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Soulmates Make Life Fun!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYour soulmate may not be the most ideal person to marry and settle down with, but they are nevertheless wonderful for you to connect with. Soulmate connections can sometimes be a challenging, but always very inspiring and stimulating experience and, well, they make life fun!

I was doing a Tarot reading for myself the other day and many of the cards represented people I have known in my past. Right away it brought back happy, joyful memories. There were moments when I would laugh out loud remembering some of the silly things we did. Continue reading

Winter May Come, But Spring Will Always Follow

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe delicate African Violets on my window sill are beautiful this season. The window is the best place for them, as each one soaks up the sunlight from the East. The Sun smiles on them this morning.

The key thing with violets that many people don’t realize is that we hurt them the most by over-watering. Water is a good thing for plants, right? Violets, however, are native to the tropics where heat, sun, and a dry atmosphere is more prevalent.

The unique needs of these violets teaches us how to follow our own path. This is the true beauty of nature. See, each of us is different. When we look around us, we can’t follow someone else’s path, or be jealous, or worried that the path they are following is different from our own. Continue reading

Begin By Loving Yourself Unconditionally

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe first person any of us learns to love is ourself. And that’s how it should be, even if many of us forget how to do that somewhere along the way. Yet, how can we expect to show love for anyone else if we do not first love ourselves?

So many of us think of love as an abstract “thing.” Love is not a thing; it’s an action! We need to make it a part of our conscious thought.

Also, we live in a culture which is harsh, judgmental, and narrow-minded, which causes so many of us to stop loving ourselves. Everyone has had a time when he or she felt less than, or imperfect. This becomes a snowball effect where we gradually put ourselves down all the time. But it doesn’t have to be this way, and unconditional love of self is the basis of all healthy relationships. Continue reading

What Did You Give Up For Lent?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYou’re out with your friends on a Friday night and suddenly you notice that one of them has switched from his favorite microbrew beer to lemonade? Is it time for Lent already?

Giving up something for Lent sometimes evokes head-scratching in non-Catholics, but what might seem like just another Catholic eccentricity can actually be a practice with deep spiritual significance.

Lent, the period of 40 days that precedes the celebration of Easter, has its origin in the early days of the Church. This year Lent began on March 5th and it ends on April 17th.

Converts seeking to become Christian, who at that time were mostly adults, spent several years in study and preparation. Under the threat of Roman persecution, becoming a Christian was serious business, so their process of preparation was intensive. Then they went through a final period of “purification and enlightenment” for the 40 days before their baptism at Easter. The rest of the Church began to observe the season of Lent in solidarity with these newest Christians. It became an opportunity for all Christians to recall and renew the commitment of their baptism. Continue reading

Helping A Young Psychic Develop

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA young person with a psychic gift must be recognized early on, and nurtured in their development. If not, they may experience a lot of confusion and even trauma. Their gift must be seen and experienced as a blessing, not a curse.

My niece Rachel was one of the more fortunate. She clearly had a gift from a very tender age. When she was a little girl I would give my brother and sister in-law some time off by babysitting Rachel and her older sister. Every time I would go over to their house to watch the kids, Rachel didn’t want me to read her normal children books. She would grab the family photo album and look specifically at old pictures of deceased family members. She would look at these photos with much interest and talk to the people in them as if they were sitting right in front of her. Continue reading

The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Of Fear

Get your free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently, people have been posing their last question in a reading as: “Is there anything I need to beware, or frightened about in the coming year?”

Sometimes a psychic or spiritual advisor can bring a client additional anguish in their lives by encouraging them to focus on a fearful occurrence which could happen, rather than encouraging the person to be vigilant at particular times or steps they can take to go in a more positive direction.

I recently witnessed a typical example of additional fear being created for a customer when a lady who came to me with her daughter for a private mediumship sitting. The girl’s father committed suicide two weeks before. Although we did manage to get some closure for them from the reading, as well as actual messages from the deceased, they were both still very anxious, because of what their priest had communicated to them almost immediately after the deceased took his life. Continue reading

Embrace Who You Are

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe all came to this planet with our own unique gifts. Just like no one on the planet has the same fingerprint as you, they also do not have the same talent, voice or look. Sure, some may come close, but the entirety of a person, their personality and so on, is completely different from one to the other.

I feel saddened when I see young people copying one another. Why they do this is uncertain to me, however I’m sure they want to fit in or be accepted, and they fear being rejected by their peers. There are also adults who do this. I asked one girl who was mimicking her friend recently, why would you want to be a photo copy of someone else? You’re beautiful and you have a lovely voice, and you are a very talented artist. She looked at me and said: “Oh my goodness, you’re so right!” I told her that each person came to this planet to share their light in their own unique way, no matter what your personal qualities and talents may be. Continue reading

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