Love & Relationships
Sexuality Is An Integral Part Of Our Spirituality
I have been teaching White Tantric Yoga for 15 years. It is based on the Kama Sutra, or the Kama Sutra is based on White Tantric Yoga. I incorporate these teachings in my partner workshops and find it to be a great way to lure men into the class! These teachings are not pornographic or about teaching wild sexual positions. It is actually the opposite. It is in fact designed to remove those things from our lives that disconnect our sexuality from our spirituality, such as porn, perversion, control, violence and infidelity. Continue reading
Romancing The Zodiac
For many years I wrote a weekly horoscope for a local newspaper. It was a fun and funky paper with a demographic core group of loyal readers aged 23 to 33, and a 70% female to 30% male readership.
The editor asked me what type of horoscope I thought the newspaper needed, given that the male readership ratio was so much smaller compared to that of women. I told her that we needed to do a horoscope for males and females of each sign. We needed to break down the walls between men and women, because the newspaper’s advice column seemed to suggest neither sex had a clue about what was going on in the others’ head.
My plan was to write the horoscopes combining elements of Astrology and Numerology, but the meat and potatoes, the predictions within each horoscope itself, would come from me using a different Tarot deck each week. I did an overview for the week ahead, one for males and one for females, in which lot of the astrological elements were taken into account. This was followed by a male and female horoscope for every sign of the Zodiac. Continue reading
Past Lives Leave Emotional Imprints
I recently did a psychic reading for a lady who has a real fear of the ocean. Her fear extends to being a passenger in an aircraft flying high above the ocean, to being on the beachfront trying to relax to the sound of waves crashing along the shore-line. She had booked a session with me to see if we could discover the source of her deep-seated fear of the sea.
The answer to people’s emotional blocks often comes to me through imagery and sounds, which I receive in my mind’s eye. Sometimes scrying using the crystal ball, or Tarot images and symbols are a catalyst for insights which spirit shows me. Continue reading
Elizabeth And Me
I’m running the sole of my foot over the top of her soft, furry coat – from the crown of her head, all the way down to where her tail begins. She arches and luxuriates in this gentle and soothing caress.
We have been sharing this deeply healing form of intimacy for nearly 14 years. Elizabeth was a Christmas gift from a dear friend. Since her puppy days, have never been apart for more than a few hours. Never for a night! Whether it be wood, stone, clay, molded bronze, copper, gold or any material that is totally solid and bonded – we are made of that. Our togetherness is my greatest pleasure. Our love is my deepest treasure. She is my sunshine, my shadow and everything in-between. Continue reading
It’s Good To Get A Second Opinion!
I can’t speak for other psychic readers, or what they may do when it comes to this practice, but I personally encourage my clients to get a reading from a fresh set of eyes – someone with a new perspective on their situation that I may not be seeing. Want to see another reader? By all means!
Do we as readers get too close to our closest clientele? Can this affect our readings? I’d like not to think so. In some client cases I know both parties involved, I may even have done counseling for them. I’d like to think I keep a very objective outlook and that I’m able to see past any emotions and any triggers that may come up in the process of a psychic reading or counseling session. Continue reading