The Wisdom Of Forgiveness With Healthy Boundaries
We all have experienced the unease of feeling unable to forgive someone who has wronged us in some way. Sometimes it is really hard to let go of the way someone has gossiped about us, for example. It is difficult to understand why some people have the need to act the way they do, especially when these people are directly or indirectly related to us. Some families just split up and have nothing more to do with each other, because of this lack of forgiveness.
I was meditating on this one night before bed, and asked the Great Spirit to give me deeper insight and understanding on forgiveness. I had consciously made the healing decision for myself, that I will no longer share and keep space open for those who continue to do the same things to me, over and over, because it is unhealthy for me. But, I still felt the need to forgive. And I needed insight on how to do this.
Lost In A Dream
Even if we don’t always recall our dreams, we do have them every night. These are encoded messages from the most honored area, the higher self. There is no negative impact connected to this particular source of information. It is simply an individual guidance system that can help lead us into successful areas, or steer us away from potential danger zones. Once we acknowledge that we react from our thoughts and emotions, and understand what the end results are, we are then able to assist our own motives and create a change in the course we have set out for ourselves.
Dream interpreters can potentially evaluate, analyze and understand what all the signs, symbols, colors, and so on, may mean for us, pertaining to how we are conducting our daily lives. Dreams can hold a wealth of any type of information.
Dream Postcards From The Other Side
Recently, I had the most intense dreams and they were connected to a friend of mine who lives five thousand miles away across the globe. The dreams were random. I hadn’t been thinking of her prior to going to sleep, nor of her deceased loved ones, whom I had never met, or had only met a couple of times.
I once read an article that suggested such dreams are ‘asking for something’ and that there is a request in there somewhere for the dreamer to do something, or deliver something.
Quite frankly, I have passed on a few spirit messages to this particular friend over the years, and I always seem to do so with a little trepidation. Although it was never said, I always felt she possibly thought of me as being odd… and not very bright. The problem is, when I refrain from passing on any kind of message, a nagging sensation will haunt me until I deliver. So I did. Continue reading →
Reuniting With My Psychic Soul Sister
It is so very cool what miracles can happen when we take the time to relax and become aware of our surroundings, and our psychic antenna is open to connect with those who are on the same frequency.
I was at the beach over the summer, sitting on my beach towel in a deeply blissful, meditative state of mind. I had my umbrella set up, and a cooler with some water and healthy snacks – totally prepared for a relaxing day of doing absolutely nothing!
I took some deep breaths and looked out over the horizon, and focused on the waves. I was allowing whatever personal spiritual messages might come to my awareness. I was very much connected to what spirit was wanting me to know. Whatever is meant to happen will happen, but only in Divine Timing. We can never force anything, but all good things do indeed come to those who relax and allow the ebb and flow to reveal everything in perfect timing.
How To Interpret Your Dreams
I have always found dreams to be most fascinating. Interestingly, my guides have taught me that there are, in fact, three types of dreams.
Many dreams are just a result of some of the mundane information we take in on a daily basis. These are usually the kind of dreams which make no sense at all.
Some dreams are simply reflective of both our fears and desires. For example, swimming close to sharks would be an obvious fear for most people, whereas winning the lottery is what a lot of folks would love to happen. Continue reading →
A Red Rose From The Other Side
A dear client has been having wonderful dreams for many months now of her husband who died in an automobile accident. He was working nights, and on his way home early in the morning hours he fell asleep at the wheel. His car missed the curve and smashed into a tree. He had probably been there for several hours, before day light and someone found him. When emergency medical arrived they concluded that he had died instantly, on impact.
Four days after he passed they would have celebrated her 53rd birthday and they were planning a trip to Florida in the fall, as they both had been working very hard and needed vacation. She always received roses from him on Valentine’s Day, as well as on their Anniversary and special holidays. Sometimes he simply gave her roses just to say, “I love you.” Continue reading →
Dream Symbols
Our dreams have been a source of fascination since the beginning of time. Clients sometimes ask me to help them interpret a dream that’s intrigued them, or which has been of great concern to them. I feel that the best people to interpret dreams are the dreamers themselves, but I will always give my take or feeling on the deeper meaning of the dream, and suggest they take my version on board only if it truly resonates for them.
Many cultures see dreams as life lessons, as a means for our ancestors or loved ones in spirit to connect with, and to communicate with us. Amongst those cultures, much emphasis is placed on dreams as a means of prophecy. Often these dreams are meant to guide us or to warn us of impending danger, but sometimes they are meant to just to show us that we are indeed loved by those in the spirit world. Continue reading →
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