Mind Your Mindfulness!
“Mindfulness” is a spiritual concept that has been thrown around a lot these days, but how many of us truly know what it really means? Let’s take a closer look.
Mindfulness basically refers to being fully aware, moment-to-moment, of our subjective conscious experience. But if we look at the components of the word itself, it might actually mean “making our mind full.” This in itself is a strange idea: because it is believed that most of us use only a portion of our mental power, how can we possibly employ it to its full potential?
To be mindful begins with becoming more aware of ourselves, our bodies, our surroundings. One of the reasons it is so difficult to grasp in our modern world is that we’re bombarded with sensory input. Think about the last time you went to the grocery store, or the mall. It’s difficult to concentrate, and that’s on top of all the incoming information on our smart phones and tablets! Continue reading
Fulfilling Your Soul’s Calling
A very close friend often said to me, “You are so lucky doing the work you love. I just do what I do as a means to an end, but I certainly don’t share the passion that you have for your work.”
Although I always knew working with spirit, in order to help people find direction, was what I desired to do on a full-time basis, I wasn’t always in a position to do so. Not to mention, to be able to do the work I love from home, surrounded by my menagerie of dogs and cats. I am so grateful to be able to now fulfill my life purpose.
It also dawned on me today that doing what I love to do has also enabled me to focus on my other passion, which is promoting and networking for animal rescue. Although, I am not yet in a place where I can physically go out and put in the physical work aiding rescue animals, I am able to spend time networking online on behalf of rescue centers internationally. I contribute by promoting these projects on social media whenever possible, and by donating to animal organizations I feel are legitimate. Continue reading
It’s Good To Get A Second Opinion!
I can’t speak for other psychic readers, or what they may do when it comes to this practice, but I personally encourage my clients to get a reading from a fresh set of eyes – someone with a new perspective on their situation that I may not be seeing. Want to see another reader? By all means!
Do we as readers get too close to our closest clientele? Can this affect our readings? I’d like not to think so. In some client cases I know both parties involved, I may even have done counseling for them. I’d like to think I keep a very objective outlook and that I’m able to see past any emotions and any triggers that may come up in the process of a psychic reading or counseling session. Continue reading
Creating Your Own Psychic Development Group
More and more spiritual seekers seem to be interested in joining forces with like-minded people these days. Some of my clients have expressed their interest in being part of a psychic development group, but they actually don’t know where to begin looking for such a gathering of souls.
The people I speak to come from all over the world, and so, it’s not that straightforward to recommend institutions or classes known to me. So, my suggestion is often, if you can’t find a suitable group in your area, why not start your own? A good way to start is with a few people and meet on a regular basis. Here you will be able to share your gifts and interests. Continue reading
Sometimes Less Is More
In all the years I’ve been doing psychic readings the one question I am asked the most has always been: “What do you see and how do you know what message to relay to the client?”
Is it possible to give too much information to someone, and can it color the way an individual goes through their everyday life if you do? I believe so.
I can think of many readings where information came through that, had I told the person everything, would have only served to give them angst and grief. Had I relayed certain information, their life would not have been allowed to take its natural course. Lessons would not have been learned.
For example, one of my clients was going through a long drawn out, and very bitter, divorce that had sapped nearly all her strength and much of her faith. Her soon-to-be-ex husband had her believing that he was next to God – that he knew everything and she could not exist without him. Continue reading
Be Brave My Fellow Indigo
A zealous pastor once pointed at me in front of a congregation of churchgoers and said, “You, young man, will someday go into the darkest of places and bring many souls to the Light.” At the time I did not realize that I would first have to drag myself through a dark night of the soul, before his prophecy would finally become manifest and I would be of any real use to anyone else.
As ethereal and cool as his words may have sounded at the time, the actual journey itself was certainly not a glamorous affair! Yet, I still consider myself to be one of the lucky ones.
I have been asked why my first book, Divine Living, was dedicated to “those Indigo Souls of my generation who may have lost their way.” As a formerly lost, unconscious Lightworker, and one of the seemingly misplaced New Children, it was simply my hope that my experiences might inspire others of my kind. It was my humble attempt at helping to prevent the tragedy of more of us being unnecessarily lost to humanity and our true life purpose. Continue reading