Astrology Forecast February 28 – March 6, 2022
Expect the unexpected today and tomorrow, as the Moon travels through Aquarius and shifts our focus with new information or last minute changes in plans. Don’t fight the obstacles or revisions, as they are designed to serve our best interest.
Being patient and calm may be a tough call this morning under the Aquarius Moon square Uranus in Taurus, which may tempt us to be stubborn, irritable, and unpredictable. Take care not to give in to a capricious mindset or melodramatic mood.
Thankfully, the atmosphere will improve markedly with the Moon conjunction Mercury in Aquarius towards the end of the day, which will see us more mentally alert, focused and acting sensibly.
The Pisces New Moon and two planetary transits add an interesting tone to the week that highlights the spiritual and innovative aspects of our personality.
Wednesday’s Pisces New Moon heralds in a cycle of spiritual renewal over the next two weeks, revealing the reason for past delays, disappointments, or reversals. Think of this as an ‘aha’ phase, where everything will finally begin to make sense!
Getting things done is always easier under a fire sign Moon, so capitalize on Friday and Saturday’s Aries Moon to make things happen.
You may want to take things easy on Sunday as the Moon moves into Taurus and Venus and Mars enter the electric sign of Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius will inspire us to think outside the box over the next six weeks, while Mars in the same sign could create some unpredictable movement or inspire new paths to follow. Either way, with both these planets in the sign of friendship, we’ll have more than enough support and backing to move us forward into a brighter future.
Astrology Forecast February 21 – 27, 2022
Interesting insights and ideas abound under today and tomorrow’s Scorpio Moon, but take care not to get caught up in the mental gymnastics of ‘what if’s.’ Instead, keep your focus on the facts. Writing things down or taking a break in nature can restore some balance as you ponder current truths and realities.
The Moon in Scorpio is an intense, passionate energy that can easily escalate into impulsive behavior, vindictiveness and arguments. Tensions will thankfully be somewhat alleviated this morning by the sense of harmony the Pisces Sun and Scorpio Moon trine will inspire.
Tomorrow evening will be a good ‘date night’ if you are up for some romance this early in the week, or if you need to play catch up with that belated Valentine’s day celebration. The Scorpio Moon sextile Venus in Capricorn on Tuesday is ideal for matters of the heart. It is also the one night this week you are unlikely to have any disagreements with your beloved.
Wednesday and Thursday’s Sagittarius Moon casts an air of fairness and justice over things, as it inspires you to speak up and ask for what you want, or at least get closer to knowing what it is you want.
If you want to be sure you will get anything done this week, aim for Thursday through Saturday to make some real progress, as the Moon will march through industrious and determined Capricorn and move things along quite nicely. Thursday’s Sagittarius Moon sextile Saturn in Aquarius will give us a head start by boosting our sense of organization and responsibility, brining even the most ambitious goals within our practical reach. However, the serious, conscientious tone of the Capricorn Moon may also cause some of us to go into ‘workaholic’ mode, while neglecting family and personal life, so be sure to make some real plans for fun and relaxation over the weekend.
Sunday is all about friendships and unity under the Aquarius Moon, as we pause to connect with our favorite people and see what they’ve been up to.
The Divine Magic Of Manifesting
We cannot always control our environment, but we can be an active force in how things play out in our own lives. Through our actions and choices we impact our personal universe, even without any occult practice.
However, this changes once we become aware of our metaphysical ability to manifest, and we realize we have already been doing it our entire life as spiritual beings in human form. And once we become aware of our innate power to manifest we simply need to improve it and have a deeper conversation with the many layers of reality.
Our minds and, in particular, our expectations already influence the world around us. We do this unconsciously every day, and without direction. Sometimes we let our fears run wild and then we create dark mirages that end up taking shape in our material world. Yes, indeed, these are mishaps of our own creation.
We all want to guide, foresee, and control life, but for some of us this possibility has always eluded us. There seems to be too many variables and our judgments appear to lack the clout required to guide even our own most basic wants. Maybe reality is simply too complicated? Perhaps we just need more resolve? Or maybe ‘magic’ may teach us something about that.
The magic of manifesting is a technique or method, as well as a spiritual path. It is a tool for self-discovery, since it rearranges our perceptions of reality and it is a path because it leads us to personal revelations and inner realizations. Furthermore, it assists us in seeing how malleable our life really is, which is unquestionably the first step toward personal transformation.
