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The Last Days Of Mercury Retrograde

click on the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn recent weeks, you might have experienced the chaotic effect Mercury can have on our lives, since it went retrograde on August 12th.

Mercury is the planet of communication and technology. So, when Mercury is in retrograde, everything involving communication and technology tend to go haywire: flight delays; errors with online passwords; taxi drivers showing up at the wrong time and place; people arguing over nonsense; constant traffic jams; computer crashes; drama and gossip at the office; misunderstandings with friends; or text messages delivered to the wrong person (who also happened to be the person the text was about).

Mercury passes the Earth in its orbit three or four times every year. As it makes it rounds, Mercury appears to slow down, stop in its tracks and then spin backwards. This retrograde ‘movement’ lasts a few weeks, until the planet turns direct again and continues to move forward.

The planet Mercury is the planetary ‘messenger,’ the planet ruling all forms of communication and the mind. In retrograde it slows these areas down, effecting us energetically ~ Anna Payne

Mercury Retrograde is not the time to have a deep conversation about your relationship with anyone. It is also not the time to start a new job, buy a house or car, upgrade your computer, or sign any contracts.

The final Mercury Retrograde for 2017 will be from December 3rd  until 23rd.  To protect yourself when the retrograde is approaching, get all you’re your communication and technology affairs in order:

  • Don’t start any important new projects.
  • Get all paperwork filed.
  • Review all your contracts carefully before signing and avoid signing until the retrograde is over, if you can.
  • You may also want to review all your monthly account statements with a fine-toothed comb.
  • Back up all your important data on your phone and computer.
  • Insure, certify and track important mail and packages, because Mercury also rules the postal system.
  • Confirm and reconfirm all appointments, plans and dates.
  • Expect delays if traveling.
  • Have your mechanic service your car and try to arrange back-up transportation, just in case.
  • Slow down with texting and emailing, and carefully read all messages before sending. Make sure you are really communicating with the person you mean to communicate with. Prepare to repeat yourself often.

To avoid these problems, wait until Mercury goes direct to make important decisions. When that happens clearer communication will return and necessary information will be more positively conveyed ~ Larry Schwimmer

You can expect the effects of the current Mercury Retrograde to linger for a few more days, until September 5th when Mercury goes direct again. Meanwhile, breathe, meditate, pray, and think back on the days when we only had a television set, a videocassette recorder and a landline phone to worry about when Mercury went retrograde! Those were the days my friend.

About The Author: Satya

Satya lives in Northern California and is a natural Clairvoyant, Empath, Conduit, teacher, author, animal lover, healer, Reiki Master and an advanced yoga instructor. She has provided valuable psychic assistance to Hollywood stars, athletes, and everyone else in-between. A multi-layered Intuitive, with many unique gifts at her disposal, she can give you a doorway into the past as well as a gateway to a happier future. With her long distance energy work, she provides healing for people and animals too! She instantly spots karmic connections from past lives that directly affect current situations, helping clients to move through them quickly. For accurate solutions on just about any pressing problem, you can find Satya at

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