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It’s Lucky I’m So Tough

Get a free psychic reading right now at PyschicAccess.comIn the area where we live the government has a program called Homeshare. What that means is people like my husband and myself will take in an individual with some type of disability. We are paid to have them come and live with us as part of our family.  After our daughter passed away, we thought we might enrich our lives and help with our grieving by helping out someone else. We did not want to look after children or someone with extreme difficulties, as we are seniors and felt someone of that nature would prove to be too much of a burden for us. Continue reading

Sometimes Less Is More

Visit PsychicAccess.comIn all the years I’ve been doing psychic readings the one question I am asked the most has always been: “What do you see and how do you know what message to relay to the client?”

Is it possible to give too much information to someone, and can it color the way an individual goes through their everyday life if you do? I believe so.

I can think of many readings where information came through that, had I told the person everything, would have only served to give them angst and grief. Had I relayed certain information, their life would not have been allowed to take its natural course. Lessons would not have been learned.

For example, one of my clients was going through a long drawn out, and very bitter, divorce that had sapped nearly all her strength and much of her faith. Her soon-to-be-ex husband had her believing that he was next to God – that he knew everything and she could not exist without him. Continue reading

What If Cows Were Green And Grass Was Orange?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMy father was color blind, and consequently all my brothers and their sons too. Color blindness has it downside, but it also broadened my horizons and taught me at a young age to have a questioning mind. School and education was not a priority in my family and we were welcome to quit anytime we chose. The only stipulation was that we must have a job.

My brother, Roger, like a lot of teens at that time, went to work at the tender age of 15. He got a position with a huge conglomerate in our city of Montreal. The dress code was a typical white shirt, tie and, hopefully, a matching suit. Now with Roger being color blind this became a bit of a dilemma for him. He would have no idea if he was wearing green socks with a red tie and blue suit, or even one orange sock coupled with a purple one!

My sister, Marie and I spent a lot of time with our brother Roger, as well as our other siblings. It was a common practice for the younger ones to spend any amount of time with the older siblings. Because Roger was one of the first ones from home to go off to work, we took an inordinate amount of pride in him and his achievements and were very anxious for him to succeed in life. Continue reading

Preparing For The Change

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYou may be aware by now that there is a major change coming to our planet. We are already experiencing many earthly upsets, but because they sometimes appear distant and far removed from us we do not always make the connection.

Some of us will be alarmed, some will be complacent, while others will do everything in their power to deny all this will take place.

My job, as well as others, is not to convince you of anything except to encourage you to prepare for any change that might seem relevant to you. This could mean many different things.

For example, we have installed water barrels alongside our house, we are placing an airtight cooking stove inside our home. We will also put up a few solar panels. If nothing happens , fine, these items are still of great value to us. Should things go awry even on a small scale we will still be able to function with little fuss. Continue reading

The Reality Of Illusion

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIs illusion a reality? What do I even mean by “the reality of illusion?” I am not sure, so this will be a walk of discovery for both of us.  Definitions of illusion includes concepts like “deception”, “fantasy”, “not real” or “to convey a false or misleading impression.” Reality on the other hand is defined a “the real thing” or “fact”,  “a state or quality of being real” or an “actual thing”.

So the reality of illusion in my mind must mean that behind the smoke and mirrors of illusion there must be a reality base of some sort? Does this further mean that within the illusion of a lie there may be some truth? I think this bears some investigation, some form of discovery, don’t you? Continue reading

Déjà Vu Comes From Alternate Dimensions

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever had the feeling you have been somewhere before, or done something before? We all experience déjà vu from time to time. There are various scientific and spiritual theories for this phenomenon. Personally, I believe the answer can be found in alternate realities.

It is believed by some experts that there are an infinite number of dimensions existing in the same place at the same time. It is further believed that you and I are currently in the third dimension or density. And, it is believed that those other dimensions are on alternate timelines. Some are parallel to our timeline, some are ahead of ours, and some behind us. Some people even believe that for every major decision we make an alternate dimension is created in which we choose differently.

If you are wondering how these dimensions can exist in the same place at the same time, then consider a radio. I can tune in to a 100 different stations on a single radio, by simply changing the channel or frequency. The same holds true for dimensions. They exist on different frequencies. If we raise our frequency enough, we get a glimpse into alternate dimensions. Continue reading

Meeting Your Spirit Guide

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHaving a Spirit Guide who is there to constantly help and support you can be one of the greatest assets available to all of us. If you are already familiar with your guide, I am sure you would assure others how beneficial this can be. It is not difficult to connect with your own Spirit Guide. It takes only a few quiet moments of meditative visualization… and the rest is easy.

The first thing you need to do is to close your eyes and prepare yourself for an enjoyable journey. Picture yourself outside an enclosed garden with one entrance and one exit. The garden is on a raised platform with steps leading up to it, and it contains the most beautiful array of magnificent flowers that you can imagine. Approach the first step up into the garden. As you place your feet on the first step, take a deep breath and then exhale. Now step up to the second step, take a deep breath and exhale. Then step up to the third step, take a deep breath and exhale, until you reach the entrance. Continue reading

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