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Managing Emotions With Jupiter In Scorpio

Click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSo much has transpired since the Summer eclipse season, which brought upon us lots of change and dramatic events.

Many people experienced traumatic situations, or began to question their purpose, which triggered a storm of emotions for some. While some are handling these changes well, it is overwhelming for others, because the energies are currently much more intense, and somewhat imbalanced.

With Jupiter now in Scorpio, for the next year, a lot of stuff will come to the surface on a personal and political level, which may be a little painful, but necessary to help create positive change. Continue reading

When He Disappears Into His Cave

Click the pic for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHe tells you that he loves you, always wants to be with you, and can’t seem to get enough of you. He calls and texts you all the time, and you’re feeling this is it… the perfect relationship! You love the way he makes you feel. He must be ‘the one.’ Then all of a sudden he’s gone…

He is not contacting you anymore. No calls, no texts, no dates, no nothing. What happened? Where did he go? Well he went into his ‘cave.’ That is where men go when they realize they have moved to fast, or when they feel that they are getting too attached.

Men retreat into their cave to take a break and think about what comes next. They will stay in there until they find solutions. The timing always varies for each individual guy. Continue reading

Signs You Might Be Overstressed

Click Here for a Free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlmost all of us are under stress of some kind, whether it’s from work, family life, financial situations, or countless other sources. But how do when we know when it all gets to be too much?

Sadly, we tend to overlook the very real, physical signs our bodies give us, to let us know that the stress is all too much. If you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms, it might be time to take a look at how to reduce stress levels and get your total health on track.

Pain in our bodies is probably the most obvious sign something is wrong, yet it tends to get ignored until it’s almost too late. Aches and pains, stomach issues, muscle tension, and heart palpitations are among the most common. Also, when we’re under stress, our sleep may suffer. Sleep is crucial to a person’s well-being, and if we’re not getting enough sleep (or too much) the entire body suffers as a result. Continue reading

Live. Laugh. Love.

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDo you feel unfulfilled? Stuck in a rut? Try to live, laugh and love a little more… for these are the three L’s of fulfillment.


Firstly, to attain lasting fulfillment it is necessary to actually live your life. This is especially important for anyone who feels stuck in their life or circumstances. I sometimes come across clients that are so bound by their routines that they are unwilling to see a different way.

To have a fulfilling life we must be willing to engage with life in a dynamic way. Take a proactive approach and shedding some of your routines. There are often very simple ways to engage in shifting stagnant routines. It can be as simple as taking the long way to or from work and appreciating the scenery of the new way. Continue reading

Mysteries Of The Moon Phases

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEven the most casual observer knows that the Moon continually changes shape in the sky. This is because its regular orbit of approximately 28 days puts it at different points relative to the Earth and the Sun, making it go through phases.

So why should we care about this? Well, as the nearest celestial object to Earth, the Moon has a special place in Astrology, as well as the psychic realm itself. Our planet, as well as our bodies, consist of over two-thirds water, and therefore the Moon’s gravitational force affects us in different ways at different points in its orbit.

It’s worth noting here that the word lunatic comes from Luna, the Latin for “Moon.” But the Moon doesn’t make us insane, as some ancient stories would have us believe. However, a recent study suggest the Moon phases may affect our sleep patterns, and it has also been shown that the Moon influences the behavior of various animals. Continue reading

Gemini – Two For The Price Of One!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe glyph for those born under a Gemini Sun, between May 21 and June 21, is the Roman numeral for the number 2. The Twins. Like their symbol, Gemini tends to have more than one side to their personality. They may have a public persona, and an entirely different private side seen only by their closest friends and confidantes.

Many Geminis are excellent communicators and love to talk. This comes as no surprise, since their planetary ruler is Mercury, the messenger. Talk to a Gemini, and you’ll be talking to someone who is witty, intelligent, and a quick thinker. Sometimes they may forget to put on a filter, so be prepared for anything that comes out. They’re likely to be found in the middle of any lively conversation or party, and chances are, if you’ve ever met a persuasive salesman, he had Gemini somewhere in his natal chart. Continue reading

Heliotherapy – Let The Sunshine In!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs winter is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere, for many of us it’s also the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as “winter blues” or “winter depression.” Since most of us can’t afford a month-long trip to a tropical island to offset our melancholy, what can we do holistically and naturally to restore ourselves to balance?

Many of us spend our waking hours almost entirely indoors. We wake up when the sun is just rising, work for many hours, and then go home when it is already setting again. This is artificial and unhealthy.

Our ancestors, who were free from our modern lifestyle diseases, never would have experienced it. We need sunlight to grow, to heal, and to thrive, which is why SAD, in these months of diminished sunlight, can be so debilitating.

Make it a priority to get outside and take in the natural light. Without the Vitamin D and other nutrients we need, it’s easy for us to slip into a downward spiral. In addition, natural sunlight has benefits such as lowered blood pressure, a stronger immune system, and improved mood. Continue reading

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