Will A Time Machine Change Our Perspectives Forever?
A well-known television news show recently featured an astrophysicist talking about a project she was working on to turn back time and venture into the past. I was fascinated, but somewhat skeptical as to the potential success of such a mission.
She went on to explain that although we are currently experiencing the present moment, we are continuing to also look back into the past, while being in the present.
How does this work in our everyday reality? Imagine looking up at the sun. It takes as much as eight minutes for the sunlight to reach us, which means we are actually looking into the past.
The same applies when we are gazing up at the stars at night. Depending on a star’s location it can take starlight anything from four years to as much as fifteen billion years to reach Earth! So, once again we are in fact looking into the past.
I must admit it took me some time to wrap my head around this. However, once the concept made sense, I was able to grasp onto the meaning of all this.
She has been working diligently as part of a team for a number of years on a ‘time travel machine,’ for lack of a better term, that might have the capability of traveling so far back into the past, their hope is it could reach the exact time when the planet came into being! The time machine is set to stay in space for at least five years and hopefully reach a ten year time span.
Not only would its success afford humanity the privilege to see as far back as the beginning of time, but the machine also has the capability to go to other planets and determine whether there is for example, water, air, and any life forms existing on those planets.
Last Quarter Mars Transit Report 2021
The red planet, fiery Mars, rules war, agriculture, competition, defense, our passions, and how we react. The positive side of Mars is bright, energetic, and driven, while the more negative aspects indicate aggression, impulsiveness, and bullying.
Astrologically, Mars cycles through each sign every six weeks unless it’s in retrograde motion where it can stay for a longer period of time. For the rest of 2021, Mars will enter the signs of Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.
Earlier this month, on September 14th, Mars moved into Libra which is now highlighting our relationships and social connections of all kinds. There is now a desire to create balance and compromise where there has been lingering conflicts and unresolved issues.
Until Mars transits from Libra into Scorpio at the end of next month, a more passive approach is recommended and think twice before making a decision. Being methodical and strategic in a step-by-step fashion will be the best route to take.
On October 30th, Mars changes signs and moves into the watery sign of Scorpio, where the energy becomes more intense and emotional. We will want to experience life on a deeper level, know the truth , and feel more drawn to things that stimulates our senses. People tend to be more dramatic or calculating under the Mars in Scorpio influence. It’s best to avoid any situations that could trigger you or have you wanting to seek revenge.
Lastly, on December 13th, Mars goes into Sagittarius where things can get more exciting and unpredictable. Mars is typically compatible with fire signs, so it feels at home in Sagittarius. We will be craving more adventure and spontaneity towards the end of the year, and some of us may be more prone to impatience.
Astrology Forecast August 23 – 29, 2021
Today’s Pisces Moon will make it easier to see the spiritual side and higher purpose to all we do and encounter in this life. Be careful however to not overreact or withdraw too much from the world today, as the Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces can make us more hypersensitive than usual.
Once the Moon moves into Aries tomorrow, we’ll have more drive and energy to get things done! This will be a great time to start new projects and take in very challenging tasks.
Thanks to the newly ensconced Virgo Sun today, all we essentially have to do is simply think something, and we can manifest it. Since Virgo rules health and technology, it is good idea to take action now to schedule that overdue medical checkup, as well update apps and clear out old files on your computer or smartphone. The time of Virgo is about taking care of business, and catching up on the procrastinated things you’ve been moving from list to list over the last two months!
The Moon will move into Taurus on Friday and continue the trend of getting things in order, especially on Saturday, when we’ll find it’s time to clear out the garage, clean up the garden, or make that household repair we’ve been putting off. It will also be best to stay busy at home doing something constructive, as the Taurus Moon square Jupiter in Aquarius could lead to reckless spending and love relationship issues. Doing useful chores might be the wise option.
Luckily, Sunday is a relaxed energy day, as Mercury moves into Libra and the Moon dances into Gemini. It is a day made for socializing, creative pursuits, or just being a shameless couch potato! Enjoy.
Astrology Forecast August 16 – 22, 2021
A sense of peace and balance emerges in the heavens this week, as Venus, Mercury, the Sun, and Neptune all travel through their home signs generating the message that all is right with the world.
The week starts off on a lighter note under today and tomorrow’s Sagittarius Moon. However, focus on staying centered an grounded today as a Sagittarius Moon square Mars in Virgo may cause to be unusually agitated or impulsive, and there is also the possibility of getting into an unwanted argument with your significant other. Do not take the bait and keep your cool!
When the Moon moves into Capricorn on Wednesday, our productive sides will emerge and have us making up for lost time before the weekend arrives.
Uranus will be slowing to go retrograde on Thursday, but its effects will be so subtle we may not even notice. This planet will travel backward for the net five months, not resuming forward motion until mid-January of next year. This energy gives us the chance to go back and do things differently, revise our plans and ideas, and to realize the bigger picture Spirit is painting for us.
