Sleep Paralysis, Or Demonic Attack?
From the very first time I experienced sleep paralysis, there has been no doubt in my mind that I was being attacked by some dark force. This began to happen to me in 1999 and has continued until as recently as two months ago. The medical community would, however, attribute it merely to “sleep paralysis.” I beg to differ.
According to, sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which a person, either falling asleep or awakening, temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak or react. It is a transitional state between wakefulness and sleep. One theory is that sleep paralysis is the result of disrupted rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which normally induces complete paralysis to prevent the sleeper from acting out his or her dreams. Sleep paralysis has been linked to disorders such as narcolepsy, anxiety, and sleep apnea, however, it can also occur in isolation. Continue reading
The Hunter’s Moon Brings A New Day
This year we were up on four occasions, watching as the Sun, and the Moon, Lady Moon, were in the sky at the same time. The sun passed over the Moon, turning the Moon and sky blood red… four times in a row. The whole of the purple, darkened sky lighted up as if thousands of fireworks had burst into colors raining down on our spirits with beauty.
The first Blood Moon eclipse in this total series of four happened on April 15, 2014 and the last one happened on October 8, 2014. This special occurrence is known as a lunar tetrad. The next total eclipse will take place on April 4, 2015.
The majesty and wonder of the Hunter’s Moon, the Blood Moon, reminds us of the glories of the universe. With this we see the doors to Other Worlds, the Other Side opening up, allowing the lights to come back in. With this, we can expect great events, wondrous omens of changes to come. Continue reading
Vision Board Magic
I am more and more pleasantly surprised at the number of clients who are making their own vision boards with great success these days. Yet, I still suggest creating a vision board to many customers who feel it is their lot in life to be poor, unhappy, lonely, or cheated on by a partner.
Often people don’t even realize the extent to which they affirm the negative. I find myself cringing, because in essence they are confirming that the things they really don’t want is part of their destiny. So, for starters, I usually ask them to observe their dialogue and to focus on replacing any negatives and ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ with a positive. Often many years of stating negative words need to be re-formatted in order to manifest the life your truly desire. Continue reading
Encounters With Aliens – Part 1
Working as a psychic, energy healer, spiritual teacher and Kundalini Yoga instructor, I have heard many *stories about alien experiences from clients and students.
These stories have all been told to me by people I trust and who I feel are sane, sober and honest. Some of them had never told anyone of their experiences, for fear that they would be deemed insane or judged, or thought of as a fraud. I believe this gives even more credibility to their stories, since they have no motive or reward for lying to me.
In the meantime I have also had my own experience with what I believe was an alien, who was also a changeling. It was literally like something from a Star Trek episode. Yes, indeed. Continue reading
Is Your Mind In A State Of Zen?
Much like a computer, if you don’t keep your mind clear and sometimes take necessary steps to keep it running smoothly, it can give you some grief in the long run. You will find in the end that you are not happy, lack awareness and even suffer depression.
When our minds don’t function properly, our life doesn’t seem to be as fulfilled as it could be. Achieving this state of clarity, serenity and mental smooth sailing is what I call “living in a state of Zen.”
Have you been going about your life in a constant mad rush with your mind all over the place? This is not living in Zen. If you don’t need it, discard it from your mind. This way you will have the extra space to bring in things that actually serve your highest good and help you to be a happier healthier individual. Continue reading
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