The Astrological Significance Of The Pleiades
I recently watched this amazing dance performance in a YouTube video which reminded me of special set of stars, and the power they hold in determining our path through life. The dance, titled Pleiades, was inspired by the grouping of stars by the same name. Not many people know that the Pleiades are actually significant in astrological terms.
Pleiades means “Seven Sisters,” and it refers to a star cluster that exists on the shoulder of Taurus (the bull) located at 00°00′ Gemini. But to understand this blog article you do not need to understand the technical dynamics of the star positioning.
In folk understanding of the Seven Stars this particular grouping of stars is often associated with homosexuality. My personal viewpoint is that they are not associated with being gay, but may very well be a contributing factor to being gay. As far as I am concerned, this particular grouping of stars is more associated with creativity, vision, passion, and often times intuitive understanding. Continue reading
Mudras – Part 1
In Kundalini Yoga, an ancient spiritual healing science, the fingers have deep spiritual meaning that coordinates with Astrology, emotions, body, mind and soul. We use the fingers to create mudras which trigger certain parts of the brain. Mudra is Sanskrit for “mark”, “seal”, or “gesture”. They are 10,000 year old hand gestures that help to heal and empower us.
Mudras can be found everywhere in daily life. Hand gestures are a part of every culture. Just like the spoken and written word, they can be used for positive or negative. Sign language, for example, is a form of mudras. The military uses hand gestures as a symbol of respect. Continue reading
From The Inner Circle At Stonehenge
A radiant dusk was upon us when we reached the top of the concrete staircase. Emerging from below, our trivial conversation abruptly ceased. We were stunned into an instant, breathless, respectful silence. Before us rose the towering magnificence of Stonehenge… graceful and glimmering in the late Summer sunset!
Being so suddenly in the presence of the most famous prehistoric monument in Europe, was the most memorable moment of my entire journey. I had the privilege of being a member of a small private party on a special tour to this magical place. Our visit took place after hours, with special permission from the authorities.
The exclusive access we were granted enabled us to visit Stonehenge at sunset, and later under starlight, after the site was closed to the public. Most importantly, we had the unique privilege to enter into the inner circle, which is not accessible to day visitors. Continue reading
Psychic Moon Goddess at
As a 3rd Generation Psychic, Intuitive and Clairvoyant Healer, she has always been interested in all things metaphysical but first started making ‘connections’ at the tender age of 8 by getting strong intuitive or psychic feelings about things that later came to pass. Most of these “feelings’ were linked to other people in her life – especially loved ones. By the age of 13 she was practicing Tarot frequently for family and friends, this helped her to better hone her skills and fine tune the readings she would give to people she had not met and knew nothing about. Continue reading
The Year Of The Snake
Happy New Year! Today heralds the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Snake. Each year in the Chinese Zodiac New Year’s day falls on a different date, and this year’s date is February 10, 2013.
The Snake Year comes sixth in the cycle of the zodiac and reoccurs every 12th year. This means that you are a Snake if you were born in 1941, 1953, 1965, 1989 or 2001. Ancient Chinese wisdom states that if you have a snake in your house your family will never go hungry, because a snake is said to be sage, wise and a good protector of his or her family’s belongings and home.
The Chinese Zodiac is a lunar-based calendar and the Chinese New Year is sometimes referred to as The Lunar New Year. The cycle flows as follows: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. Continue reading
Thank You
Thank you, dear client, for choosing me to support and guide you during your time of need. Thank you for trusting me and thank you for trusting yourself enough to make that phone call, or click the chat button. Reaching out is the first step towards touching your own soul.
Thank you, Psychic Access, for giving me such a great forum to do my work that I so love to do. Tarot readings, astrology charts, counseling, I am so grateful to be helping others through the dark night of the soul, or celebrating the lightness of their day. I am given that spiritual and professional freedom at Psychic Access. Having worked in this business a very long time, like all the other psychic readers and spiritual advisors on this network, I can truly say it doesn’t get much better than this. Continue reading