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Groping In The Dark

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe have one ultimate goal when we come into this existence and that is spiritual growth. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? So, how come most of us seem to be just groping in the dark much of the time? Is it because we are continually being told that we must have a life purpose or soul desire?  One hears ridiculous statements like “that never was supposed to happen” or even worse “he died before his time.” Who decided these things for us?

A friend of mine just shared a situation with me trying to find the meaning behind it all. She and her husband owned a farm selling, raising and growing all manner of organic foods, fully believing this was a calling they were meant to pursue. All was going well, the animals were active and healthy, the crops were coming up abundantly and success certainly appeared to be theirs. This went on for about two years and then everything slowly began to disintegrate. The animals began to have major health issues, the crops were not producing as they should and they were in total jeopardy of losing all that they had aspired to achieve. Continue reading

Hear The Rumbling Of Change

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEverybody who is reasonably aware knows global changes are in the works. Whether they are totally man-made or universally manifested, all we know is that things appear to be changing on our planet. And our future as a species is hanging in the balance.

It is sometimes incomprehensible to me how so many people have so little appreciation and respect for all the wonderful things that have been provided here for us on this plane of existence: all the wholesome food, fresh water, clean air. The only reason it is becoming less abundant and under threat is our greed and disregard.

It appears Mother Nature has had enough of our bad behavior and is desperately trying to let us know she will not be accepting this behavior from us on an ongoing basis. They say the ice caps are beginning to melt, the winds are becoming more forceful and we are bombarded almost daily with all manner of natural disaster. Continue reading

Run Your Body As You Would Your Car

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSupposing you just bought yourself a brand new vehicle – top of the line with all the bells and whistles you could  possibly afford. Chances are you would attempt to keep it in a secure environment out of reach from harmful elements.

You would probably also look forward to washing it with care every weekend; showing it off to your friends as often as possible; and plan all the roads trips you could manage to fit into your schedule.

When you fill your new car up with gas, you would try to get the best fuel available and might even consider special additives, just to ensure that this vehicle is maintained with the most loving care. You would check to make sure you inflated the tires to the manufacturer’s specifications, schedule the oil changes at the appropriate times, and ask the attendant to see if the oil and fuel filters need to be changed. Continue reading

Ways To Identify Your Life Purpose

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAre you struggling to find your own particular niche in this existence? Why did you come here? What is your life purpose? There are a many clues easily available to you if you care to look:

1. Ask at least ten people you know what they think your greatest strength is.

2. Write down all the things you love to do, even if it something bizarre like brushing hair, doing nails, walking the dog. Make yourself come up with at least twenty things you enjoy, then narrow those down to ten, and finally down to five.  This will at least begin to give some insight into your interests and desires.

3. Ask yourself some basic questions like: do you prefer to work indoors or outdoors; if money were no object would you be doing what you are doing now; and do you prefer to work with people, animals or the environment? If you choose people, would that be adults, seniors, children, teenagers, or the general population. Continue reading

Living Under The Mushroom?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAre you living under the mushroom? This is not necessarily a bad thing, depending what your expectations are. In order to live in the Light we must make an effort of some kind to come out from under the mushroom. Nothing much grows in the shadows.

Living in the Light? What does that mean? Does it mean we will no longer gossip about the neighbors, focus less on the negative aspects of life, stop finding fault with others, and never expect bad things to happen to us? Probably not.

What “living in the Light” does mean is that we strive to accept and understand the motives of others, and that we allow some leeway when dealing with faulty human beings, especially considering the fact that we are personally also one of those “faulty souls”. We also choose to expect good things. Continue reading

Oranges Are Adventurous Souls

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOrange soul colors are one of the most notably vibrant. They are exceptional survivors who frequently have huge emotional issues happening in their lives – not just for themselves, but also for close family members.

At the same time, “oranges” are one of the most daring soul colors in existence. They are adventurous spirits who won’t just go on a safari, but will try to get so close to a wild animal that they could count its teeth.

Oranges love to take risks. They can change course abruptly and love to dive into something they may think is important at the moment. They can at times be challenging to live with, as they like to be on the move and do not care for a quiet, normal existence. Oranges are not fond of doing any deep thinking and believe life is to be lived to the fullest. Continue reading

Purples Are Natural Leaders

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPurple is a powerful spiritual color that originates from the authoritative plane. What this means for those individuals who have this as their favorite color is that they tend to operate completely from the authoritative self.

This is not to be mistaken as seeming “bossy;” it stems from an inherent understanding of how things should operate in a successful manner, and usually for the common good. Purple soul colored people are frequently quite intelligent, highly articulate and when in their natural balance they are always in control. Continue reading

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