Magic as an occult tradition has a bad reputation. It may appear that anything related to so-called magic is supposed to be dark and dangerous, even evil, but this is not the case at all. Instead, the magic of manifesting brings our true desires into reality. It is a continuous process that teaches us a lot about our minds. We actually become more aware of our most difficult personal aspects by engaging with the things we desire. In the pursuit of magic we often discover how we are sometimes our own worst enemy.
Astrology Forecast February 14 – 20, 2022
It’s all about love and romance this week, as the Moon moves into Leo on Valentine’s Day and stays there until it culminates in a Full Moon on Wednesday! The Leo Moon brings with it an air of confidence and self-expression.
Personal desires, flirtation, passion, romantic, relationships, and friendships, as well as contemplating what we truly value in life, will rise to the surface in the coming days.
Mercury in Aquarius, will further heighten our ability to be friendly and intuitively aware in our interactions with others, and some of us will even be able to truly turn on the charm today!
The Leo Moon opposite Saturn in Aquarius tomorrow might place a depressing damper on our mood after yesterday’s love fest. We may even feel unhappy and dissatisfied, question our relationships. We might also feel abandoned or lonely.
If you find yourself in this state of mind on Tuesday, try to work through your feelings before Wednesday, as the Leo Full Moon may further inflame a negative state of mind with moodiness, dissatisfaction, and irritability.
On Friday the Sun will move into soul-based Pisces and completely shift our focus from the external to our inner being. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is a culmination of all we’ve experienced over the last twelve months and a time to go deeper and embrace our spiritual power and heart’s desires. We’ve spent the first part of the year looking at things outside of ourselves, and now we’ll be turning inward to see what personal and spiritual changes are forming.
Saturday and Sunday’s Libra Moon will aid us in determining how our inner desires are reflecting to the outside world, and how to approach things with more balance and ultimately, success.
It Will Happen When The Time Is Right
Most psychics find it almost impossible to read for themselves, or for friends and relatives. It is difficult to remain objective in readings for people who are very close to us. It is therefore common practice for psychics to read for each other when the need arises.
Many years ago my psychic mentor and I were trading readings. During my reading she told me I would one day have to choose between two men. Of course, I am like everyone else and so I wanted to know when it would happen?
As a professional psychic reader I knew from personal experience that the prediction of the timing for events is really hard to do. But I still wanted it to happen right then and there! I was less experienced then and obviously had a lot to learn. I don’t have patience at all, but sometimes in life you are made to learn important life lessons.
It took over a decade, but my mentor’s prediction finally happened. Yes, ten years later these two men were finally both in my life, just as she had forecasted they would!
Doing psychic readings professionally I am often asked during a reading, “When exactly is so-and-so going to contact me.” Then, if that contact doesn’t come quick enough, there comes the stress and fears. This can cause a bigger misunderstanding, thinking that commutation won’t ever happen. To make matters worse, timing is especially difficult to predict when a person doesn’t have patience or doesn’t give things time to happen.
If you really think about it, would it really be so much easier or better to have everything that we want happen right away? If so, will we be truly ready for it, and will we also appreciate the good things we already do have in our lives?
How To Maintain A Healthy Aura
The aura is an emanation surrounding the body of a living creature; it is viewed as the essence of the individual and discernible by people with special sensibilities. Although most children can see them, it’s getting them to tell you what they see that’s the problem, especially, if they don’t know their colors.
Auras have a spectrum of colors that can be photographed with special equipment. Most people believe that auras are intangible. They don’t realize that the health of one’s aura can easily be monitored and sustained healthily. Just as one monitors your blood pressure or insulin levels. Even though you can’t see your aura doesn’t mean it isn’t there. We can’t see radio waves or x-rays, yet we still know they exist. If you want to monitor the health of your aura you must rely on an aura reading by someone capable of seeing them. Fortunately, there are techniques we can use to maintain a healthy aura.
It is a misconception to think that an extended aura is a good thing. An overextended aura brings about many health problems. Aches, pains, insomnia to name a few. An overextended aura also can leave one vulnerable to negative energies. I was always taught that when someone drinks or uses drugs, it in a sense, blows big holes in ones aura. This allows these negative forces to attach themselves to you and work through you.
Have you ever lived with an alcoholic? Or know someone who is a drug addict? Have you ever noticed how they change when they are drinking or drunk? Certain drugs and alcohol lowers the inhibitions. Thus, allowing such entities to take control. Ever notice, when someone is under the influence, their voice changes and often times, so does the color of their eyes. They become violent or abusive. They may become promiscuous, while normally they are more reserved.