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The Legacy Of Limiting Beliefs

Click Here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSo many people live their life with the beliefs of their ancestors. Others just follow like sheep whatever their spiritual community, or the culture that they grew up in, or now live in.

Some people never question or challenge any of the things they have heard since childhood. Some of these limiting beliefs and ideas have been passed down from generation to generation, and have remained the same for thousands of years. Unless we question some of these outdated beliefs or information, we will stay stuck in limited thinking – always inside the box.

Sometimes we stay stuck thinking or feeling only how our parents of grandparents felt and thought. For example, people whose parents or grandparents lived through a great depression, or have had to endure a scarcity food or heat supply, the primary survival necessities, may feel they have to save everything. What if I will need it someday? I paid so much for it and its too perfectly good to discard. What if, what if.

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Repetitive Numbers – What Do They Mean?

Get a free reading at PsychicAccess.comRepetitive numbers, appearing frequently in your daily life, are often signs from your angels and spirit guides. When they appear to you, it is time to pay attention.

These number sequences can come in many ways, for example on the face of a clock, a television station number, a license plate, a flight or seat number, and so forth. So, pay attention.

Don’t look for the numbers, they will appear to you when needed. When your angels feel it is important for you to receive a particular message, you shall receive it. Take heed of the message and your thoughts, words, or actions at the time the number sequence appears.

The most common number combinations I am asked about in psychic readings include: Continue reading

Lessons From The Wisdom Of Children

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe can learn a lot from children, when we look at things from their perspective. There are five special little ones in my life: three granddaughters and two grandsons, who range in ages from 6 years to 1 month.

Many women in my age group, known as the Baby Boomers, were so busy trying to get a career going, as well as have a family. We thought we could do it all, but we missed many of the little things that our children had to teach us. I was not immune to this.

Now that I have grandchildren in my life, and I have the ability to take the time to see things differently, I have learned many life lessons.

Lesson 1 – Count Your Blessings

This past weekend, I had my two year old granddaughter here for the weekend. She has been diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis and has a variety of medicines that she is taking. I am so sad when I watch this young child suffer needlessly, because of a disease that she should never have had in her life. She can be happy and running one minute, and then stopped in her tracks and unable to get up the next. Continue reading

It’s Not Too Late To Take Spiritual Inventory

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs we finally settle into this year, many of our well-intended new year’s resolutions have already been abandoned. Yet, it is not too late. This is early part of the year is the perfect time for us to still look back, as well as make plans for the future. But where do we begin, especially as it applies to our spiritual and psychic life?

Looking spiritually inward is not quite as simple as cleaning out our closets or drawers. We may have lingering negative influences we’re not even aware of. It’s human nature to want to keep old habits instead of creating newer, healthier ones. So, as we move into the year, it’s more important than ever to make ourselves spiritually healthy. Continue reading

To Find Love… Just Stay In The Groove

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMy husband’s name is Ken and this year is our 50th wedding anniversary. Even after all this time, I still enjoy looking back to see how the Universal Force conspired to bring us together in this lifetime.

I was born on Canada’s East Coast and Ken is from the West Coast. We met each other smack in the middle, in the Province of Manitoba. There is an interesting tale attached to all of this. From the day my father and I first laid eyes on each other,  there was an intense dislike between us from the very beginning. This materialized into a combative position that lasted most of our lives. My father was a violent, sadistic and cruel man, however, luckily for me my siblings were some of the best the Universe had to offer, and this helped offset what we had to endure from him.

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My Mini Miracle

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLast week, a long awaited small miracle happened at my home. For some I guess this happening wouldn’t have been a big deal, but I was over the moon. I have worked non-stop on manifesting this, despite the odds and negative expectations of so called well-meaning people.

Approximately 18 months ago, a stray dog we’ve since named Brutus, began joining us on walks and came to the fence for treats. It was only because of his love for our other dogs that he finally entered onto the property at all. He was terrified of us humans. A subsequent psychic reading I had done on him, by a reputable animal communicator colleague, described how he’d been abused in a small shed as a young pup. Continue reading

You Are Enough

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou are enough. If only, as we grew up, we had heard more such words, even if there was an additional “… and yet strive for more”. The fact is we were raised in a world where competition is prevalent; where our insecurities are often emphasized to us, or used as leverage (intentionally or otherwise); where our personal beliefs about ourselves potentially delays our soul evolution.

As partners in the Universe we say to ourselves, “Everything has a reason, we each have a soul purpose, all is in Divine Order.” Yet, when a tragedy or life shattering moment hits, we are so intimately impacted that we have to dig deep to console ourselves and try to reframe that that tragedy has a Divine purpose, and that you have enough and are enough in that moment. Continue reading

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