Friday and Saturday the Moon will travel through Aquarius, bringing out our social and humanitarian sides. This is a great time to reach out to friends and family to see how they are doing and make sure they have everything they need.
Two major events occur on Sunday, starting with the second Aquarius Full Moon of the year (the last one was in July), followed by the Sun’s entry into Virgo. A Virgo Sun helps us prepare to move into a new season, as it inspires us to organize, recommit to a schedule and pay closer attention to the details of our lives. For the next four weeks, we’ll find ourselves drawn to a more orderly and balanced way of living, and as we take stock of the things we are preparing to harvest after a long season, our gratitude levels and sense of accomplishment will become apparent.
Astrology Forecast August 9 – 15, 2021
You may feel overwhelmed or take on too much today and tomorrow, as the Moon moves through expansive Virgo. Remember to pace yourself and where possible, delegate!
Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces could create some awkwardness in our relationships and romantic lives today. Former sexual inhibitions or shyness may resurface, or unfilled erotic desires may emerge that could lead to uncharacteristic behavior and unwise sexual choices. Avoid the temptation to stray from a committed relationship today, as it may not end well.
Tomorrow’s Mercury in Leo opposition to Jupiter in Aquarius may cause conflict in discussions about religion and politics. We may also be prone to talk to much and even reveal confidential information that is not ours to disclose. So, tomorrow it may be best to keep our opinions to ourselves, stay out of the office gossip, and say as little as possible, despite our burning curiosity.
The Libra Moon will fortunately lighten the mood for the second half of the week, allowing us to flow with more realistic and achievable goals. That will be punctuated by Mercury’s move into Virgo – it’s ruling sign. It is the perfect time to brainstorm, map out a plan of action, or gather missing details for future projects.
Mercury in Virgo has a way of bringing forgotten ideas to the surface, so we may experience an ‘aha moment’ later this week, as we recall important obligations that have fallen to the back burner. We may also think of friends we’ve lost touch with (social media could reconnect us) and go in search of lost items or paperwork.
A Scorpio Moon this weekend will inspire us to dive deeper into neglected creative or spiritual pursuits. And with Venus moving into its ruling sign of Libra, romance or the search for true love could also prove a fruitful endeavor on Sunday.
Astrology Forecast August 2 – 8, 2021
This week will produce more talk than action as it kicks off under a socially-oriented Gemini Moon. Sharing ideas, spouting opinions, and a higher than usual volume of Google searches and YouTube watching will the themes for today and tomorrow, as we strive to learn something new or get our ideas confirmed.
The Leo Sun opposition with Saturn in Aquarius may cause professional problems today. If you feel unsure about a work or business decision be careful not to overreact with fake confidence. If you need advice, reach out to your dad or mentor, or a father-figure in you life.
Tomorrow will be a good time to ask someone on a date or reach out to a current love interest, as Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus will get us in the mood for love and romance.
We’ll be operating in slow motion as the Moon dances through Cancer Wednesday through Friday, where the most we’ll be able to accomplish might be a good house cleaning or redecorating project. We’ll need to focus on balance, as a tendency to people-please or give away something we need may tend to prevail.
So, to use this energy more wisely, it’s a great time to give to yourself and to go with the flow, rather than worrying about what you ‘should be doing,’ or how to get to chores and obligations. There will be plenty of time for that when the Moon moves into Leo on Saturday and revives our energy and focus.
Sunday’s Leo New Moon promises that we’re ready to move into new ventures, projects, and cycles of attainment over the next two weeks, so get ready to rock and roll.
Astrology Forecast July 26 – August 1, 2021
If you are single, you can probably take things easy today, as the Pisces Moon calls us to reflect, remember and relax. However, the Moon’s opposition to Venus in Virgo may give rise to intense emotion and frustrated passion that may leave the rest of us feeling restless or discontented in our long-term relationships and marriages. Problems may be forthcoming with partners that can upset our domestic bliss.
Mercury will enter Leo tomorrow, urging our hearts and minds forge ahead into new enterprises over the next few weeks as it energizes and inspires us! The Pisces Moon sextile with Uranus in Taurus will further increase our ability to focus our attention and be more persuasive and determined in our dealings with others.
Things heat up even more Wednesday through Thursday as the Moon marches through Aries and Jupiter, that has gone retrograde since June 20, now backtracks into Aquarius. This can generate a sense of rebellion or frustration, and we’ll need to be careful when anger or aggressiveness rises up. Maintaining composure is of utmost importance until this energy passes.
Luckily, Mars will move into Virgo late Thursday and restore a sense of grounding and decorum to our words and actions. Once Mars, the planet of action, gets settled in Virgo, we’ll have two months of organized and detailed focus, which will give us the power to manifest on a high level.
The ideal aspect of an Aries Moon sextile Jupiter in Aquarius will end the work week on a perfect, optimistic note with financial and social success, and high spirits. With the Moon moving through Taurus over the weekend, we are likely to fill the weekend with productive movement and fun-filled activities. Just try to maintain a good balance: getting your chores done before running out to play is always a good idea.