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The First Chakra

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comChakra literally means “wheel” or “circle of light.”

The first chakra, or Muladhara, is located in the coccygeal region at the base of the spine where we sit. It is symbolized by a four petaled red lotus flower.

The animal totem of the first chakra is the elephant. The musical note that resonates with this chakra is C. It is considered the root chakra.

The color of the root chakra is red. It rules the feet, legs, anus, hips, bowels and bladder.

Foods to stimulate the first chakra include beets, strawberries, raspberries, cherries.

Corresponding gland: Adrenal glands. Continue reading

The Disappointed Jesus In London

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTo be fair, I did not visit to the city of London solely for esoteric purposes, but I found the energy signature quite different and stark there, compared to Athens and Berlin.

I found the atmosphere in Berlin, for example, electric, yet peaceful. Stepping off the U-Bahn at Wittenberg Platz in the middle of the high season, I was engulfed by a comforting low-level hum of German families and tourists doing their Saturday afternoon window shopping. The people here did not seem to have a care in the world. The streets were crowded , much like that of London, but not once did I feel a sense of angst or claustrophobia. The warm buzz was actually quite welcoming and pleasant… and this is major coming from a highly strung empath like myself.

Berlin woke me up on a Sunday morning with the nostalgic chiming of church bells. I was staying inside one of the surviving wings of the Neues Schauspielhaus on Nollendorf Platz, in the Schöneberg district of Berlin. It was built in 1905 as a theatre and concert hall, in the then fashionable Art Nouveau style. Maybe Bertold Brecht was there in the 1920s, discussing his plays with someone in the very room I slept in that night, or maybe the bands Depeche Mode or The Human League used it as a dressing room in the 1980s. While those bells were ringing in the distance, I almost expected Christopher Isherwood’s character Sally Bowles to sneak down the corridor of this old building, back from a busy, decadent night’s work at the Kit Kat Club cabaret. Continue reading

Empath Unplugged At Bath Spa

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe host at Burghope Manor country inn in Bradford-on-Avon, England, is a very wise man. He has seen many travelers come and go over the years, and obviously knows what is best for each of them.

When I told him I had downloaded an audio tour on my iPod, from the local tourism website, and was going to do a “Jane Austen walk” through the historic town of Bath, he gave me a skeptical look like only the British can and said, “You might want to stop by the Roman Baths first. It is a must-see, but go there early in the morning, before the tour groups arrive from London.”

Well, who am I to argue with such a determined a messenger of the Universe?

Arriving at the Roman Baths Museum, I was planning to have a quick 30 minute browse around and then go off in pursuit of the famous Ms Austen’s favorite haunts. Well, what is usually a 90 minute visit for most to the baths, if you use the museum’s audio guide, became for me a four hour metaphysical adventure. Continue reading

In The Powerful Presence Of The Maiden Goddess

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany centuries have come and gone since the Athenians ascended the Acropolis to seek the guidance and protection of Athena, the maiden goddess of wisdom, war and divine intelligence. Her status as the favorite daughter of Zeus, and powerful patron deity of the city of Athens, remains evident to this day.

Expecting to be mostly drawn to the Theatre of Dionysus Eleuthereus, when I visited the Acropolis of Athens in Greece*, I was instead keenly aware of the omnipresence of Athena’s legacy. My undergraduate education in literature and drama afforded me a reasonably good understanding of the role of the god Dionysus in ancient Greek culture. I knew about the festivals and plays, and as a student I often imagined visiting the remains of those historic open-air auditoriums. Continue reading

Paranormal Encounters At The Old White House

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFor some time my wife and I had been looking for a new home. Being psychic has always been helpful when one goes house hunting. Growing up in haunted home, I am always very cautious about the properties we consider. Experience has taught me that it is not always the house itself that is haunted – it can also be the land that the house is built on.

Currently we live in the countryside. Yes, we do have one traffic light, and yes, we do have a chicken stand. We wanted to look for something that would offer us a brand new beginning. We have gone through many realtors, of whom none had the patience  for us to find the right house.

My wife eventually found a lady named Alice, from another town. When we met her, we told her we wanted a good size house with some land and an outbuilding to run a small business. I told Alice that I did psychic readings and when I walk into a house I could pick up on any spiritual energy that may be present. Our new realtor thought it cool that I had psychic gifts, and I told her it does help when looking for a house. Continue reading

A Friend Comes For Help

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA friend of mine called me on the phone last week and asked if I could come over to her parent’s land, which they have owned for some time. When I walked up the old dirt road, I noticed that everyone was standing around talking. Both my friend and her mom had a funny look on her face -like she had seen a ghost.

She told me that her parents decided to build a house on this piece of land that has been in their family for a long time. I ask them did they know much about the land and my friend told me know that her great grandparents gave her grandparents and they gave it to her parents. To me this land reminded me of something haunted you see on TV back in the old days, where you had the old trees, broken fences and stuff like that. Continue reading

Aura Colors Come From The Chakras

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI remember going to church as a child and the pastor would be up there preaching. I would see the outline of a red aura around his body, because of the high level of spiritual energy his body was producing.

The meaning of aura colors are numerous and variable. These colors originate from the seven chakras of the human body system.

The first aura color is red. It stems from the root chakra and it symbolizes passion, healing, love and creativity.

The next color of the aura is yellow. This color attributes happiness, creativity and promotes clarity of thought. Next up is green, which symbolizes luck, envy, healing and prosperity.

The color blue is significant, because it indicates inspiration, inner peace and spirituality. It is a very strong spiritual connectivity color. Continue reading

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