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The Day My Angels Saved My Life

Get a free reading at Click Here!I know my angels stopped me from going to work that day for a reason. I knew I had work to do that day that was important enough to keep me safe from injury, or worse.

I will never forget the day of that highway accident. It was September 3, 1999 and I had asked for that day off work, which is something I never did. I was an Office Manager at a tool shop, and worked under a very arrogant accountant whom, I’m sure, had control issues when it came to his staff.

He didn’t feel I should have the day off, as it was already a long weekend for us in Canada. The Labor Day holiday would have afforded me a four day weekend, instead of a three day weekend. I had been working there for several years, however he still said no. He had threatened that I would lose my job if I took that day off, as he didn’t approve it and had no intention of changing his mind. Continue reading

To Find Love… Just Stay In The Groove

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMy husband’s name is Ken and this year is our 50th wedding anniversary. Even after all this time, I still enjoy looking back to see how the Universal Force conspired to bring us together in this lifetime.

I was born on Canada’s East Coast and Ken is from the West Coast. We met each other smack in the middle, in the Province of Manitoba. There is an interesting tale attached to all of this. From the day my father and I first laid eyes on each other,  there was an intense dislike between us from the very beginning. This materialized into a combative position that lasted most of our lives. My father was a violent, sadistic and cruel man, however, luckily for me my siblings were some of the best the Universe had to offer, and this helped offset what we had to endure from him.

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I Am Love – The Power Of Creating Your Life

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs an intuitive, I do my best to gauge how things are unfolding in a given situation. I gain insight from Spirit about how things are unfolding, based on the momentum of a situation.  That being said, I do not believe that we are fated into anything in this life, nor is our future static. I do my best to stay away from ‘fortune telling’ language, because it often takes away from the innate power of our own actions.

Every focused intention is a cause that will lead us to an effect. So, the best we can do in our lives is to ascertain what type of action creates an ideal circumstance. In my experience loving causes as a rule create the ideal circumstances and open up the highest path for the individual.

In the esoteric Christian tradition it is stated that, “God is Love.” So, to align with the will of Love is in essence aligning with the Creative Force of the Universe. It is certainly true that there is a higher effect when we are able to align with the will of Love. The challenging part is to ascertain Love’s will. Continue reading

Can Loved Ones Warn Us Of An Early Departure?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany people believe that we come onto the planet at a particular time and arrive at a particular place of our own choosing.  There are diverse theories as to the accuracy of this idea, but let us pretend for a minute that it is a spiritual truth. Would it not then follow that we also choose when we will leave this earthly plane and where we will leave it from?

If this is the case, would we not also know when we are preparing to leave? Do we know before our own moment arrives? We may have a loved one be away on a trip when a fatal accident occurs. That would certainly prevent us from having the opportunity of saying our final goodbye. Others might have a long lingering illness before finally succumbing, but at least those remaining behind could endeavor to prepare for the grieving process that inevitably will ensue. Continue reading

Creating Your Reality – Survivor, Sinner Or Saint?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTo create, attract and manifest is an innate metaphysical ability we all have access to as beings of Divine origin. Jane Roberts writes in The Nature of Personal Reality, “You are given the gifts of the gods; you create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.”

To be a creator is a function of our free will. We are all co-creators of our shared, physical reality and we shape our own destiny in every single moment of our lives. What you think, feel, believe, wish for, and desire in this very moment, is what you will become tomorrow, and the day after. Continue reading

The Divine Grace Of A Soulmate Connection

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is a myth that everyone is supposed to meet a ‘soulmate’ in this lifetime. Don’t get me wrong, soulmate connections do exist, but this phenomenon is quite rare. It is a singular spiritual anomaly that is certainly not predestined for most of us.

In a world where intimate relationships have become extremely challenging to navigate, the search for the ever-elusive soulmate has become a contemporary obsession. We have co-created a modern society where detachment, loneliness and disconnection reigns supreme, despite our easy access to social media and communication technology. Against this background, the manic hunt for the ‘love of our life’ has become one of our generation’s most profoundly tragic acts of free will.

In my view, the most disturbing aspect of this ‘wild goose chase’ is the fact that it is so often encouraged, or even set into motion, by well-meaning psychic readers and relationship coaches! Too many times, throughout my career, I have had to help pick up the pieces of a broken heart, or a destroyed life, after someone created false expectations for my client with the sweeping statement, “Yes dear, he definitely is your soulmate!” Continue reading

Three Simple Secrets To Success

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever wondered why some people become extremely affluent, while others do not? Is it because they are more intelligent, or have better looking physical features? Did they come from a more stable home environment? Did they receive nothing but encouragement as they were growing up? Maybe they have an extra set of ears, arms, or legs? How’d they do it?

Some of this might seem absurd, or possibly have a ring of truth, but be assured the wealthy and well-to-do actually do have something that many people are missing.

The first step to becoming prosperous is to find what you have neglected, or the piece that you are missing. Every single person on this planet has the ability to be successful. The only roadblocks to unlimited prosperity are our own fears, as well as disregarding our inherent qualities. Continue reading

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