Shamanic Healing For Chronic Illness
When treating chronic illnesses, such as depression or pain, we too often look only at the symptoms, and not the root cause. The fact is, most if not all of these conditions have at their foundation some form of loss: the loss of sensation, loss of control, or the fear of loss. For this reason shamanic medicine can be quite effective as a form of treatment.
Shamanism, the connection between the physical world and the spirit realms, is all about connections. As we look closer at chronic illness, we find that much of it is caused by a lack of connection: to our authentic selves, to our spirit guides, to nature, and to our intuition. This is whey shamanic healing can be of great value.
For thousands of years, before the emergence of modern medical practices, shamans were the healers and diviners of the community. Fortunately, their practice is as strong today as it was then.
A trained shaman is able to determine which type of healing we may need: soul loss or retrieval (often through past-life work), spiritual retrieval (a power animal, angel, or other spirit guide), or reconnection to the earth and spiritual realms. There are shamans with different specialties, just as we have physicians with different areas of practice. Continue reading
The Truth About Dragons
Dragons are often relegated to the realm of myth, but in my experience the energy of these beings can serve as an ally in our everyday life. Dragons in the western tradition tend to have a bad rap. For example, in some Judeo-Christian theology, the dragon is considered a symbol . When I first encountered this type of being in my own life I was taken aback. My roots stem from the Judeo-Christian tradition and much of my training and personal evolution stems from this background.
In eastern cultures, dragons are looked upon in much the same way westerners consider angels. These beings bring with them blessings, help, and unique power to facilitate change. Dragons are also represented in the Biblical tradition as well, but they have a different name.
Several years ago, I had my first encounter with a dragon-like being. When I saw it I heard the word seraph, even though at the time I had little familiarity with the term. I looked up the term and the literal meaning of the word is, ‘flaming serpent.’
In my experience, the creature looked exactly like the traditional conceptualization of a dragon, with a few minor differences. I realized after this first encounter I had interacted with a seraph – one of the classes of angels. Continue reading
Take This Full Moon To Heart
Another full moon is upon us today. Every full moon has a pull on your energy, and it can be a positive pull or a negative pull. Full moons simply enhance the emotions you are having at the time. If you are in a ‘funk,’ it is going to make it feel as if your world is falling apart. If you are in a good space, it will make things seem much brighter.
It is important to be more self-aware during a full moon. What is your mood at this time? Where are you emotionally? Are you following a good path for your highest good, or are you sitting in sadness?
Your emotions are so important and if you wish to change the direction that you are being pulled, you have to change the inner you. You have to look in the mirror and say, “There is one amazing soul looking back at me and I am ready to embrace her with unconditional love.” Continue reading
Changed Life Is A Mission Accomplished
From time to time a client will ask me how I manage to stay focused when people so frequently seek the same advice over and over. “I don’t know how you put up with me,” they might say.
Well, in all honestly, I don’t feel I am ‘putting up’ with them at all. On the contrary, I feel honored that they feel safe enough to share their concerns with me. If it’s important to them… then it’s important.
What does concern me, however, is that I will be able to offer them some helpful direction and healing during a time which must feel to them like they are in a dark pit of hopelessness, or that the rug has been pulled from under them. They are often in shock over an incident, usually connected to a relationship or a career. But there always is an answer, or a solution. Continue reading