Finding Serenity
What is spiritual serenity, and how does one get to such an enlightened place? I’ve put forth this question many times throughout my life, and I’ve also had it asked of me. People hear what I do for a living and they immediately assume I walk around chanting Buddhist chants, or waving sage throughout my sacred space 24 hours a day. If only!
I don’t have the answers any more than the next person does. There are some things I have learned and seen, as I am sure I have yet more to learn and see. It is an endless cycle of not knowing and then knowing, the same cycle we all go through. The same lessons. It is only in how we apply them that we become different. We grow differently and start to use parts of ourselves that perhaps someone else, who is growing ‘at their own pace’ may not be using yet. And that is okay. Continue reading
Leaving A Legacy – A Message From My Guides
As time goes on, it is natural to think of the impact you might have had on the people, places and things you have encountered over the years.
Some people become great inventors, physicians, leaders, politicians or investors, among many other noble professions. They can measure their legacies easily from the many lives they have touched with their work. Often their identities are household names and the entire world is familiar with their efforts.
But what about those of you who are living day-to-day, doing the best you can to keep your life in balance, your children educated and your mortgage or rent paid? What kind of legacy do you envision for your own family and for the world in which you live? Continue reading
We Are Not All Raised The Same Way
When dealing with those who don’t show kindness, or people who are not civil towards others, it’s important to remember that everyone is not raised the same way.
I speak to several clients every day. Being an empathic, intuitive person, I can tell when someone has not been told that they are loved. Some folks never enjoyed special family time growing up, and some never even connected with at least one parent. It is really sad.
This is when I give self-care advice, which my clients love. The great feedback I get from my clients about this is that self-care empowers them to become less critical and judgmental of themselves and others. They just feel more free to be themselves, and allow others to be who they are. They learn to accept those who see things differently from themselves. Continue reading
Are You Ready For 2017?
The time has come for change, new beginnings, the start of a new year. Have you done your homework? Are you ready? Are you stuck? I ask you these questions, as the beginning of a new year is a time of reflection.
This is the perfect time to look at the past year and ask yourself, “How did I do?” Did you check any boxes off on your bucket list? Did you manifest anything new, different or exciting into your life? Or did you stay stuck where you were at the beginning of last year?
I impress upon you to pick up a pen and a journal, or even just a piece of paper, and start to write what things happened to you in 2016 that you are grateful for. I urge you to write down the continued intentions for your life. Even if they were on your list last year, and did not happen, write them down again. Continue reading