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The Lessons Of Sagittarius

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe Sun moved into the sign of Sagittarius, the Archer, on November 22nd and will remain there until December 21st. Sagittarius is a mutable (dual-natured) and masculine energy sign ruled by the element of Fire. If we look at its symbols, we can begin to better understand those born this time of year.

The constellation Sagittarius is a centaur – half man, half horse. Sagittarians are often said to have a logical, philosophical side, along with a more earthy, fun-loving streak, which represents mankind’s struggle between his heavenly and animalistic natures. Its glyph (astrological symbol) is an arrow pointing upward, which is appropriate for a sign whose nature is to constantly learn and question everything!

If you’ve ever known a Sagittarian, you’ll have known someone who is adventurous and seeks to explore every part of their life. Unlike some of the other Sun signs, these people may want knowledge for its own sake, or to satisfy personal curiosity. Continue reading

The Vital Energy Of The Sun

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the northern hemisphere September 23rd marked the Autumn Equinox and the start of fall. In these days we traditionally celebrate harvests and the bounty of summer, and enjoy the last warm days before winter. But what to do about the increasing lack of sunlight?

In our psychic lives, we need the energy of the sun as much as we need water, air, or ground under our feet. Sunlight represents the fourth essential spiritual element of fire. If we don’t have enough of it, we can easily become depressed and lose touch with our psychic self.

So how can we incorporate the sun in our daily lives, even if we can’t afford a winter home in Hawaii? The most obvious answer is to make time to get natural sunlight. Sorry, but that artificial sunlamp in your office doesn’t count! Of course, if we’re able to, it is nice to take that winter vacation to a sunnier climate, but if not, a walk outside each day can prove extremely beneficial. Continue reading

Building Your Energy Channels

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOur bodies contain endless potential for energy: physical, mental, electrical, psychic. Much like the sun itself, we are constantly providing energy. Yet, many of us feel drained and exhausted? If we learn to tap into our natural channels, this doesn’t have to be so.

Like the power of our brains, we may only be using a small fraction of our personal energies. The best way to get started is a program of meditation or prayer to discover where our strongest energies lie. These are to be found in our psychic centers, or chakras. As you begin your journey, you’ll notice stronger feelings in one or more of your seven spiritual centers: crown, eyes, throat, heart, chest, spleen, and root. It may be a slightly prickly sensation, like static electricity, or a growing warmth, or a feeling, or a pleasant coolness. Continue reading

Living Under The Mushroom?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAre you living under the mushroom? This is not necessarily a bad thing, depending what your expectations are. In order to live in the Light we must make an effort of some kind to come out from under the mushroom. Nothing much grows in the shadows.

Living in the Light? What does that mean? Does it mean we will no longer gossip about the neighbors, focus less on the negative aspects of life, stop finding fault with others, and never expect bad things to happen to us? Probably not.

What “living in the Light” does mean is that we strive to accept and understand the motives of others, and that we allow some leeway when dealing with faulty human beings, especially considering the fact that we are personally also one of those “faulty souls”. We also choose to expect good things. Continue reading

Say Good Morning To The World

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYesterday was a real hard one for me; too many things going wrong: kids not observing rules, friends who just needed a few minutes to talk, family calling with one problem or another, and then being notified to fill in at work at the last minute.

Good morning to the World.

There I went, off to the craziness of another day in the old rat race of work, and family chaos.

But this morning I took a different approach, by returning to my usual daily routine. Seeing the Sun rising high in the East, I went outside to sit on the bench with my second cup of espresso. To charge up my energy I started singing O’ Sole Mio in a clear, strong voice. This is the best way to welcome the blessings of another day – before everyone else wakes up. Continue reading

Spring Awaits Within The Sacred Circle

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI was concentrating on work last night, while outside my window, without me realizing, a quiet blanket of white fell over the earth. The beauty of the quietness, the purity of the color gave a sense of all is well.

Of course, this snow puts the universe into a time of pause, a waiting time, where even the stars, the Moon, and the Earth seems suspended, still, ending movement, ending growth. Yet, underneath, the seeds and the bulbs are preparing, taking in nourishment, so that in the advent of the Spring season, sometimes even before the snow is gone, the beautiful new growths start to pop up here, there, bringing new life.

Many people wish for Spring all the time. Our lives are so busy. We wish to keep rushing, fast-paced, moving toward our goals and our dreams. We want to keep life moving as quickly as we can. Continue reading

Heliotherapy – Let The Sunshine In!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs winter is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere, for many of us it’s also the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as “winter blues” or “winter depression.” Since most of us can’t afford a month-long trip to a tropical island to offset our melancholy, what can we do holistically and naturally to restore ourselves to balance?

Many of us spend our waking hours almost entirely indoors. We wake up when the sun is just rising, work for many hours, and then go home when it is already setting again. This is artificial and unhealthy.

Our ancestors, who were free from our modern lifestyle diseases, never would have experienced it. We need sunlight to grow, to heal, and to thrive, which is why SAD, in these months of diminished sunlight, can be so debilitating.

Make it a priority to get outside and take in the natural light. Without the Vitamin D and other nutrients we need, it’s easy for us to slip into a downward spiral. In addition, natural sunlight has benefits such as lowered blood pressure, a stronger immune system, and improved mood. Continue reading

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