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Finding Your Soul Purpose

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comCreating a Divine Life is not a selfish act. Until we are able to find some degree of personal joy, inner peace and lasting contentment, we are actually of little use to our fellow man. If we are to be effective as our proverbial “brother’s keeper”, which is essentially the foundation of our Life Calling, we need to first achieve a happier and more meaningful life for ourselves.

To create a Divine Life, it is important to differentiate between your Soul Purpose and Life Calling (also known as your Life Purpose). I prefer to use the term Life Calling, because Life Purpose is often confused with the concept of Soul Purpose. A prevalent misconception is that Soul Purpose and Life Purpose describe the same thing, and therefore the two terms are often interchanged. There is however a very clear difference between the two concepts. Continue reading

Chasing Rainbows In A House Of Mirrors

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe state of Divine Disconnect, when you are feeling out of touch, imperfect, inadequate or wanting in your life, is not a reflection of who you really are, neither is it some shameful personal defect that requires salvation. It is in fact a reflection of who you are not, because you have become what you are not.

This sense of being disconnected or separated from your Divine Self is not real, it is a distorted phantasm. It is your physical form trying to make sense of the distorted, grotesque image you have of your own Divinity. You are seeing yourself reflected in a house of mirrors lined with rows and rows of limiting fears, self-destructive beliefs and false idols. In this state you become cut off from your true Soul Purpose and Life Calling. You are no longer aligned with your Divine Self and you lose your direction and purpose. The anxiety, fear and pain that you then feel is your inner guidance system attempting to nudge you back into the right direction. Continue reading

From Skeptic To Believer In One Night

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI must have been about ten years old when I often listened to the heated arguments my parents had. One late Saturday night, during one of my ’ear to the door’ sessions, things seemed less intense. I heard what sounded like a more lighthearted disagreement. I recall my mother daring my father to go out with her one Sunday night. It was several years later until I actually found out what the ‘dare’ was all about, but it was life changing for my father. I am sure it was also quite a relief for my mother, who had someone with whom to share her passion for the Other Side. Continue reading

How To Become A Lightworker

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe term “lightworker” has many meanings in the magical realm. It does not, as a layman might think, refer to someone “who works lightly” or even directly with light! A lightworker is an enlightened soul; one whose mission while on Earth is that of raising consciousness, bringing awareness and truth.

Those on this path are often described as “old souls,” and for good reason, since so many of them have experienced many stops on their karmic journeys. But what are they doing among us, and how can we learn to practice the art of lightworking? Continue reading

The Veil Is Lifting, Don’t Miss It!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe are living in a very different energy frequency today, compared to a decade ago. The shift is constantly rising. Some feel it more than others.

There are things you can do to raise your vibration to match the global awakening, just as there are things you can do to lower your vibration. Unconditional love, and keeping your heart and mind open, raises and connects you to others who are on the same path as yourself.

You can connect with other light beings and enlightened souls by being positive, as well as through meditation, prayer and listening to uplifting music. Some of my favorite music is classical and Indian mediation music. I find it heightens my frequency a lot. Continue reading

Solitary Bliss

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI like to do many things by myself – alone. I can concentrate better when I’m left to my own devices. I feel centered and complete when I’m in my own little retreat; my energy is my own and I don’t have to be disrupted in any way, shape or form.

When I am out in nature taking walks, or wanting to spend time with God in prayer, I am at my most peaceful. I like to meditate alone. I get more out of whatever I’m doing when I am doing it with just me, myself and I.

I respect those who need others to feel connected. I feel we are all on our own journeys and that is what makes us all unique. Continue reading

Meditation The Key To Mental Freedom

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen we allow our minds to dwell too often on our past, or obsessively contemplate our future, we rob ourselves of the enjoyment of the moment.

Being fully present is the key to happiness. Being fully awake and aware of what is going on around us, in the here and now, is true mental freedom, in my opinion.

When I meditate, and focus only on my breath, I get to a point where I am free of thought. I can then completely allow all thoughts to come and go.. observed, but not noticed. It is then when I arrive at my “happy place”. I love to arrive at this inner place I so love. It’s a place of complete awareness, serenity and bliss; there really is nothing like it.

After my morning meditation I can go about the rest of my day without any ‘blinders’. The blinds to my mind have been pulled up and I can then connect with those that are on the same frequency as myself. Continue reading

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