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Star Children

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comStar children are very old souls who have returned to this planet to assist humanity during these challenging times. They are spiritually evolved and therefore wise beyond their years. Star Children is the umbrella term used to describe Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children, as well as adults. Star Children are also known as ‘Starseeds’ or the ‘New Children.’

Star children are typically able to communicate with loved ones on the Other Side, and they are constantly in communication with their spirit guides. They can often be heard talking to someone ‘invisible’ while they are playing alone in their crib or room.

They often remember past lives and speak openly about them. Most star children have also lived in other dimensions or realms of existence. They may have left Earth’s reincarnation cycle for a long time and have now returned to help save this planet.

Star children are unusually compassionate. They are very connected to animals and Mother Nature. They become especially upset about anything mankind does that is harmful to the planet. They have a deep connection, perhaps even an obsession with animals. They are usually empaths and highly sensitive, and they should be allowed to express their emotions freely, and as much as they wish.

They are usually not competitive, as they have a view of unity and oneness and have evolved beyond rivalry and competition. They are generous and tend not to be interested in material possessions.

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Know More About Your Zodiac Sign

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHere are some fun facts about the different astrological signs of the zodiac. Find your sign and learn more!

Aries – The Ram (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Mars. Impetuous, hardworking and action-oriented, Aries are the first ones on the scene when it comes to adventure, daring to go where angels fear to tread. They are creative and love new endeavors, often having two or three projects going at the same time. However, because they bore easily, they don’t always finish what they start. Aries are loyal, confident, determined and forthright. They can also be rash, stubborn and impatient.

With an Aries, what you see is what you get. They are unpretentious and open. They are generally athletic and love to walk, run and hike. Like their symbol the ram, they are not afraid to hurdle steep mountains on their climb to success. They exude radiance, vitality and generally enjoy good health. Because Aries rules the head, this sign needs to watch for stress headaches, fevers, ear or eye troubles.

ELEMENT: Fire, Masculine
THEMES: Business, enterprise, spiritual awakenings
PASSIONS: Fast cars, travel, exploring
FRENEMIES: Cancer, Capricorn
HOT CHEMISTRY: Scorpio, Aquarius
TRUE LOVE: Gemini, Libra
FLOWER: Honeysuckle

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Going Beyond Your Sun Sign

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I began studying Astrology, I only focused on the Sun signs, or birth signs, without acknowledging all the other planetary influences that are equally important in person’s chart. An astrological natal chart reflects the planetary alignment at the exact time we are born into the world, which makes us all incredibly unique.

If you want to understand a relationship dynamic or yourself in-depth, a professional astrologer can break down the strengths and challenges of the situation using astrological data. There are also free resources online that can generate a basic astrology report which summarizes each planetary aspect for you.

The planets that fall within each astrological chart and their meaning are as follows:

1. The sun is who you show to the world.

2. The moon is your heart and emotions.

3. Your rising or ascendant sign is how you look.

4. Mercury is your communication and how you think.

5. Venus is how you love and show affection.

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Interplanetary Beings

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people say we are naive to believe that we are the only intelligent species in the Universe. There are now even declassified government documents that relate to UFO’s, the United States Air Force facility known as Area 51, as well as possible extraterrestrial activity. Sightings continue around the world and Hollywood has created many a blockbuster movie in this genre, including War of the Worlds, ET, Star Trek, Star Wars and Avatar, to name just a few.

Those films all deal with one form of interplanetary being: entities travelling through the Universe. The other type of interplanetary being that Hollywood and conspiracy theorists rarely focus on, are those interplanetary beings whose soul contract is to incarnate in this world and further humanity. This is apparently done through their higher functional skills and technology, and their desire to support our soul’s evolution. These interplanetary beings are spiritually more evolved and connected to higher vibration frequencies.

There is a premise that for the rest of us earthbound souls, this Earth reality is our school of education. We are here to fulfill our karma (missteps of our path) or dharma (behaviors synchronized with the Universe) and we return here to evolve. Being earthbound does not mean that we are stuck, just that our future lives are part of our Earth karmic evolution.

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Destiny In Your Hands – The Art Of Palmistry

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is sometimes said that our destiny lies in our own hands. Well, it is true. Literally. With the ancient art of palmistry we can learn deeper truths about ourselves and, yes, even our destiny.

Palmistry, also known as Chiromancy, is the divination of meaning by reading hands. Someone new to this field may think that palmistry is only about the lines on the palm of the hand. However, the size and length of the fingers themselves, fingernails, and the ratio of the digits, all also hold deeper meaning.

Each of us has a dominant hand. The aspects of this hand usually represent the part of ourselves we project to the world, much like our Sun sign in Astrology. The less dominant hand represents our more hidden aspects and desires, which corresponds to our Moon sign. It’s therefore best to examine your dominant hand for an accurate reading.

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Learning To Pray With Archangel Selaphiel

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comArchangel Selaphiel, also known as Zerachiel, is a motivating and compassionate angel who assists us in the very act of praying. In fact, his name actually means “one who prays to God” or “the prayer of God”.  He teaches us the importance of prayer, because it helps us to vent our feelings appropriately to God.

Furthermore, Selaphiel can assist us in the process of prayer by helping to block out any unnecessary distractions, so that we can fully concentrate on our prayers, and most importantly, recognize what the Almighty has to say when he answers.

Selaphiel’s angelic duties do not stop there. In Astrology he is referred to as “The Angel of The Sun”, since he works in conjunction with Archangel Jehudiel to control all planetary movements. He is also believed to assist people in the interpretation and understanding of their dreams, as well as help those who struggle with addiction. He also protects the younger generation, and is both the overseer of earthly exorcisms and the ruler of heavenly music.

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Aftermath Of A Six Planet Retrograde

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comWe recently came out of a six planet retrograde. So, if you feel like you have been enduring a very challenging time… a time warp, a bad movie or a nightmare… you are not alone! We are still coming out of the affects form this whirlwind, dizzying dance of the planets.

You may have felt sluggishness, at the very least. You may have felt an inability to get traction. All of your technology may have gone haywire, way more than it has with just Mercury in retrograde.

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto were all in retrograde from June 26, 2018 and July 10th, 2018. Jupiter turned direct July 10th, leaving four planets retrograde. On July 26, 2018, Mercury reversed and we were back to five planets retrograde. August 7, 2018, Uranus turned retrograde and at that point we had six planets in retrograde, seven if you want to count, Chiron. The planets started turning direct again with Mercury, on August 19th.

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