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A Sign From Apollo At The Delphic Oracle

Would you not do the same if you were going to visit the remains of the legendary sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi, Greece? Well, I did! I humbly requested a simple sign or personal omen from the god of light, truth and prophecy, while I was planning my recent European tour*. I knew for several months before I undertook this odyssey that Apollo would not disappoint, but ultimately I received much more than I had anticipated.

The renowned oracle who communicated Apollo’s messages to the people, and the priests who interpreted them, no longer ply their trade at this once glorious place, but Apollo has certainly not abandoned his remarkable temple. He still answers the call of mortals here, despite the fact that most of us now live in a world devoid of the mystical and the miraculous. Yes, he certainly does. I have proof.

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The Secret Wisdom Of A Dream Journal – Part 2

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have always had very interesting dreams – re-occurring dreams, scary dreams, wonderful dreams, dreams of all kinds. When I was a child I always looked forward to going to sleep, because it was like seeing a fantasy movie while I slept.

I’ve always been curious about dreams and used to wonder if there was something more to them than just random mental wanderings that meant nothing. Today, I am very much aware that they are very meaningful. This is why I believe everyone should keep a dream journal!

It is so very important to record your dreams. You may be thinking that you don’t dream, or that you don’t remember them. Many of my family members have claimed the same thing, so for Christmas I gave them all moonstones and told them to place them under their pillows. Continue reading

Mystic Carli at

From the time she was born she has been gifted with psychic senses and has used her gift to help guide people throughout her life. Her co-workers, friends and family always came to her for advice since she has an amazing capacity to make accurate predictions with her extraordinary psychic ability. She’s had the opportunity to provide her gifted psychic readings to thousands of people over the years, the many friends she’s made keep coming back to her for advice. She is a college graduate with a background in Early Childhood Education and Psychology. Continue reading

Psychic Raymond at

He was raised a Christian and grew up in a very “interesting” house in Columbus, Ohio. At an early age, it became apparent that his home was occupied by more than his immediate family members. When things went bump in the night, Raymond convinced himself that his mind was merely playing tricks. But when the nightly visitors continued to make their presence known, he had to face the reality that ghosts did in fact exist and had taken up residence in his house. Continue reading

Psychic Shani at

As a youngster, Shani thought it normal to see people and pets who “emigrated” to the other side. It was, however, the profound vision of Angels, at age nine, which had the most marked effect upon her. Her search and development into the psychic realm has been ongoing, with her first intense initiation, almost thirty years ago, into the world of African mysticism that involved connecting with the ancestors as part of her training as a Sangoma. She entered into “Twasaship” (training to become a traditional healer) in a remote village on the Mozambique / Natal borders of Southern Africa, in order to qualify as a traditional healer and Sangoma. Continue reading

The Haunted Furniture

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen I met my wife and we started to date, I had a hard time to open up to her to tell her I do psychic readings.

Ironically, there was a psychic lady who lived about four miles down the road who told her she was going to meet someone who lives nearby, that he also does psychic readings and that we were going to get married. She told her several other things too. She said this man you will meet went to the same high school, you have a past work connection with his family and he will one day help your sister in a time of need.

A year after we got married, we discovered that my wife used to work for my cousin Charley and that her brother is the supervisor at the same workplace. So, later that night I called  my cousin and he confirmed all of it for us. Continue reading

No! Thank You!

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI feel like so many of my clients have woken up and really made some amazing progress from the beginning of 2012. I have had so many clients tell me that, because of my advice and readings, their lives have changed dramatically.

When I do a psychic reading I share what comes in – quickly and without hesitation. If I feel someone is not going to get any real soul growth or soul evolution from a relationship or a career that they continue to stay stuck in, where the energy is stagnant and it really is going nowhere, I will definitely share this. I do not sugar coat and I don’t waste people’s time. I want them to have the very best life possible – and want them to have it as quick as possible.

I am a firm believer in not wasting time. I like to be progressive and constantly moving forward, but doing so in a way where you can enjoy every minute. I treat every single psychic reading as if it were a new, fresh client, as the outcome may have changed based on the person I am reading for, or the person they are having me look at for them. A person’s thoughts, words, choices and decisions most certainly may change the outcome or the timeframe I saw previously. Continue reading

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