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Psychics And Mediums: What’s the Difference?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany people automatically assume that psychics and mediums are one and the same. The truth is, all mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.

By definition, a psychic is any person with some form of extrasensory perception (ESP). ESP takes different forms and some psychics are gifted in more than one area. A medium, by contrast, is a very specific kind of psychic, someone who can communicate directly with the spirit realms.

For many reasons, psychics are sometimes viewed more skeptically than mediums by the average person. There is no “proven” way to tell if someone is psychic; everyone has some degree of psychic ability, but some are naturally more gifted than others. Mediums, on the other hand, can often convey specific, accurate or familiar information from a deceased friend or family member to a bereaved survivor. Continue reading

Encounters With Aliens – Part 1

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWorking as a psychic, energy healer, spiritual teacher and Kundalini Yoga instructor, I have heard many *stories about alien experiences from clients and students.

These stories have all been told to me by people I trust and  who I feel are sane, sober and honest. Some of them had never told anyone of their experiences, for fear that they would be deemed insane or judged, or thought of as a fraud. I believe this gives even more credibility to their stories, since they have no motive or reward for lying to me.

In the meantime I have also had my own experience with what I believe was an alien, who was also a changeling. It was literally like something from a Star Trek episode. Yes, indeed. Continue reading

The Rise Of A New Spirituality

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn Beyond the Postmodern Mind, Huston Smith writes that “Rationalism and Newtonian science has lured us into dark woods, but a new metaphysics can rescue us”. Mankind will never give up its quest to find spiritual meaning and purpose in this world. This quest is what has been driving both science and religion for centuries.

The Buddha said, “The teacher appears when the student is ready.” The same principle applies to the human species as a collective. We have been exposed to new esoteric and scientific insights as we evolved – always when the time was right and the world was ready. Prominent religions all over the world were all founded on esoteric guidance and metaphysical wisdom delivered at various times throughout history by great teachers and prophetic messengers. But as time passed and these religions expanded, they were often contaminated by human bureaucracy, superstition, doctrine and dogma, which distorted the original teachings. Continue reading

From Skeptic To Believer In One Night

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI must have been about ten years old when I often listened to the heated arguments my parents had. One late Saturday night, during one of my ’ear to the door’ sessions, things seemed less intense. I heard what sounded like a more lighthearted disagreement. I recall my mother daring my father to go out with her one Sunday night. It was several years later until I actually found out what the ‘dare’ was all about, but it was life changing for my father. I am sure it was also quite a relief for my mother, who had someone with whom to share her passion for the Other Side. Continue reading

Paranormal, Or Perinormal?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMost of us hear the word “paranormal” and a whole host of concepts might come to mind: ghosts, extra-sensory perception (ESP), creatures like Sasquatch or the Loch Ness monster. A good many of us might even have experienced a paranormal phenomenon or two in our lives. But what exactly is paranormal? The answer might surprise you, as will its related cousin, the term “perinormal.”

“Paranormal” comes from the Greek word meaning “outside.” Thus, “outside of what is normal.” On the other hand, “perinormal” takes its root from the word meaning “close to.” So, the term “perinormal” might apply to almost every living person today. Continue reading

Ghostly Phone Calls From Grandpa

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMy wife’s side of the family did not really believe in the paranormal. But that changed when my wife’s grandfather passed away in 2010. After the funeral my father in-law asked me if I would help him paint grandpa’s house, before they put it up for sale.

Soon after we arrived there, my father in-law came up from the basement with a funny look on his face. I asked him what had happened and he said it smelled like sawdust downstairs. The smell was exactly the same as it used to be when his father was doing his carpentry in the basement. When we went to bed I had a hard time sleeping and I remember looking at the clock. The time was 2:30 am. When I rolled over I could see the living room light on. I thought maybe someone got up and forgot to turn the light off, so I got up and turned it off. Continue reading

Helping A Young Psychic Develop

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA young person with a psychic gift must be recognized early on, and nurtured in their development. If not, they may experience a lot of confusion and even trauma. Their gift must be seen and experienced as a blessing, not a curse.

My niece Rachel was one of the more fortunate. She clearly had a gift from a very tender age. When she was a little girl I would give my brother and sister in-law some time off by babysitting Rachel and her older sister. Every time I would go over to their house to watch the kids, Rachel didn’t want me to read her normal children books. She would grab the family photo album and look specifically at old pictures of deceased family members. She would look at these photos with much interest and talk to the people in them as if they were sitting right in front of her. Continue reading

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