Bath, he gave me a skeptical look like only the British can and said, “You might want to stop by the Roman Baths first. It is a must-see, but go there early in the morning, before the tour groups arrive from London.”

Well, who am I to argue with such a determined a messenger of the Universe?

Arriving at the Roman Baths Museum, I was planning to have a quick 30 minute browse around and then go off in pursuit of the famous Ms Austen’s favorite haunts. Well, what is usually a 90 minute visit for most to the baths, if you use the museum’s audio guide, became for me a four hour metaphysical adventure. Continue reading

Surround Yourself With Positive People

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSome people have a smile, warmth and depth to them that is out of this world. These are the people you want to stay connected with.

Some people never evolve, but that is okay. Visualize them being away from you and being “great” somewhere else.

Some people think they are in kindergarten and, although they are adults now, they still play the game of “grapevine.” These people you can also wish away, to be “great” somewhere else.

Sometimes you’re lucky enough to find someone on the same frequency as yourself. Cherish and keep in touch with these lovely kindred folks. Continue reading

Would Turning Your Fantasy Into Reality Be Wise?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHow many thoughts do we have per day? Nobody seems to know for sure and the experts don’t agree, but they all seem to concur that it is ranges somewhere in the thousands. We also have many daydreams and fantasies that cross our minds on a daily basis.

Many of these thoughts and daydreams we would never share with our mates, friends, or family. Many of us never act on our fantasies, for various obvious reasons: we want to stay married, or we want to stay in the same job, or we fear failure should we attempt something new and different. Some of us may even fear that we could end up behind bars in extreme cases. Continue reading

Would You Rather Be Right, Or Happy?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA recent unethical experience with a large company prompted me to ask a few people from various walks of life if they would rather be right, or happy? Most, including my husband, said they would definitely prefer to be right! The unpleasant incident caused me stress and considerable expense, but in the end, I’m glad I chose the latter – to be happy.

I purchased a power generator with a twenty hour backup at an ultimate cost of about $2,300 dollars, including installation and subsequent lawyer fees. I dealt with a salesperson at the retail outlet who told me the unit was too simple to warrant them installing it, and that if I could use a laptop, I could install the unit myself by following the instructions on a compact disc. Continue reading

Is Honesty Always The Best Policy?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHonesty is always the best policy, but sometimes it doesn’t score you points with the family, or win you any friends.

Honest people want so desperately to speak the truth at all cost, because they know that honesty makes you feel a ‘lightness of being’. It is a liberating feeling. Not telling the truth makes you feel weighted down and guilty, and creates dis-ease in the body. Being dishonest is not good for your health.

The old saying goes, “The truth shall set you free.” This can be interpreted many ways, but I find this quote to have deeper meaning on many levels. Sometimes people get in the habit of lying, because they fear someone won’t like them, or maybe they feel they need to tell people what they want to hear for fear of rejection, or hurting someone’s feelings. Continue reading

Turn The Mutterflies Into Butterflies!

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe so often forget to use our imagination for good things and good thoughts. Instead we bog ourselves down with those constant negative what-if’s. We get a case of the ‘mutterflies’ because our tummies, our core, is in literal crisis with all the stress we load upon our minds, our bodies and our spirit.

This is my call to you, dear reader, to turn those mutterflies into butterflies!

Do you even remember what it is like to have a feeling of excitement, of anticipation, of hope? When I was a kid we described it as having “butterflies in the tummy”. We knew something good was going to happen and we were just so excited. So hopeful. So enthusiastic. Continue reading

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