Love & Relationships
Do Not Fill Your World With Loneliness
Are you lonely? We all experience times when we actually choose to have some ‘alone time’, but loneliness is not the same as choosing to be alone. Loneliness is being alone, but feeling saddened by it.
My husband is currently in hospital here in Spain and I am in awe of the number of family and friends constantly visiting patients in hospital here. This is encouraged by the doctors as the best aid in speeding up healing. They must know that loneliness is a response to the need to belong. Interpersonal relationships give us emotional health and the basic need to belong is as fundamental as the need to breathe, sleep or eat. Continue reading
Purples Are Natural Leaders
Purple is a powerful spiritual color that originates from the authoritative plane. What this means for those individuals who have this as their favorite color is that they tend to operate completely from the authoritative self.
This is not to be mistaken as seeming “bossy;” it stems from an inherent understanding of how things should operate in a successful manner, and usually for the common good. Purple soul colored people are frequently quite intelligent, highly articulate and when in their natural balance they are always in control. Continue reading
Thorns Are Only There To Protect The Rose
Each time we turn to unnecessary conflict, things turn into chaos. It stirs up the aura around each person involved. The ripples of anger and hurt affects everyone involved.
This doesn’t mean we can’t ever stand up for ourselves, or disagree. In fact, statistics prove that couples who never argue most often don’t last in their relationships. A good storm now and then can clear up things and allow us opportunity to express the things we have been suppressing.
But often we hold it in for too long, and then it blows up. When this happens, the drama is often worse than it needed to be. We say things we later regret. We are even surprised by some of the things we say when we get this upset! Where did that come from? Continue reading
Why People Cheat On Their Mates – Part 4
In the second post and third post in this blog series I have shared with you two different clients experiences with cheating in their marriage.
There are about as many different reasons why people cheat on their mates as there are for why their partners choose to stay with them!
One thing I have found to be true for the different types of couples that deal with cheating in their relationships. People who stay with their cheating mates are less happier and less healthier than those who decide to be proactive and take action – be it divorce, separation or break up. These brave souls chin up and decide not to deal with those that do not respect them enough to remain true. Continue reading
My Daughter’s New Life Beyond This One
Recently our 48 year old daughter passed away*. Those of you who have experienced the death of a child will understand the depth of the grief and sorrow that parents are left with. All we can hope for now is that the sense of loss will eventually not be so deep and profound.
The physical cause of her death was the effects of her cancer treatments, however, the soul cause of her passing was because she could no longer sustain any kind of happiness in this existence.
Kathy was beautiful, highly intelligent and possessed a remarkable sharp wit. Yet, from a very young age she also appeared aloof and reserved. Curiously, she was often judged, and sometimes quite harshly, because of this particular quirk. Why anyone would choose to be offended by this trait is still a mystery to me. Those like her, with an extremely sensitive soul, will inherently create an environment for themselves simply to protect that fragile being from harm. This attitude should be embraced and rewarded, instead of judged and ridiculed. Continue reading
Why People Cheat On Their Mates – Part 3
In the previous blog in this series I shared with you Diane’s situation with her now ex-husband. She was married to a man who stepped out on his very happy marriage, because there was some aspect to his personality that made it impossible for him to be faithful. There are many ways to explain why one may cheat. Diane felt that her husband’s wondering eye was just that – he liked to look around and flirt with other women.
Today, I am sharing *Joanne’s story. She has been married for several decades, and she has four children with her husband. They also own a business together. Although she knew her husband had cheated on her decades ago, she decided to forgive him and stay with him to this very day. Her reasoning was that she had small children, and she was also raised Catholic. Therefore, she felt divorce wouldn’t be the right thing to do. Unfortunately, it did not end there. Continue reading