Psychic Raymond at
He was raised a Christian and grew up in a very “interesting” house in Columbus, Ohio. At an early age, it became apparent that his home was occupied by more than his immediate family members. When things went bump in the night, Raymond convinced himself that his mind was merely playing tricks. But when the nightly visitors continued to make their presence known, he had to face the reality that ghosts did in fact exist and had taken up residence in his house. Continue reading
Until Death Do Us Not Depart
Physical death is not the death of the love you have for someone. When we die we continue to love all those we have ever loved in life and in all our past lives.
When someone you love dies they do not stop loving you, they continue to love you. I can say I am 100% sure that the love two people have for one another does not die after death. I would be willing to bet that that love is even intensified and maybe even deeper then the love the person had for you in life.
How do I know this you ask? I have had several conversations about life after death with my grandfather who told me many times if he could come back he would – he promised me this. He did come to me after he died and I was able to tell him I loved him, and it was definitely one of the best experiences I have ever had. Continue reading
Orbs And Apparitions In My New House
Last week I saw something I never thought I would, even after years of living in a haunted house. I bought a brand new house in 1992 for this every reason – no more hauntings, apparitions and paranormal activity! I really never thought that my new house will become haunted too.
On February 9th, 2013, I was in the living room talking to my wife and I noticed that my three year old puppy, Peppermint, was standing in the kitchen looking up at the ceiling and wagging her tail. It seemed as if she was looking at something, or someone. I joked with my wife and said, “Look, Peppermint is looking at ghosts!” Peppermint was walking slowly, the way she usually does when she is approaching a person for the first time. Then suddenly she backed off really quick, but she did not bark. She was intrigued and cautious, but certainly not frightened. The scene reminded me of something I saw on a paranormal investigation TV show recently, so I followed my intuition and went to my computer room to grab my digital camera and my digital recorder. Continue reading
Mediumship And Family Life
Being around a gifted family does help your spiritual energy grow and the feeling of support and mutual understanding that we share, when we are all together, is truly wonderful.
Last year we moved into a new house. We started noticing that every once in a while we would hear noises and we had no idea where they were coming from. Sometimes it would be as simple as the sound of someone hitting the wall, and other times it sounded like someone walking up and down the stairs.
The longer we lived there the more we heard these strange noises. It didn’t matter what time of the day it was. The situation developed to a point where almost every day you would hear footsteps on the stairs or in the hallway! Continue reading
Our Haunted House
Anyone who grew up in a haunted house knows the things that can happen to a family in such a place.
I can remember the time when my brother John had a paper route, for which he had to get up early in the morning to deliver the newspaper. How my brother talked me into helping him on this particular Saturday I can no longer remember. But what happened that day will remain engraved in my memory.
It was a spring day and my brother went onto our front porch to get the papers. The milkman was also making his way up the steps, to bring my family’s daily delivery of fresh dairy. I figured, since I was up anyway, why not hit Mr. Milkman up for some chocolate milk… and put it on my mom and dad’s tab. Continue reading