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mediumship reading

A Healing Message From The Afterlife

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have just finished a mediumship reading for a client and I am feeling rather drained, but very satisfied. I had to connect with her deceased grandfather, who had passed suddenly in his sleep. Her grandma also passed a year earlier, around the same time.

She knew that he would go not too long after Grandma, as they lived together for 60 plus years. They married very young and had a busy family life, after having all five their children within the first decade of marriage.

She asked me to see if he had any messages for her, and he certainly did. He said that she needed to take better care of herself and that if she didn’t she might end up with diabetes. Grandpa wanted her to know how important it was for her to take care of herself. He said it was so important because her four little kids need her to be around for a long time. Continue reading

Always Keep An Open Mind

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery psychic has told a client something that has made the client doubt the psychic’s ability, and perhaps even sanity. I remember predicting that a high school friend was going to lose something valuable to him, and shortly after he would get into a car accident. I told him I knew he wasn’t using a seat belt and the loss of the something valuable would be the universe’s warning to start doing so. He looked at me like I was crazy.

A few months later he told me he lost his wallet, and he remembered what I said and it scared him enough to start using his seat belt. A few days later he and friend went over a cliff in his car. The police officer told him that he would have died, had he not been wearing his seat belt. Continue reading

Signs From The Spirit World

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I have passed on endless messages of reassurance to my customers from their loved ones on the other side. The focus in most mediumship readings is typically on reassuring those left behind, on this side of the veil, that their deceased loved ones are actually very much alive and doing well. The dearly departed often let us know that they are unencumbered by any discomfort of a physical or emotional nature they may have experienced prior to their crossing.

Yesterday, I did a reading for a customer who received a profound message from her father. It made me think how I had not really been feeling my own father’s presence recently. That is, not since the final group gathering of my psychic development circle over two years ago, prior to my move to Spain. In that final group session, my dad communicated how I had been talking to his photo that very morning, just a few hours earlier. I blushed as the rest of the group laughed at my embarrassment. Spirit loves laughter, and that was so typical of my dad to come through with funny comments during our psychic circle. Continue reading

Automatic Spirit Writing

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany mediums and psychics make us of some form of automatic writing or psychography. Automatic writing is a form of channeling that helps psychics, mediums and healers to step outside of themselves and disconnect from their own feeling and thinking patterns, and receive spiritual messages.

I believe that all great works of music, complete books, and other forms of art, are all inspired by spirit in a similar way. Yes, not only do we receive answers to pressing questions, or receive spiritual insights through some form of channeling, but also significant art works, or even poetry come to us in this way.

Originally automatic writing was done using a planchette with a pencil and two wheels. The text a planchette produces can be tricky to decipher, and so a pen or pencil and paper became the preferred method. Spiritual practice always seems to keep up with technology and these days spirit writing using a computer keyboard has become equally popular! Continue reading

It Is Well With My Soul, Says Prince

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn my career I have done the odd emergency psychic reading at 3am in the morning for a celebrity, or two. However, I never divulge the details of conversations, interactions or communications I have had with celebrities or prominent public figures.

I think being an ethical, professional psychic, and a good friend, involves being discreet and reliable – that is after all how trust is built. I personally know how important privacy is for one’s peace of mind, and I therefore honor other people’s privacy too.

Yes, I am a spiritual advisor, counselor and psychic reader, but mostly I am a friend. The best way to have a friend is to be one, and to be a true friend involves respect and trust. Whether they’re famous, or not, what I share with my clients remains confidential. Continue reading

No Birth Date Needed, I’m Psychic!

Get a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen I do psychic readings by phone, clients sometimes ask if they should give me their birth date. But I don’t need to know their birthday to know anything about them, because I am able to uncover information using my psychic abilities.

Firstly, I often ‘feel energy’ moments before my client even calls. I begin to sense how they may be feeling seconds before the phone rings. I am clairsentient (empathic) and I feel negative or positive energy around people. I have an ability to sense if the person has toxic people around them, who are energetically draining them. I can feel what is hindering them. I would then share ways how they can get rid of any dis-ease, or toxic and energetically draining energy from their lives. Continue reading

Spirit Signs From The Other Side

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSome of the questions mediums are frequently asked are: How will I know when my loved ones are around me? How do I know if my loved ones are okay? Are my pets okay? Where do people, or pets, go when they cross over?

These are all very good questions and each psychic medium usually offer answers based on whatever the spirit world communicates to them individually.

Everything is energy. We are all energy, pure energy. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change form. Therefore, we never die; there is no death. When we no longer need the body, our energy merely takes on a new form. What some like to call Heaven or the Hereafter is just energy in a different form. Continue reading

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