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psychic predict future

Assisted By Two Spirit Guides

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever wondered how many spirit guides you have? Do you sometimes wonder if they help you in your personal life?

Well, I discovered a couple of weeks ago, when I had a client call me, how important a role our guides can play in our daily lives. The client had ask me to let my spirit guide choose the deck of cards for her and what happened was quite remarkable.

Many of my regular clients know I that I am assisted by my spirit guide Lisa in a lot in my psychic readings. But she usually does not choose the deck of cards. I always have the client choose the deck.

Well, on this occasion, when I started to flip the cards over I noticed that the cards gave off another type of energy compared to what I am usually seeing. When the client and me started to talk about her reading even she was really shocked, as much as I was, the way the reading had taken on an unusual twist. Everything I was telling her had in fact happened in her life over several days, before she called me. Continue reading

The Significance Of Numbers

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere have been occasions when clients would call me and ask if I could predict the winning lottery numbers for them. Truth be told, if I had access to that kind of information I would not be doing psychic readings to make a living.

I believe numbers play a bigger part in our lives than we tend to realize. Lately, when I do psychic readings, I have started to see significant numbers. Since I use a normal deck of playing cards there is the numbers two through to ten, and at times I use the Aces as ‘one’ when I get a ‘flash’.

When I do a reading I often feel that my spirit guide is trying to tell me something specific, and when I look down at the cards I do see the numbers of the cards around the client’s spread. Then I read what the numbers are supposed to be.  If we see a certain number over and over we need to pay attention. I feel that such numbers are trying to tell us something.

Numbers are an important part of our personal life history – from our birthdates to many other significant times and dates and even personal identification numbers. Continue reading

Psychic Time Frames

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAt times I am a client and the other times I am on the other side of the fence. Either way, predicting time is always a challenge.

I have been doing psychic readings for a very long time. I can remember when I found out I had the gift and over the years how challenging time frames are to predict.

When I was hired to do psychic readings for Psychic Access, I looked at the other psychics that work with the same company. I finally felt that I was not alone, because they had the same gift. My first phone call from a customer I can remember very well. I was nervous.

At times it is hard to give a time frame for when something will happen, depending on the circumstances. Even when I hire a psychic for myself, wanting to know when certain events will happen in my own life, I have a hard time being patient. Continue reading

Prophets And Prophecies

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAll through the pages of history we find instances of prophets and prophecies.

The word ‘prophecy’ is derived from the Greek word prophemi; pro meaning ‘before’ and phemi meaning ‘to tell’.  Thus, prophecy means to foretell what will happen in the future, or to divine or interpret.

Prophecy is one of the many gifts of a psychic and is of much value to humanity. All psychics are prophets.

Today we have valuable prophets among our psychics and many whose prophecies have manifested to the letter.

However, after receiving a prophecy, be practical about it. In fact, make an effort to apply your common sense and power of reasoning to every message or prediction you receive. Continue reading

2011: Doom, Gloom And Celebrity Gossip

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe year 2011 has kicked off with yet another batch of psychic predictions from all over the globe. It has become an annual tradition to predict as much doom and gloom as possible, and this year the custom was once again upheld with much enthusiasm and zeal.

The usual depressing prophecies and upcoming disasters were numerous this year, coupled with some mindless trivia about celebrities and movie stars. Why? Because bad news and gossip sells. It is what most people like to hear and it is what most people like to fear. Scientific studies have shown that people prefer bad news in the media. They find it more interesting, respond to it more often and remember it much longer. They also pass the news on to others at a much faster rate. I guess it is in our nature, because knowing the bad news before everyone else might just give us a better shot at survival. Continue reading

Puppets On The Strings Of Destiny

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere is only one way to judge the quality of any psychic reading. The moment you finish your conversation with the reader, you should feel ready to make a choice, prepare for a decision… or at least take some sort of action. You should also have a basic idea or plan outlined for the way forward.

A good psychic reading will leave you feeling inspired, informed, enlightened and ready to take a step forward in your life, for better or worse. But, sadly, this is not always what people want from their psychic readings.

Do you believe that your life path is entirely pre-destined? Some people do. They prefer to see themselves as helpless puppets on a string, hanging around, while fate takes its course. For them the future is firmly carved in stone. Their destiny is pre-determined and their life path non-negotiable. The writing is on the wall. Period.

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Dreams Saved My Family On 9/11

Visit PsychicAccess.comIn my younger years I never thought dreams were a part being of psychic, even though my mother and older brother were also gifted.

There were many things my mother would tell me about her dreams and what she thought they meant, but I never really thought that dreams would make a big impact in my life.

But, the more I investigated dreaming I found out some interesting facts.

For as long as we have been able to talk about our dreams, we have been fascinated with them and have strived to understand them. Dream interpretation dates back to 3000-4000 BC; they were documented on clay tablets.

Maybe God uses dreams as a road map to direct us on the road that we are travelling, to help us overcome the fork in the road and the obstacles that we face in life? Continue reading

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