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Lessons In Love – Part 1

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLife is difficult at times, but it doesn’t have to be. There is one ingredient, one key element that we can all apply to make life less stressful. It can make life so much more enjoyable and fulfilling. What is it you ask? Why it is love!

“Love? Get real!” you may say, because you have had your fair share of disappointment, heartbreak, and even betrayal.

Many of my clients have had such life-challenging trials and tribulations. I always encourage them to find love in their heart, despite whatever they may have gone through. Yes, unconditional love is powerful! Let it permeate every cell of your being and direct it outwards to those who are difficult to be with. Send it to those who you otherwise can’t stand, or dread to be around. Allow the healing power of love to be the soothing balm in and around your entire being. Continue reading

It’s Not Too Late To Take Spiritual Inventory

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs we finally settle into this year, many of our well-intended new year’s resolutions have already been abandoned. Yet, it is not too late. This is early part of the year is the perfect time for us to still look back, as well as make plans for the future. But where do we begin, especially as it applies to our spiritual and psychic life?

Looking spiritually inward is not quite as simple as cleaning out our closets or drawers. We may have lingering negative influences we’re not even aware of. It’s human nature to want to keep old habits instead of creating newer, healthier ones. So, as we move into the year, it’s more important than ever to make ourselves spiritually healthy. Continue reading

Create Your Own Energy Cleansing Spray

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRemember the last time you changed out a dirty air filter from your air-conditioning unit, vacuum cleaner, or your car? Remember how clogged with dust it was?  In our living spaces, negative energies accumulate over time just like those ‘dust bunnies.’ Even though we can’t see these energies, there is a way to clear them on a regular basis. Think of it as the spiritual version of house cleaning.

The first and most obvious step to take is to physically clean your space. Clutter and unwanted items work as repositories for negative energy, so it’s important to get rid of it. After you’re done, imagine the space being deep-cleaned with an indigo or violet-colored flame. Use this as a silent meditation, and picture the flames consuming all that invisible ‘dust.’ Continue reading

The Meaning Of Colors

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFor me, there is no judgment on the type or amount of questions I am asked as a psychic, or how often it is being asked in readings. If a person has a need to call me frequently, it simply means they still need assurance that things will advance as they hope, or that their plans may be coming to fruition.

It is always very gratifying to learn that my clients have their own unique set of abilities. This is usually on a variety of levels, which just means we are at different levels in our development and psychic awareness. One goal I have in my work is to dispel doubt as to whether or not everyone has psychic ability. Let me assure you, the gifts are there, you just need to learn how to access them. Continue reading

Compare And Despair

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I attended a Toastmasters meeting where a gentleman was delivering his first speech to this specific group – an ice breaker to have us get acquainted with him. Instead of the typical short autobiographical introduction this speaker chose to give us an overview of his philosophy of life.

He told his audience that he sees himself entering a new phase of his life right now. He spoke about how important it is to get to know yourself and to take care of yourself first and foremost, and to always live in the moment.

After the speech and applause, the toastmaster reflected briefly on what the talk meant to him as he had listened. He said it reminded him of a mentor who had once, many years ago, said to him, “Compare… and despair”. If in life you are constantly comparing yourself to others, or comparing what you have with what others have, or what you feel you lack, or need to achieve, then all that will do is bring yourself unnecessary despair. Continue reading

Life Is Sweeter With Kindred Souls

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSome people simply add value to our lives. Kindred souls are true friends who make us feel that sharing space with them, or being around them, is right where we are meant to be. I call that comfortable, blissful feeling “being in Zen.”

Then of course we have all experienced sharing space with toxic people who make us feel like we need to leave immediately, because if we don’t take action we will soon start to feel depleted or drained. I like to describe that feeling as “going against the grain.” It very much feels like I’m doing something that doesn’t feel right, or that I am not where I’m supposed to be. Continue reading

Recovery From Psychic Attack

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf you’ve been feeling depressed, in pain, or just out of sorts without quite knowing why, it may be that you’ve been on the receiving end of a psychic attack. Someone may be deliberately intending harm by sending negative energies at you, through fear, anger, or jealousy, or else it may take the form of an inadvertent ‘side-swipe.’ This may even come from people you care about! Whatever the case is, psychic attack is just as real and harmful as an actual physical assault. Most of us have been a victim at some point in our lives. Continue reading

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